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Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the “conversation about race” is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish.

An analysis released last week shows that more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage: analysis - Washington Times
So then that begs the question. When whites are unjustly killed by cops why do white people remain silent?
Well, by golly, that couldn't be because more than 2/3 of the country is white, could it?
Well, by golly, that couldn't be because more than 2/3 of the country is white, could it?

62% doesn't equal more than 2/3 of the country. By 2050 that number will be 47% and we'll be closer to utopia right Kobie?
62% doesn't equal more than 2/3 of the country.

Yes, my math was slightly off. That still doesn't change the fact that whites are several times more prevalent in this country than blacks.

By 2050 that number will be 47% and we'll be closer to utopia right Kobie?

What "utopia" have I ever espoused? Is this that thing where you make up another person's position? That seems to be your M.O.

I really don't like you.
Yes, my math was slightly off. That still doesn't change the fact that whites are several times more prevalent in this country than blacks.

What "utopia" have I ever espoused? Is this that thing where you make up another person's position? That seems to be your M.O.

I really don't like you.

Maybe i have you confused with another poster. We didn't have a discussion about this about 2 weeks back?
Isn't the white sample a greater number than the black sample, in this analysis?

As there are more whites than blacks in the population, shouldn't more whites be impacted than blacks?

And what about that part of the sample that is mixed race? Who is killed, the black half or the white half? Assuming it's half and half?
Perhaps we need a white racist in the White House beating the drum.

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