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Political bigotry (1 Viewer)



Political bigotry, I’m pretty sure we have all noticed this with people running around yelling “those damn (enter party here) they are all liars, and they smell funny to.” A lot of the arguments I keep seeing would be considered extreme if you where to replace the party name with a racial or religious slur, but some how we keep accepting this type of behavior. There is no difference in the amount of ignorance it takes to spout off about political, racial or religious stereotypes. The people who use these generalized arguments about different parties are, IMO, no different then the bigoted racists, it’s all the same mentality.
So am I the only one who feels this way, or do others find that as soon as the “you suck because you are a ……” line is written you then realize there is no reasoning with that individual?
It does save folks the trouble of considering each instance on it's own merits. That can someone out. It's easier to create stereotyped caricatures and argue and rail against them than it is to actually interact w/ the real world of ideas and actual people.

Leastways, it seem to save me a lot of time and effort to do so.
I do find it interesting that people honestly think that there is much difference between the two main parties. They've both become bloated money-hungry and power-hungry leviathans that are willing to say or do just about anything that they think will help them get more money and power.
MrFungus420 said:
I do find it interesting that people honestly think that there is much difference between the two main parties. They've both become bloated money-hungry and power-hungry leviathans that are willing to say or do just about anything that they think will help them get more money and power.

Truer words have never been posted.
Both parties are funded by the same rich groups. Both have media groups that will create propaganda for the parties. Then add in all of those 3rd Party Internet propaganda that sell their propaganda on your local TV station. All of the party hatred seems pretty usless, when both parties accuse each other of doing the same corrupt things that the oposing party has done. :rofl
when your enemy is the elite and it has two masks
you will find yourself constantly yelling those damned ( rep masks or dem masks) no matter both are the harlots of the ELITE when the ELITE needs
to change policy the levers of power change hands but the real levers never change hands they are gaurded by the military and the ELITE control them
As a Libertarian, I think that the all the other parties got it wrong, but what I can't stand is people who think that all liberals are Democrats and all conservatives are Republicans. I think the world we be a better place without the two parties and just break everyone up into one of the current 3rd parties, that would also make elections more intresting. Just about everybody fits into one of the 3rd parties, you just have to find the one for you.
I hate politicians all of them. The only reason I support the democratic party now is that they are against Bush. Thats the only real reason. I think we should set up a third party or something because I hate those other guys.
when both parties accuse each other of doing the same corrupt things that the oposing party has done.

...and they are usually right. (Not always, but usually: Clinton found a couple of new ways.

Former Reagan speech writer Peggy Noonan recently penned: "Here is, I think, the crux of the problem: Money is power. More money for the federal government and used by the federal government is more power for the federal government. Is this good? Is this what energy in the executive is -- "Here's a check"? Are the philosophical differences between the two major parties coming down, in terms of spending, to "Who's your daddy? He's not your daddy, I'm your daddy." Do we want this? Do our kids? Is it safe? Is it, in its own way, a national security issue?"

Noonan was referring to Bush, but the question is valid for all politicians, IMO.
FinnMacCool said:
The only reason I support the democratic party now is that they are against Bush.

Running a campaign on that notion is what lost in for the Democrats in 2004.

I do agree that we need a viable 3rd party. I am tired of picking the lesser of two evils.

Hmmmm.... Would anyone agree that Bush looks like a monkey?

I'm not saying that he acts like one, per se. But he does look like one.

And just because my picture to the left is a donkey, it does not mean that I'm a Democrat, cuz I dispise most of the lot. FL- Senator Bill Nelson is pretty much the only Democrat that I support. But overall, both parties are pretty stupid.

And So is that Constitution Party. Their Presidential candidate, Mike Peroutka, is a Christian Right-Winger. I'm a Christian too, but this guy (Peroutka) takes it to a lethal extreme, almost like Hitler... ALMOST.
Canuck said:
when your enemy is the elite and it has two masks
you will find yourself constantly yelling those damned ( rep masks or dem masks) no matter both are the harlots of the ELITE when the ELITE needs
to change policy the levers of power change hands but the real levers never change hands they are gaurded by the military and the ELITE control them
This relates to media how? :confused:
MrFungus420 said:
I do find it interesting that people honestly think that there is much difference between the two main parties. They've both become bloated money-hungry and power-hungry leviathans that are willing to say or do just about anything that they think will help them get more money and power.
So what do we do? Keep voting in the other party every 8 years?
shakenbake19 said:
As a Libertarian, I think that the all the other parties got it wrong, but what I can't stand is people who think that all liberals are Democrats and all conservatives are Republicans. I think the world we be a better place without the two parties and just break everyone up into one of the current 3rd parties, that would also make elections more intresting. Just about everybody fits into one of the 3rd parties, you just have to find the one for you.

Its true that some Republicans are moderate to Liberal but I doubt you will find many Democrats are moderate to Conservative, especially on the social issues..........In fact in the Senate I can not name one truly Conservative Democrat..There are fiscal conservatives who are democrats though......

Ross Perot did very well as a 3rd party candidate in 1992 causing Bush 1 to lose relection but there success has been rare....
TheBigC said:
So what do we do? Keep voting in the other party every 8 years?

Start a revolution!!!!!!!!

Ha, kidding. :mrgreen: Or am I? :shock:
Kelzie said:
Start a revolution!!!!!!!!

Ha, kidding. :mrgreen: Or am I? :shock:

Ahh have some balls Kelzie, don't be a wuss. If the system isn't working like it should, then the people have the right to take their future in their own hands.
TimmyBoy said:
Ahh have some balls Kelzie, don't be a wuss. If the system isn't working like it should, then the people have the right to take their future in their own hands.

I don't want balls thankyouverymuch. :lol:

It's all about the level of discontent. Am I thrilled with the way our government is run? No. Am I upset enough to risk life and limb about it? Not yet.
Kelzie said:
I don't want balls thankyouverymuch. :lol:

It's all about the level of discontent. Am I thrilled with the way our government is run? No. Am I upset enough to risk life and limb about it? Not yet.

You need some balls Kelzie. If you don't like the way things are running, find a way to change it for the better. The people always have the right to self determination and to take their future in their own hands.
Don't let the system intimidate or scare you. Just do what is right.
TimmyBoy said:
You need some balls Kelzie. If you don't like the way things are running, find a way to change it for the better. The people always have the right to self determination and to take their future in their own hands.

I'm just saying. Future boyfriends might get a little confused.

And I'm not suggesting that I role over and play dead when I don't like how something is being run. You responded specifically to a suggestion of revolution. I really don't think a revolution is practical, or called for.
Kelzie said:
I'm just saying. Future boyfriends might get a little confused.

And I'm not suggesting that I role over and play dead when I don't like how something is being run. You responded specifically to a suggestion of revolution. I really don't think a revolution is practical, or called for.

Why would you say that? Because you are scared of ending up on an FBI watch list? Or of being arrested? Defend your position.
Future boyfriends don't respect a woman who can't stand on her own two feet.
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TimmyBoy said:
Why would you say that? Because you are scared of ending up on an FBI watch list? Or of being arrested? Defend your position.

What? I already did. And that would be so cool if I was. Do you think I am? How do you check? They should send out a little announcement. And a monthly news letter.

Anywho, back to the revolution. Revolutions, while they might be for a good cause, and sometimes have good results, are extremely radical. People get hurt, killed, and if you're not successful, you go to jail. I would join a revolution if there was reason. Like an oppressive government that would not allow any other forms of opposition, and was meeting protesters with violence and death. We do not have that. And until all peaceful means of changing policy has been exhausted, I will not endorse a revolution. Assuming, of course, that the people in the country support the change in policy. I mean, if my policy isn't accepted because it isn't popular, a revolution seems a little...umm...unrealistic.
TimmyBoy said:
Future boyfriends don't respect a woman who can't stand on her own two feet.

Damn, I hate it when people change what they post.

Seriously, it was a joke. You told me to get some balls. I'm a girl...get it?

Honestly, if a guy doesn't respect me for who I am, I don't give a rat's ass about him. And for the record, not being able to hold my own is something I have never been accused of.
Kelzie said:
Damn, I hate it when people change what they post.

Seriously, it was a joke. You told me to get some balls. I'm a girl...get it?

Honestly, if a guy doesn't respect me for who I am, I don't give a rat's ass about him. And for the record, not being able to hold my own is something I have never been accused of.

Ahh yeah, it was a figuire speech. Have a little sense of humor OK? But now that you mention it, I don't think you have the balls to stand up for what you believe in. In a true test, I think you would cower down. I don't think you have it in you. The first sign of trouble for standing up in your beliefs where you could pay with your life or your future, you would turn and run.
TimmyBoy said:
Ahh yeah, it was a figuire speech. Have a little sense of humor OK? But now that you mention it, I don't think you have the balls to stand up for what you believe in. In a true test, I think you would cower down. I don't think you have it in you. The first sign of trouble for standing up in your beliefs where you could pay with your life or your future, you would turn and run.

:boohoo: Oh boo hoo. A person on the internet thinks I'm chicken. You don't even know me. Stick it where the sun don't shine.

And you accuse me of not having a sense of humor cause you didn't get my joke? Rigghhtt...

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