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Political affiliation and smoking (1 Viewer)

Which of these choices do you most closely resemble?

  • Democrat/liberal, college degree and higher, and smoker

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Democrat/liberal, college degree and higher, and nonsmoker

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Democrat/liberal, no college degree, and smoker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Democrat/liberal, no college degree, and nonsmoker

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Republican/conservative, college degree and higher, and smoker

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Republican/conservative, college degree and higher, and nonsmoker

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Republican/conservative, no college degree, and smoker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Republican/conservative, no college degree, and nonsmoker

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Okay, I just want to test a theory I have.

They say that the more educated someone is, the more they tend to be a democrat/liberal.

They also say that the more educated somone is, the less likely they will smoke.

Would you please share with me what political party you most closely resemble and whether you smoke.


Thank you.
Not enough info...

Mom 63- Democrat/smoked until 45
Dad 64 - Democrat/smoked until 48
Sister - Democrat/smoker since 15...currently 41
Me - started smoking at 16...Democrat until 23...currently 35/smoker...only person in family with post-high school education.
cnredd said:
Not enough info...

Mom 63- Democrat/smoked until 45
Dad 64 - Democrat/smoked until 48
Sister - Democrat/smoker since 15...currently 41
Me - started smoking at 16...Democrat until 23...currently 35/smoker...only person in family with post-high school education.

You smoke? :( I want you to stop this instant! ;)

Hey, I know it's a generalization--I am just testing this generalization.

I went to a very good college (it has the highest % of National Merit Scholars) and none of my friends smoke and 99% of them are democrats. Same with my friends from high school--educated, democrats, and nonsmokers.
aps said:
You smoke? :( I want you to stop this instant! ;)

Hey, I know it's a generalization--I am just testing this generalization.

I went to a very good college (it has the highest % of National Merit Scholars) and none of my friends smoke and 99% of them are democrats. Same with my friends from high school--educated, democrats, and nonsmokers.
So we have a Democrat conducting a poll in which she believes the Democrats would come out on top because of her personal experiences with other Democrats...

I guess the DP slogan is correct...Political Bias IS optional...:roll:
cnredd said:
So we have a Democrat conducting a poll in which she believes the Democrats would come out on top because of her personal experiences with other Democrats...

I guess the DP slogan is correct...Political Bias IS optional...:roll:

I am honestly not here to judge anyone. And who says that just because you're educated and don't smoke that it means that the person comes out on top?

My brother and two sisters are Republicans, college graduates, and don't smoke.

My father is a Harvard Law graduate, democrat, and smoked until about 10 years ago.

My mother is a democat, no college degree, and smoked until about 8 years ago.
aps said:
I am honestly not here to judge anyone. And who says that just because you're educated and don't smoke that it means that the person comes out on top?

My brother and two sisters are Republicans, college graduates, and don't smoke.

My father is a Harvard Law graduate, democrat, and smoked until about 10 years ago.

My mother is a democat, no college degree, and smoked until about 8 years ago.

Well as long as your not here to judge anyone...

aps said:
You smoke? :( I want you to stop this instant! ;)
cnredd said:
Well as long as your not here to judge anyone...

LOL Are you going to pretend that it's not bad for you? That's all my comment meant. I was dying for my parents to stop smoking for their health and because they smelled awful, in my humble opinion.
I find it difficult to trust the results of a poll of this nature and the honesty of the people answering it.

You can also say that the more time people spend in the current education system with it's rampant liberalism, the more they tend to be a democrat/liberal.

I know complete morons and total geniuses on both ends of the political specturm.
Last edited:
I'm 17 so I didn't go to college...but I will go to college, but I put no college anyway.

Anywho, I don't smoke and I don't plan on smoking.

And I am a libretarian, but in elections I plan on voting more for republicans (because libretarians won't win)
Hornburger said:
I'm 17 so I didn't go to college...but I will go to college, but I put no college anyway.

Anywho, I don't smoke and I don't plan on smoking.

And I am a libretarian, but in elections I plan on voting more for republicans (because libretarians won't win)

Thank you for your answer. :)
The Real McCoy said:
I find it difficult to trust the results of a poll of this nature and the honesty of the people answering it.

Why would people lie?

You can also say that the more time people spend in the current education system with it's rampant liberalism, the more they tend to be a democrat/liberal.

That presumes that those who seek higher education are easily brainwashed. What they say is that the more education you have, the more open-minded people tend to be.

I know complete morons and total geniuses on both ends of the political specturm.

So do I. What's your point?
aps said:
Why would people lie?

To boost the statistics supporting their biased views

aps said:
That presumes that those who seek higher education are easily brainwashed. What they say is that the more education you have, the more open-minded people tend to be.

That's misleading. More young people today attend college than previous generations have and now the majority of them are graduating with heads full of liberal views and ideas. People gain more real-world wisdom versus college campus/textbook wisdom as they age and usually tend to become more conservative.

aps said:
So do I. What's your point?

No point I guess, other than the fact that political views are a matter of opinion, not intelligence.
Smoke what? You mean cigs?

What if I told you my Dr. said I have a tar deficiency?

It seems my white blood cells get lazy, and I have to inject a certain amount of poisons into my system, to wake them up, and force them into doing their job?

I'm the liberal, ( at least with the conservatives we have these days, I have no choice)...degree in communications, who is quitting smoking for the new year. It's just too damn expensive...besides the health reasons.

I was born in the fifties...it was a different era. All the idols and famous people smoked...James Dean, the Beatles, movie/television stars ....even Johnny Carson would light up, on screen, during the Tonight Show. Remember that? My father tells me that C-Rations, in the military, would come with little packs of cigs.

It's different today. There's a wealth of negativity associated with smoking that was not around when I was a kid. We didn't hear about the health reasons...we were bombarded by ads not only on billboards, but television as well.

By the way...in case you didn't know....that tar deficiency stuff was sarcasm.

There is absolutely no reason for the kids of today to take up smoking...they have the material and info that was unavailable when I was young.
The Real McCoy said:
No point I guess, other than the fact that political views are a matter of opinion, not intelligence.

I couldn't disagree more strongly with this statement.
Hoot said:
Smoke what? You mean cigs?

What if I told you my Dr. said I have a tar deficiency?

It seems my white blood cells get lazy, and I have to inject a certain amount of poisons into my system, to wake them up, and force them into doing their job?

I'm the liberal, ( at least with the conservatives we have these days, I have no choice)...degree in communications, who is quitting smoking for the new year. It's just too damn expensive...besides the health reasons.

I was born in the fifties...it was a different era. All the idols and famous people smoked...James Dean, the Beatles, movie/television stars ....even Johnny Carson would light up, on screen, during the Tonight Show. Remember that? My father tells me that C-Rations, in the military, would come with little packs of cigs.

It's different today. There's a wealth of negativity associated with smoking that was not around when I was a kid. We didn't hear about the health reasons...we were bombarded by ads not only on billboards, but television as well.

By the way...in case you didn't know....that tar deficiency stuff was sarcasm.

There is absolutely no reason for the kids of today to take up smoking...they have the material and info that was unavailable when I was young.

Hoot, thank you for your honest answer. I hope you are able to quit. Take the money you save from not buying cigs and put it into a bank account and then do something nice for yourself.
cnredd said:
So we have a Democrat conducting a poll in which she believes the Democrats would come out on top because of her personal experiences with other Democrats...

I guess the DP slogan is correct...Political Bias IS optional...:roll:

Surprise surprise a rebulican who hates democrats because their democrats!

To be partisan is to be a fool!

Thanks for voteing for the destruction of our country last year because the NEO-CON incumbant presidential candidate claims to be on 'your' team.
2 years of community college, no degree.
Smoked until about 3 months ago. Quit in reaction to the incessant nagging from my kids about it. I still think about smoking all the time.....

Father - democrat, college degree, smoked cigars until about 3 weeks ago
Mother - democrat, college degree, only smoked in bars when she was younger, lol (which amounts to not that often)
Sister - democrat, MFA degree, smoker
Brother - democrat, no college, smoked in his twenties (now in his 40s)

Try drawing conclusions from that hodge podge of circumstances.
mixedmedia said:
2 years of community college, no degree.
Smoked until about 3 months ago. Quit in reaction to the incessant nagging from my kids about it. I still think about smoking all the time.....

Father - democrat, college degree, smoked cigars until about 3 weeks ago
Mother - democrat, college degree, only smoked in bars when she was younger, lol (which amounts to not that often)
Sister - democrat, MFA degree, smoker
Brother - democrat, no college, smoked in his twenties (now in his 40s)

Try drawing conclusions from that hodge podge of circumstances.


Good for you for quitting. My siblings and I nagged our parents too, and it worked. Congratulations. I am sure your kids have been jumping for joy since you quit.
No supreise, I'm in the last choice. I can probably safely bet I'm one of the few teens here, which underscores how woefully ignorant my generation is. :'(
Oh yeah, it might help to include my parents.

Mother-Republican, college degree, doesn't smoke.
Father-Republican, college degree, doesn't smoke.
aps said:

Good for you for quitting. My siblings and I nagged our parents too, and it worked. Congratulations. I am sure your kids have been jumping for joy since you quit.

Yeah, they're pretty proud of me. I can imagine, knowing what we know about smoking now, that it would be stressful to watch your parents smoke alot.

And there's a typo in my previous post. My mother's line should read NO college degree. She started and never finished.
mixedmedia said:
Yeah, they're pretty proud of me. I can imagine, knowing what we know about smoking now, that it would be stressful to watch your parents smoke alot.

And there's a typo in my previous post. My mother's line should read NO college degree. She started and never finished.

I think my theory, at least based upon those who have responded, is blown. LOL
aps said:
I think my theory, at least based upon those who have responded, is blown. LOL

You're not alone. None of my theories about people have ever held water either. My latest theory is that people are uncategorically uncategorical. There might be some hope for this one.
aps said:
Okay, I just want to test a theory I have.

They say that the more educated someone is, the more they tend to be a democrat/liberal.

They also say that the more educated somone is, the less likely they will smoke.

Would you please share with me what political party you most closely resemble and whether you smoke.


Thank you.

this is a false assumption

high school dropouts tend to be dem even though in the last election, Kerry lead only 51-49% which was the smallest gap in recent memory

Some college or college degree-tend to be GOP

PHD's tend to be dems but MD's-the most demanding academic field are strongly GOP

it has nothing to do with education and USA today noted in December of 03 that the more education and wealth a MAN obtains the more likely he is to be a GOP voter but the real reason is still economic. People with PHD's don't tend to be all that rich since most end up teaching and dependent on public grants and rarely have to make a payroll or deal with government red tape. college grads or some college make up the bulk of small business owners and favor GOP politics as to Doctors.

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