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politcs prep dumbass shits (1 Viewer)



u think ur all smart u sit on ur fat asses talking about politics all day lol i should say typing about politics cause its not the real world its the world for fags whose fat asses r growing fatter cause there sitting on them all day rock on fags or should i say "politics on" lmfao
As Bender would Say: "Bite my shiney metal ass!"
Dude, before you call anybody anything, learn the English language.

If there is anybody stupid and fat it's you, you're the one spending the time to go onto these forums to tell us how useless we are. The elementary School bus must not have come yet.
"I will spare your puny planet IF! ... Wonder Woman promises to become my bride." -Darkseid
May the lord of the sith destroy you. And my butt is not fat you moron, but your's is. vawahaahahahaha!
Class today we see the 1st amendment in real time context. Someone once said something like "It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it".

Free the Arab chicks.
I think this guy was molested as a child, and now has responded with uncontrollable rage during his teenage years.
flip2 said:
This is too funny. What's worse is, the responders took him/her seriously.

Now he is serious about what he's saying. He was banned for a couple of days and this is his response when he finally gets unbanned, he has been doing this for quite some time.
ShamMol said:
I need a joint...and he needs a girl.

Personally, I think he's a closet queen. He needs a good man.
Arch Enemy said:
Now he is serious about what he's saying. He was banned for a couple of days and this is his response when he finally gets unbanned, he has been doing this for quite some time.

I see. I was going to edit my comment the first time I posted when I realized the date of entry (creation I suppose) of this thread. Then I figured it was still too funny.
Naughty Nurse said:
Personally, I think he's a closet queen. He needs a good man.
Well, I doubt that he is homosexual, and the odds are on my side. But he needs love because he ain't gettin' it at home.
XPhile2868 said:
Serial troll. Ban him and forget the unban key! Hes a little kid who wants replies like a fat guy wants food. :lol:

Actually I'm totally in favor of letting him remain on the board unbanned. It's funny as helllllllllll
^Agreed, plus, I need someone to bash on.
You know, I heard somewhere that 'fag' means cigarette in the UK. He he calling us all cigarettes? That dirty, rotten piece of ****!
anomaly said:
You know, I heard somewhere that 'fag' means cigarette in the UK. He he calling us all cigarettes? That dirty, rotten piece of ****!

lol yeah thats true. I know a guy that went to America, he got into a taxi at the airport and said to the taxi driver, "Take me somewhere to get fags, I'm dying for one."
To his horror when the taxi driver drives him up to a gay bar lol lol lol
^^^ :rofl

Wow. Hey, there's 2 gay bars and clubs in SA that sell extreeemely strong mixed beverages for pretty cheap. It's no wonder they're popular among straights and gays.

Either that or it's just a ploy to get straight people extremely drunk to take advantage of.
galenrox said:
man, I'll tell you what, I'm a good looking mother****er!

And I bet the pot helps (sigh)
That must be the intellectual conversations he was talking about. :roll:
TheKiller said:
u think ur all smart u sit on ur fat asses talking about politics all day lol i should say typing about politics cause its not the real world its the world for fags whose fat asses r growing fatter cause there sitting on them all day rock on fags or should i say "politics on" lmfao

i find it very difficult to take someone with the intelligence and articulation of a 10 year old seriously...

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