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Politician Song - Beautiful and brilliant (1 Viewer)

Freemind USMC

New member
Oct 8, 2013
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Political Leaning
Politician - Aloe Blacc - YouTube

Wasnt sure where I should post this, but I wanted to share. Love it!

The lyrics:

Pushing poison to our children Still promoting class division We are starving, but you are fat Don't know why, they do us like that

Politicians, you better get right These conditions ain't no good for life Whose decision is it anyway, yours or mine?

Making promises you can't keep Hungry wolves dressed like sheep Shake our hands, stab our backs Don't know why, they do us like that

Politicians, you better get right These conditions ain't no good for life Whose decision is it anyway, yours or mine?

Free country’s not so free Ain't no hope for you and me From the power-hungry money fiends Ruling the world behind the scenes

Politicians you better get right These conditions ain't no good for life Whose decision is it anyway, yours or mine?

Oh beautiful and spacious sky For amber waves of grey Purple mountains’ majesty Above the fruited plain

America, America, God shed his grace on thee And crowned thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea.
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Love it. If we don't throw the trash out of office and destroy this culture of natural born supremacy over the citizens all will come rumbling down very soon. At 65 yrs. old I fear we have lost the drive to get out of the house and billion man march on DC. Do you see any political bumper stickers, office décor showing political concerns any more? No, we have settled in to a bucket of apathy. We need to pull out some film clips of the civil rights and anti war movements. Remember those? Anybody?
"Amber waves of grey", SB: Amber waves of grain.

Other than that, it's a pretty good lyric set.

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