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Political opinion guy Bill O'Reilly threatens airline employee (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
Makes sense to me. It's who he is.

They couldn't respond that they have a job, as they haven't sexually harassed people, I guess.
I mean let's be real, there's not a soul in this world surprised that Bill O'Reilly would act like this. What a douche.
I wouldn't last one day in customer service.
I don't believe that exists anymore. There's now only the take the customers money department and the ignore the customer after we have their money department.
Poor Bill.

He seems to think that he is still a somebody.

The only one to lose his job was he!
A lot of his anger comes from his irrelevance. It must be very frustrating for a guy like him, so he takes it out on other people. Very sad.
A lot of his anger comes from his irrelevance. It must be very frustrating for a guy like him, so he takes it out on other people. Very sad.
he was close to being the king of the right for a while. i'm sure he made his $$$$ from the hate he sold.

"O'Reilly joined the Fox News Channel in 1996 and hosted The O'Reilly Factor until 2017. The O'Reilly Factor had been the highest-rated cable news show for 16 years, and he was described by media analyst Howard Kurtz as "the biggest star in the 20-year history at Fox News" at the time of his ousting.
he was close to being the king of the right for a while. i'm sure he made his $$$$ from the hate he sold.

"O'Reilly joined the Fox News Channel in 1996 and hosted The O'Reilly Factor until 2017. The O'Reilly Factor had been the highest-rated cable news show for 16 years, and he was described by media analyst Howard Kurtz as "the biggest star in the 20-year history at Fox News" at the time of his ousting.

Let's not forget that he and Trump had their failed "History Tour" together last year.

We sold more tickets to my sons' hockey teams' Tricky Tray events.
he was close to being the king of the right for a while. i'm sure he made his $$$$ from the hate he sold.

"O'Reilly joined the Fox News Channel in 1996 and hosted The O'Reilly Factor until 2017. The O'Reilly Factor had been the highest-rated cable news show for 16 years, and he was described by media analyst Howard Kurtz as "the biggest star in the 20-year history at Fox News" at the time of his ousting.
I still think the ousting part of such a limelight was a big trigger. A jackass of that degree needs a limelight like that the same as lifeblood. He has berated people for many years, so there is also that.

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