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Politicans Mis-use the Military (1 Viewer)

Mar 11, 2006
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Political Leaning
I was thinking, it would seem that politicans on many occassions have asked the military to find a military solution to problems in the world that do not have military solutions and this is what leads to military defeat or protracted guerrilla warfare and troop casualties piling up. Politicans seem to have trouble understanding when the military can provide a solution to a political problem and when the military cannot be part of the long term solution for a political problem.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
I was thinking, it would seem that politicans on many occassions have asked the military to find a military solution to problems in the world that do not have military solutions and this is what leads to military defeat or protracted guerrilla warfare and troop casualties piling up.
Politicans seem to have trouble understanding when the military can provide a solution to a political problem and when the military cannot be part of the long term solution for a political problem.

Just what planet do you live on?

What are you basing your statement on? Any proof?
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teacher said:
We are clear on this guy now, right?

He really posted that?

Originally Posted by ManOfTrueTruth
I was an American soldier at one time and served in Bosnia. I saw how the US government covered up a genocide of a European Muslim people.
teacher said:
We are clear on this guy now, right?

Well yeah, I'm sure everybody is. This guy, ManOfTrueTruth is a man of honesty and integrity. I appreciate your compliment and pointing that out to everybody, but really it was un-necessary.
cherokee said:
He really posted that?

Yup, sure did. You didn't think the US government had honesty and integrity did you?
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Yup, sure did. You didn't think the US government had honesty and integrity did you?
Originally Posted by ManOfTrueTruth
I was an American soldier at one time and served in Bosnia. I saw how the US government covered up a genocide of a European Muslim people

Just when in the Sam hell did the US cover up ANY genocide activates in Bosnia/ Herzegovina. Tell me the location and or town?

You know what this reminds me of?
The same bullchit I read on anti-US Muslim sites.
You blame everyone but your selves for your own problems. The US contribution to the UNMIBH helped stop the war but that not good enough for you is it?
cherokee said:

Just when in the Sam hell did the US cover up ANY genocide activates in Bosnia/ Herzegovina. Tell me the location and or town?

You know what this reminds me of?
The same bullchit I read on anti-US Muslim sites.
You blame everyone but your selves for your own problems. The US contribution to the UNMIBH helped stop the war but that not good enough for you is it?

If you knew when and where this Bosnian thing took place it wouldnt be a cover up anymore....
cherokee said:

Just when in the Sam hell did the US cover up ANY genocide activates in Bosnia/ Herzegovina. Tell me the location and or town?

You know what this reminds me of?
The same bullchit I read on anti-US Muslim sites.
You blame everyone but your selves for your own problems. The US contribution to the UNMIBH helped stop the war but that not good enough for you is it?

You can read Arabic?

Whoa, you're talented.

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