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Police give warning about gas thieves as oil prices rise l GMA (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2019
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Long Island NY
Political Leaning
I saw this on Good Morning America this morning. People are actually drilling holes into cars, siphoning gas from neighbor's cars and special utility cars are siphoning gas right from underground storage tanks at the gas station. This is nuts !!! They are advising people to use garages or park away from street to protect your vehicle.

As the price of gasoline rises, gas thefts are popping up across the country, with reports in states including Oregon, Wisconsin, California, Georgia, Virginia and Washington.


Concerns in NC about gas thefts as prices soar​

Hard to fence it on Ebay.
Hard to fence it on Ebay.
Some will just fill on gas cans to save for their own vehicles and others will just buy it from those other people filling out tanks in those special vehicles to save money. People are desperate especially low income people who have to drive to back and forth to work :(
We have paid as much as 4x what Americans pay for gas until the last couple of years and we are paying about $3.00 a gallon more right now.

What the **** is wrong with Americans?

...and I hope that the prices rise even more in America.
In my mis-spent youth I was familiar with the taste of gasoline.
America is now an embarrassment to itself .

The price of Stupid Sleepy will be remembered--- if there is an America still around to be remembered .

I wonder if China will take over America before or after taking Taiwan ?
Makes more sense to me than the phenomenon of people stealing laundry detergent.
Amen. Americans have had fairly low fuel prices for so long that they've gotten spoiled. I mean, Europe is much higher and
India has a minimum wage of 83 cents yet pays over 5 dollars a gallon for fuel.
America is now an embarrassment to itself .

The price of Stupid Sleepy will be remembered--- if there is an America still around to be remembered .

I wonder if China will take over America before or after taking Taiwan ?

Sometimes you do have to wonder.
Americans are obsessed about gasoline.

For year, sometimes decades, they don’t give a moment’s though to gas prices.

And I doubt that there are more than a very few people here who gave even a moment’s thought to gas mileage when they picked out their 14 mpg SUV or truck.

Back in the 1970’s, the news was also full of anecdotal stories about people stealing gas. I worked in an auto parts store back then, and everyone rushed in to buy a locking gas cap.

I recall an incident I had in Ireland a few years ago, when I went to buy gasoline. I parked in front of the pumps at what Americans would call a convenience store. The pumps didn’t take credit card.

Following the standard American paractice, I went inside, stood in line, and told the cashier how much gas I wanted. Then, I went out to pump it.

By that time, everyone in the station was looking at me. Everyone else pumped, them paid.

In the United States, that would still be unthinkable. Americans are naturally terrified by the idea that someone could drive off without paying for a single tank of gas. That’s how obsessed Americans are.

The real irony is that batteries and renewables would make that anxiety go away completely.

But the very ones who whine the loudest, won’t give a moment’s thought to their next truck’s gas mileage either.

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