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Poll: 93% of Ukrainians believe in victory over Muscovite horde! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

According to the recent poll conducted by the Rating Group, 47% of respondents believe Ukraine can win the war in the next few weeks. Confidence in the victory over Russia prevails in all Ukrainian regions.

Great spirit show us the Ukrainian nation, delivering daily heavy blows to Moscow imperialistic barbarian bandits
The "experts" tell us the monster in the Kremlin will not accept defeat.

He will let as many Russian boys be killed as necessary to get his way (and boys from the Chechen areas and the Middle East).

Ukraine is not going to be the same size when this slaughter ends.

The "leaders" of Europe did not realize what a nut case that monster is.

They never thought that he would be so reckless.

Another nut case "president" has just laughed off rumors that the monster is sick. That other "president" (of Belarus) says that the monster will be attending the funerals of all his critics!

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