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PM Resigns, Financial Turmoil, and Trump Brags about his Resorts (1 Viewer)


Retired Navy Commander
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Sep 3, 2014
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Pacific NW
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In Scotland, with a bagpiper in the background, which will quite possibly leave the UK due to the Brexit vote, Trump congratulated them for voting to leave.
Trump Humiliates Himself In Front Of The Entire World With Bungled Brexit Response

And here I thought I'd never see anyone more clueless than Sarah Palin with regard to public policy...

One fun thing though, he got pranked by a comedian. Really, sometimes buffoonery is the only appropriate response.

And yet, Hillary is exposed as quote possibly the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold, and you don't care.

And yet, Hillary is exposed as quote possibly the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold, and you don't care.


Hyperbole much?
And yet, Hillary is exposed as quote possibly the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold, and you don't care.

Which make-believe, nutcase "scandal" are you referring to this time? By the way, whatever happened to the right-wing obsession with Ebola? Because now they can't even be bothered to fund research into the zika virus. Hypocrisy?

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