• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Please consider donating (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Our forums are free. We rely on the community to help fund our forum.

However, the last few months we have not quite reached our monthly goal. We have been sustaining due to mail-ins, Tapatalk and a friend of the forum from last year.

We do not have advertising on our forum, except what is built-in to Tapatalk. Last month we pulled in a whopping $7.43 in shared ad revenue.
The decrease is mainly due to ad blockers. The average is around $19.

Our goal is to remain as transparent as possible which is why use Paypal. When we get a donation, it instantly pops up on our bar.
When we are fully funded for the month, it disappears. If the bar on the top right is gone, please wait until next month before donating.

As you long time DP vets know, we hate to ask for help. But, here we are. :(

Thank you for being a part of this amazing place we call Debate Politics.
I just purchased a Platinum and encourage others to donate whatever they can afford :2wave:
Simpleχity;1066181484 said:
I just purchased a Platinum and encourage others to donate whatever they can afford :2wave:

Good to hear. I have donated on a regular basis. A few Gold and 2 Platinum, May (Anonymous) and Aug this year.
I would hope those that can step up, as every dollar counts.
A small monthly donation, spread amongst the many members would make a huge difference.
Our forums are free. We rely on the community to help fund our forum.

However, the last few months we have not quite reached our monthly goal. We have been sustaining due to mail-ins, Tapatalk and a friend of the forum from last year.

We do not have advertising on our forum, except what is built-in to Tapatalk. Last month we pulled in a whopping $7.43 in shared ad revenue.
The decrease is mainly due to ad blockers. The average is around $19.

Our goal is to remain as transparent as possible which is why use Paypal. When we get a donation, it instantly pops up on our bar.
When we are fully funded for the month, it disappears. If the bar on the top right is gone, please wait until next month before donating.

As you long time DP vets know, we hate to ask for help. But, here we are. :(

Thank you for being a part of this amazing place we call Debate Politics.

If a substantial number white list this site, I believe that is the term for removing the ad block, would that make a sizeable change in ad revenue?
If a substantial number white list this site, I believe that is the term for removing the ad block, would that make a sizeable change in ad revenue?

The most popular way of blocking ads in apps do not have white lists. However, Tapatalk is not as popular on our site as the ole desktop.
I hadn't ever really paid attention to the donation thingy before.
Our forums are free. We rely on the community to help fund our forum.

However, the last few months we have not quite reached our monthly goal. We have been sustaining due to mail-ins, Tapatalk and a friend of the forum from last year.

We do not have advertising on our forum, except what is built-in to Tapatalk. Last month we pulled in a whopping $7.43 in shared ad revenue.
The decrease is mainly due to ad blockers. The average is around $19.

Our goal is to remain as transparent as possible which is why use Paypal. When we get a donation, it instantly pops up on our bar.
When we are fully funded for the month, it disappears. If the bar on the top right is gone, please wait until next month before donating.

As you long time DP vets know, we hate to ask for help. But, here we are. :(

Thank you for being a part of this amazing place we call Debate Politics.

Please consider a colorful "Donate" button somewhere along the top of each page, something that really stands out. I've just forgotten about it but would've remembered more easily if that button were there. And I stay logged in, so I'm not sure if I even see that area where the percentage of donation goals reached stat is...I'm going to look for it now.

Just a thought that may help bring in more cash.
Our forums are free. We rely on the community to help fund our forum.

However, the last few months we have not quite reached our monthly goal. We have been sustaining due to mail-ins, Tapatalk and a friend of the forum from last year.

We do not have advertising on our forum, except what is built-in to Tapatalk. Last month we pulled in a whopping $7.43 in shared ad revenue.
The decrease is mainly due to ad blockers. The average is around $19.

Our goal is to remain as transparent as possible which is why use Paypal. When we get a donation, it instantly pops up on our bar.
When we are fully funded for the month, it disappears. If the bar on the top right is gone, please wait until next month before donating.

As you long time DP vets know, we hate to ask for help. But, here we are. :(

Thank you for being a part of this amazing place we call Debate Politics.

I donated a silver on Aug 1st,with payal.Did you get it?
I think I made the bar go away for this month.
I think I made the bar go away for this month.

Show off, BUT

+1 to U.

I was getting concerned that this was taking so long. We the membership have come up short either 3 or 4 months in a row from what I saw, and the request was so well put.
If only it was that simple. :(

Sorry, Kal, wasn't trying to make light of your situation. Unless you're really fortunate, everyone knows how it feels to be short on cash. Sincerely hope the financial situation becomes less stressful soon.
Is there an area to do this once the monthly bar has gone away? I thought I read something that said to not donate if the goal has already been met, but it seems to not have been in this post.
Is there an area to do this once the monthly bar has gone away? I thought I read something that said to not donate if the goal has already been met, but it seems to not have been in this post.
In your profile settings there is a donation link.

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Our forums are free. We rely on the community to help fund our forum.

However, the last few months we have not quite reached our monthly goal. We have been sustaining due to mail-ins, Tapatalk and a friend of the forum from last year.

We do not have advertising on our forum, except what is built-in to Tapatalk. Last month we pulled in a whopping $7.43 in shared ad revenue.
The decrease is mainly due to ad blockers. The average is around $19.

Our goal is to remain as transparent as possible which is why use Paypal. When we get a donation, it instantly pops up on our bar.
When we are fully funded for the month, it disappears. If the bar on the top right is gone, please wait until next month before donating.

As you long time DP vets know, we hate to ask for help. But, here we are. :(

Thank you for being a part of this amazing place we call Debate Politics.

Morning Schweddy
When donations fall short I would hazard a guess that you are out of pocket?

Perhaps a fund raising drive a few times a year could be considered.
Fund used to maintain as a backup and draw upon when donations fall short.
Now some may say how would they know what was in the fund. It could be posted next to the donations or on a separate thread that is accessible to all.
Months short on donations - funds drawn from.
This way you are not out of pocket.
I donate $100 every October. I hope others will follow suite. I would donate more if I could afford it. *hugs* to Schweddy and thanks for a truly excellent political debate forum.
I'm in a position to donate two or three hundred dollars of American currency.

I like this web-forum, and (thus far, overall) I admire the moderators and administrators.

And all-in-all, the ratio of right-wing nut-jobs
left-wing nut-jobs
thoughtful, intelligent, independent, non-partisan-political commentators (like myself) seems quite agreeable.

The thing is, before I drop that kind of coin, I will need some assurance.

I need assurance that, if I contribute in such a magnanimous and beneficent fashion, I won't find myself so quickly censured or banned for simply telling the truth.

I'm a truth-teller.
And the truth isn't always politically-correct, nor is it kind or necessarily pretty.

So, here's the deal;
If I contribute, I want to remain immune from warnings, admonitions, and threats of temporary (or permanent) banning.

In return, I promise that I will always be fair, impartial, objective, and (most importantly) truthful.

So, if some poster attacks me in an insane fashion, and I advise him to seek professional counseling for his mental condition, I need to know that I won't be hassled with bothersome admonitions of an insulting nature.
And if some other poster slanders me in some absurdly-immature way, and I lay the offending gentleman in the weeds with my keen wit and scathing intellect, I have to have some assurance that I will be immune from prosecution and 'punishment'.

Quid pro quo, Clarice.

I'm in a position to donate two or three hundred dollars of American currency.

I like this web-forum, and (thus far, overall) I admire the moderators and administrators.

And all-in-all, the ratio of right-wing nut-jobs
left-wing nut-jobs
thoughtful, intelligent, independent, non-partisan-political commentators (like myself) seems quite agreeable.

The thing is, before I drop that kind of coin, I will need some assurance.

I need assurance that, if I contribute in such a magnanimous and beneficent fashion, I won't find myself so quickly censured or banned for simply telling the truth.

I'm a truth-teller.
And the truth isn't always politically-correct, nor is it kind or necessarily pretty.

So, here's the deal;
If I contribute, I want to remain immune from warnings, admonitions, and threats of temporary (or permanent) banning.

In return, I promise that I will always be fair, impartial, objective, and (most importantly) truthful.

So, if some poster attacks me in an insane fashion, and I advise him to seek professional counseling for his mental condition, I need to know that I won't be hassled with bothersome admonitions of an insulting nature.
And if some other poster slanders me in some absurdly-immature way, and I lay the offending gentleman in the weeds with my keen wit and scathing intellect, I have to have some assurance that I will be immune from prosecution and 'punishment'.

Quid pro quo, Clarice.

View attachment 67205844

I can assure you that donations NEVER earn any special treatment from the mods. We enforce the rules regardless of one's time on the site, donations status or political lean. While we would appreciate anything you care to contribute to keeping the site up and running, we can't and won't be "bought" per se.
I can assure you that donations NEVER earn any special treatment from the mods. We enforce the rules regardless of one's time on the site, donations status or political lean. While we would appreciate anything you care to contribute to keeping the site up and running, we can't and won't be "bought" per se.

Your dedication to keeping things on the up-and-up is admirable.

It's refreshing to see men and women who cannot be bought, and who refuse a 'pay to play' cash gratuity.

We can only wish that the Clintons had such high ethical standards.
It seems that in days gone by one was notified somehow or other after a donation. It appears that is no longer the case?

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