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Poll: Bush would lose an election if held this year (1 Viewer)

26 X World Champs

DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2005
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Upper West Side of Manhattan (10024)
Political Leaning
I eagerly await the Republican response to this poll. Please let the CNN bashing begin. The funny thing is that Bush's numbers will continue to get worse, especially on 10-26-05 when members of his inner circle could be indicted, not to mention 2000 Americans now dead in Iraq....Read this my dear friends and smile if you're a Democrat and start making excuses if you're not....Are you going to blame Bill Clinton for this too?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005; Posted: 6:52 p.m. EDT (22:52 GMT)
President Bush would not get re-elected if an election were held this year, according to a CNN poll.

(CNN) -- A majority would vote for a Democrat over President Bush if an election were held this year, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Tuesday.

In the latest poll, 55 percent of the respondents said that they would vote for the Democratic candidate if Bush were again running for the presidency this year.

Thirty-nine percent of those interviewed said they would vote for Bush in the hypothetical election.

The latest poll results, released Tuesday, were based on interviews with 1,008 adults conducted by telephone October 21-23.

In the poll, 42 percent of those interviewed approved of the way the president is handling his job and 55 percent disapproved. In the previous poll, released October 17, 39 percent approved of Bush's job performance -- the lowest number of his presidency -- and 58 percent disapproved.

However, all the numbers are within the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, so it's possible that the public's opinion has not changed at all.

More than half, 57 percent, said they don't agree with the president's views on issues that are important to them, while 41 percent said their views are in alignment with those of Bush on important issues.
Democrats preferred on issues

On separate issues, a majority of those questioned felt the Democrats could do a better job than Republicans at handling health care (59 percent to 30 percent), Social Security (56 percent to 33 percent), gasoline prices (51 percent to 31 percent) and the economy (50 percent to 38 percent).

Forty-six percent also believed Democrats could do better at handling Iraq, while 40 percent said the GOP would do better.

In 2003, 53 percent said Republicans would better handle Iraq and only 29 percent believed the Democrats would do better.
Source & rest of story:


My oh my.....what will happen to the smugness of Republicans if the 2006 elections take away Republican majorities in the Congress?

The numbers are really interesting. Health care, Social Security, Gas prices, the Economy all would be done better by Democrats! Not only that, but it's a clear, clear majority that feels this way.

What did Bob Dylan say? "The times they are a changing." (We Democrats love Bob Dylan).
:rock :donkeyfla :2usflag: :2party:
26 X World Champs said:
2000 Americans now dead in Iraq....Read this my dear friends and smile if you're a Democrat
:rock :donkeyfla :2usflag: :2party:

I have a problem with this type of sentiment.

This part about you/democrats being so happy 2000 of our young men and women are dead stopped me dead right there.
akyron said:
I have a problem with this type of sentiment.

This part about you/democrats being so happy 2000 of our young men and women are dead stopped me dead right there.
I'm sorry that you misunderstood my point! I'm happy that the country has realized that Bush's policies have created huge problems for all of us and that the tide is turning away from those disgusting decisions and America is ready to turn back to Deomcratic ideals.

That is what I'm happy about. To even suggest that anyone rejoices in the death of our soldiers is insulting and based in misunderstanding or ignorance.

It's almost like you cannot accept the results of the poll so you have to retort with a mad stab at Democrats, trying to twist it into something really evil. It's a bit hard for me to understand you, to be frank.
26 X World Champs said:
To even suggest that anyone rejoices in the death of our soldiers is insulting and based in misunderstanding or ignorance.

It's almost like you cannot accept the results of the poll so you have to retort with a mad stab at Democrats, trying to twist it into something really evil. It's a bit hard for me to understand you, to be frank.

Well since thats exactly what you said and that is the way you act it is easy to misunderstand your agenda. I dont care who is president as long as our ***** is working. Things are not so great now and instead of offering to work together or offer solutions all you have to offer is a b*tchfest.
26 X World Champs said:
I'm sorry that you misunderstood my point! I'm happy that the country has realized that Bush's policies have created huge problems for all of us and that the tide is turning away from those disgusting decisions and America is ready to turn back to Deomcratic ideals.

That is what I'm happy about. To even suggest that anyone rejoices in the death of our soldiers is insulting and based in misunderstanding or ignorance.

It's almost like you cannot accept the results of the poll so you have to retort with a mad stab at Democrats, trying to twist it into something really evil. It's a bit hard for me to understand you, to be frank.

i didnt see a stab at democrats
i saw a stab at an idiot
Bush's ratings are not unlike many other presidents that came before him, even your beloved clinton-man-whore
Suck it up loser
DeeJayH said:
i didnt see a stab at democrats
i saw a stab at an idiot

I didnt mean to stab anybody.
Sorry if you felt stabbed champ.
DeeJayH said:
i didnt see a stab at democrats
i saw a stab at an idiot
Bush's ratings are not unlike many other presidents that came before him, even your beloved clinton-man-whore
Suck it up loser
What an intelligent post from you. Good job. Nothing like in your face bully tactics that make yourself feel right...nice....

Clinton left office 5 years ago...do you think you can stop bringing him up everytime someone says something about Bush! I knew lower intelligence would shine through in this thread when "defending" Bush, and I even wrote this in the thread starter:
Are you going to blame Bill Clinton for this too?
I guess for you DeeJay the answer is a resounding YES!

Are you troubled that strong majorities now favor Democrats? Is it eating away at you? Do you sense that the worm has turned and that America is sick and tired of Bush's bullshit? Who ever heard of a spend and spend Republican before George?

November 2006 is only a year away...the next 12 months should be quite interesting around here...
How could Democrats do a better job with gas prices?
26 X World Champs said:
Are you troubled that strong majorities now favor Democrats? Is it eating away at you? Do you sense that the worm has turned and that America is sick and tired of Bush's bullshit? Who ever heard of a spend and spend Republican before George?

November 2006 is only a year away...the next 12 months should be quite interesting around here...

Dems will never regain power until they start putting forth solutions
so long as they are just complainers and obstructionists they will stay down for the count
It is going to take more than low poll numbers of Bush for dems to win
incase you didnt notice, in another thread, the Dems poll numbers in congress are lower than Dubyas
ouch, that has to hurt:2dance:
as horribly as Dubya is currently being viewed, Dems are viewed even lower :party
*passes 26x a box of tissues*.

and by the by, you brought up Clinton in the thread first
OOPS :doh
Binary_Digit said:
How could Democrats do a better job with gas prices?

Dems dont currently have solutions to anything
as a result, they lost the executive branch, the legislative branch and the gubernatorial positions
and now bush is moving the Judicial to the right
The right was put into power because america was fed up with the left
Bush Would Have Lost Election If it was Held This Year!!!!!!

Look at this! This our president Bush would have lost the election if it was held this year!


"CNN) -- A majority would vote for a Democrat over President Bush if an election were held this year, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Tuesday.

In the latest poll, 55 percent of the respondents said that they would vote for the Democratic candidate if Bush were again running for the presidency this year.

Thirty-nine percent of those interviewed said they would vote for Bush in the hypothetical election.

The latest poll results, released Tuesday, were based on interviews with 1,008 adults conducted by telephone October 21-23.

In the poll, 42 percent of those interviewed approved of the way the president is handling his job and 55 percent disapproved. In the previous poll, released October 17, 39 percent approved of Bush's job performance -- the lowest number of his presidency -- and 58 percent disapproved.

However, all the numbers are within the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, so it's possible that the public's opinion has not changed at all.

More than half, 57 percent, said they don't agree with the president's views on issues that are important to them, while 41 percent said their views are in alignment with those of Bush on important issues.

Democrats preferred on issues

On separate issues, a majority of those questioned felt the Democrats could do a better job than Republicans at handling health care (59 percent to 30 percent), Social Security (56 percent to 33 percent), gasoline prices (51 percent to 31 percent) and the economy (50 percent to 38 percent).

Forty-six percent also believed Democrats could do better at handling Iraq, while 40 percent said the GOP would do better."

In 2003, 53 percent said Republicans would better handle Iraq and only 29 percent believed the Democrats would do better.

The only issue on which Republicans came out on top was in fighting terrorism: 49 percent said the GOP is better at it, while 38 percent said the Democrats are.

And there was a dramatic shift downward in the latest poll, compared with September, in the percentage of people who said that it was a mistake to send U.S. troops to Iraq.

This time, 49 percent said it was a mistake, versus 59 percent who felt that way last month.

Wow, Bush, that must have hurt!!! Ok, those of us who are against Bush, let's throw a party!!!

:2dancing: :2party: :2dance: :monkey
DeeJayH said:
Dems dont currently have solutions to anything
as a result, they lost the executive branch, the legislative branch and the gubernatorial positions
and now bush is moving the Judicial to the right
The right was put into power because america was fed up with the left

While all of that may or may not be true. Republicans dont seem to be doing that much better at the moment. I am not sure if its the politics or the politicians that are more corrupt and either way they are not helping Americans right now.
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26 X World Champs said:
I eagerly await the Republican response to this poll. Please let the CNN bashing begin. The funny thing is that Bush's numbers will continue to get worse, especially on 10-26-05 when members of his inner circle could be indicted, not to mention 2000 Americans now dead in Iraq....Read this my dear friends and smile if you're a Democrat and start making excuses if you're not....Are you going to blame Bill Clinton for this too?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005; Posted: 6:52 p.m. EDT (22:52 GMT)

Source & rest of story:


My oh my.....what will happen to the smugness of Republicans if the 2006 elections take away Republican majorities in the Congress?

The numbers are really interesting. Health care, Social Security, Gas prices, the Economy all would be done better by Democrats! Not only that, but it's a clear, clear majority that feels this way.

What did Bob Dylan say? "The times they are a changing." (We Democrats love Bob Dylan).
:rock :donkeyfla :2usflag: :2party:

Okay democrat, here is your answer from me. Number one, Bush is not running for anything; I sometimes think you democrats have forgotten that!

Number two....right now the media piling on has put you in orgasmic joy. Enjoy it, as orgasms are very fleeting, & do not last long.

IF & when Cheney, & Rove...or any of them are indicted, they will THEN have an opportunity to defend themselves in a COURT OF LAW in this disingenuine so called hunt for truth in the Valeri Plame/CIA case.

Fitzgerald CANNOT prove who the first person was that outed Valeri Plame out, ..so that intent is now lost, & they are following a new script which is to link the Iraqi war to being based on a lie, all hatched with the help of Plames piece of crap husband, Joe Wilson who from the very begining was nothing more than a political hack "positioned" to go to Niger & report that Sadaam did not recieve uranium from Niger!

Fact is, even British intel said that Sadaam DID try to obtain it, ..that fact was conveniently LEFT OUT by Wilson & why not;.. both he & his wife Plame were ardent Kerry supporters.

Wilson has been caught in absolute untruths, & out & out lies that even The New York Times has NOT even reported on,... over this so called outing of his wife, & even his fact finding trip to Niger.

I'm simply waiting in HOPE that indictments come if they actually come at all, so Wilson can be torn apart by even the most average defense attorney that represent Rove, & or Cheney because Wilson's LIES will be exposed then just as his disingenuine trip to Niger was as nothing more than a lame as.s attempt to discredit the whole Bush administration with the approval of some in the democratic party!

Enjoy your orgasm now, ..true euphoria will come when Cheney, & Rove & company are exhonerated IF it goes to trial, because there is NO way in hell Fitzgerald can actually prove that Bush & company deliberatley "outed" Plame as a form of payback. (non-sense)

As a matter of fact, ...many people knew of Plames CIA connections long before Rove, or Cheney did; ...so WHY isn't Fitzgerald huntinfg for them???

That is obvious, as long as he can "manufacture" something ELSE to charge Cheney, Rove or Libby with, ..he will!

Something that the democrats always wanted done in the first place. This is NO longer about Valeri PLame. No, this is about destroying the Bush presidency, & using lies & trying to tie it into the whole war in Iraq, & by wishfully hoping this investigation snowballs into something much bigger as did the Watergate scandal in a vain attempt to destyroy the presidency.

This whole investigation is BOGUS, ..most reasonable people can conclude EXACTLY what is happening by the medias own behavior in this whole shoddy affair just by the way the media is reporting things as is their talking points!
[Moderator mode]

Merged the thread "Bush Would Have Lost Election If it was Held This Year!!!!!!" into this one...same topic...

[/Moderator mode]
As much as I relish the Bush Administration losing face, I wouldn't be celebrating too much, Champ. It's just a poll and opinion changes faster than hell. Should the Republicans nominate a strong candidate and divorce themselves from the current neocon Administration, then they can very well take it in 2008.

The Dems need to get their act together and come up with a strategic plan and solid party policies that fit the needs of the American public. The core is solid... it just need some polishing and rejuvination, I think.
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DeeJayH said:
Dems dont currently have solutions to anything
as a result, they lost the executive branch, the legislative branch and the gubernatorial positions
and now bush is moving the Judicial to the right
The right was put into power because america was fed up with the left
What solutions do Republicans offer other than some wedge issues and character assassination they pull out for election years?
akyron said:
I have a problem with this type of sentiment.

This part about you/democrats being so happy 2000 of our young men and women are dead stopped me dead right there.

I think he was talking about the arcticle. Not the soldiers.

Middleground said:
As much as I relish the Bush Administration losing face, I wouldn't be celebrating too much, Champ. It's just a poll and opinion changes faster than hell. Should the Republicans nominate a strong candidate and divorce themselves from the current neocon Administration, then they can very well take it in 2008.

The Dems need to get their act together and come up with a strategic plan and solid party policies that fit the needs of the American public. The core is solid... it just need some polishing and rejuvination, I think.
I agree, sincerely! It's been a long time since poll numbers were so pro-Democrat and I confess it does cause me to have hope for our future again. 2008 is a lifetime away so who knows what will happen.

2006? Now that will be interesting and again there's more hope today for Democrats than we've had in too many years.

The smugness of some Republicans is what this poll refutes, and for Dems like me finally have something to feel hopeful about. That's all this is...I am not pretending that the elections are a done deal, not by a long shot.

Just reading the replies to this thread is a fun. There are cracks in the dyke and that smugness of Republicans is being chipped away...not a bad thing if you're a Democrat....
Middleground said:
As much as I relish the Bush Administration losing face, I wouldn't be celebrating too much, Champ. It's just a poll and opinion changes faster than hell. Should the Republicans nominate a strong candidate and divorce themselves from the current neocon Administration, then they can very well take it in 2008.

The Dems need to get their act together and come up with a strategic plan and solid party policies that fit the needs of the American public. The core is solid... it just need some polishing and rejuvination, I think.

Not so on two points. Even though Bush's approval ratings are not good,...mainstream republican voters cannot stand the lies, inuendo of the democratic party, & will NOT desert Bush.

The next point is this: The democrats have nothing, be it policy, be it ideas, be it anything EXCEPT to portay Bush as a liar, a murderer, a terrorist himself, a racist, & a hater!

The democrats lost THEIR core voters way back in 1980, when Reagan took MILLIONS of voters with him who NO LONGER can stand to see what the democratic party has turned into, controlled, & financed by hard core liberals, & the kook fringe.

Sorry, ..but that is what happened, & that is why there is no moderate democrat who even is allowed to say what they think, because they are virtually silenced by the liberal democrats who have made normal democrats an endangered species!:roll:

One democratic president since the days of Jimmy Carter explains it best. The only reason Clinton won is because he campaigned as a "centrist", rather than what he really is, & what he really espouses.

The very same thing that liberals do when they cANNOT ever actually be honest about themselves, & what they really believe....because they cannot ever hope to be elected by being honest about themselves.

Kind of sucks huh, ..but so does the modern democratic party these days!:2razz:
Stu Ghatze said:
Okay democrat, here is your answer from me. Number one, Bush is not running for anything; I sometimes think you democrats have forgotten that!

Number two....right now the media piling on has put you in orgasmic joy. Enjoy it, as orgasms are very fleeting, & do not last long.

IF & when Cheney, & Rove...or any of them are indicted, they will THEN have an opportunity to defend themselves in a COURT OF LAW in this disingenuine so called hunt for truth in the Valeri Plame/CIA case.

Fitzgerald CANNOT prove who the first person was that outed Valeri Plame out, ..so that intent is now lost, & they are following a new script which is to link the Iraqi war to being based on a lie, all hatched with the help of Plames piece of crap husband, Joe Wilson who from the very begining was nothing more than a political hack "positioned" to go to Niger & report that Sadaam did not recieve uranium from Niger!

Fact is, even British intel said that Sadaam DID try to obtain it, ..that fact was conveniently LEFT OUT by Wilson & why not;.. both he & his wife Plame were ardent Kerry supporters.

Wilson has been caught in absolute untruths, & out & out lies that even The New York Times has NOT even reported on,... over this so called outing of his wife, & even his fact finding trip to Niger.

I'm simply waiting in HOPE that indictments come if they actually come at all, so Wilson can be torn apart by even the most average defense attorney that represent Rove, & or Cheney because Wilson's LIES will be exposed then just as his disingenuine trip to Niger was as nothing more than a lame as.s attempt to discredit the whole Bush administration with the approval of some in the democratic party!

Enjoy your orgasm now, ..true euphoria will come when Cheney, & Rove & company are exhonerated IF it goes to trial, because there is NO way in hell Fitzgerald can actually prove that Bush & company deliberatley "outed" Plame as a form of payback. (non-sense)

As a matter of fact, ...many people knew of Plames CIA connections long before Rove, or Cheney did; ...so WHY isn't Fitzgerald huntinfg for them???

That is obvious, as long as he can "manufacture" something ELSE to charge Cheney, Rove or Libby with, ..he will!

Something that the democrats always wanted done in the first place. This is NO longer about Valeri PLame. No, this is about destroying the Bush presidency, & using lies & trying to tie it into the whole war in Iraq, & by wishfully hoping this investigation snowballs into something much bigger as did the Watergate scandal in a vain attempt to destyroy the presidency.

This whole investigation is BOGUS, ..most reasonable people can conclude EXACTLY what is happening by the medias own behavior in this whole shoddy affair just by the way the media is reporting things as is their talking points!

Good God, get your head out of Limbaugh’s colon for a minute.

  • Plame’s motivations are irrelevant because history has proven her to be exactly right.
  • Our intelligence on Iraq attempting to obtain uranium in Niger was based on a very poor forgery. Which was already nearly fully discredited before the Administration even tried to use it as one of the justifications for war.
  • That British intelligence that you mention was based on a forged dossier.
Do you remember anything that happened in the last 3 years or so?
all i got to say is that the election was last year, not this year... get over and live the times... If a democrat was in office, i would accept it.
Stu Ghatze said:
...Bush is not running for anything...

Neither is Bill Clinton, yet his name is trotted out every time a rep/con needs to defend Bush's name or numbers.
akyron said:
While all of that may or may not be true. Republicans dont seem to be doing that much better at the moment. I am not sure if its the politics or the politicians that are more corrupt and either way they are not helping Americans right now.

while I admit i disagree with some of the things the admin is doing
and I am very upset at some of the things they are not doing
you must have selective memory if you do not recall anything of what Bush has done
pick up a paper and you will see news story constantly criticizing all he does
just because you do not like what he is doing, does not mean he is doing nothing
And the admin would have done alot more had it not been for the Obstrutionist dems.
Paladin said:
Neither is Bill Clinton, yet his name is trotted out every time a rep/con needs to defend Bush's name or numbers.

could it be 2nddan ted?
welcome on board :2party:
not quite SS but alot more topics and people
hope you stick around
and when you get frustrated you can go to 'The Basement' forum and flame all you want about me :mrgreen:

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