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PLEASE check my I.D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 1, 2010
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Political Leaning
Any of you put, "SEE I.D.", "CHECK I.D." or some variant on the back of your credit and debit cards?

I do. My hope is that on the off chance that I lose it, either the person will see that on my card and decide not to use it or that when they do someone checks their I.D.

My hope however is diminishing. I don't carry cash much, I find that it's an inconvenience. I have a debit card and a credit card. Both ask for I.D. in red and also in black sharpie on both sides of my card.

At first I used to hand them just the card and hope they would ask. They never did. Well ALMOST never. Every now and then they'd look at it funny and then swipe it. Usually they ignored it completely. About once every couple months someone would actually ask.

Eventually, I gave up and would hand them both the card and my license. Assuming that they would check it if I handed it to them. Sure it defeats the purpose, but I figure maybe they'll realize that when people ask them to check their I.D. they truly want it checked.

They even suck at this. Usually they'll look at my license confused and wonder why I hand it to them. One lady actually tried swiping it :confused:. One person actually handed it back and said, "I don't need this." I informed them that the card asked for it and they proceeded to swipe it while saying, "still don't need it." So the percentage of people who check my I.D. haven't increased.

Anyone else experience this idiocy time and time again??
I'll ask my friend. My debit card doesn't say that (yet)
I was with her one day and she was asked for ID and thanked the lady for asking. When I questioned her she said she had "ask for Id on her card" I thought that was a great idea and assumed everyone asked her. Guess not, huh?
I'll ask my friend. My debit card doesn't say that (yet)
I was with her one day and she was asked for ID and thanked the lady for asking. When I questioned her she said she had "ask for Id on her card" I thought that was a great idea and assumed everyone asked her. Guess not, huh?

No! Never! Even when I spoon feed them and hand them the card they don't!
I never did this when I worked retail because of the nature of the shop I worked at. It was a you-paint-we-fire pottery store and I figured if you jacked someone's card, the last place you'd be likely to go was a pottery shop for $60 worth of crappy pottery.
I never did this when I worked retail because of the nature of the shop I worked at. It was a you-paint-we-fire pottery store and I figured if you jacked someone's card, the last place you'd be likely to go was a pottery shop for $60 worth of crappy pottery.

I still disagree. If a card says see I.D. then the customer is asking you to check it. The customer is always right.
on its face, your imprinting a request to require ID sounds like a good idea
wonder what more needs to be done

but noticed the OP's statement that he seldom carries much cash. you are losing out on some great bargains
my experience is cash is king in many instances
i save 30-40% when using cash to buy furniture
my mechanic always works on my car straight away - because i always pay in cash
need a motel, ask for the cash price and chances are you will get a good deal
some businesses/industries like not having to declare income - you give them that option when you pay in cash
on its face, your imprinting a request to require ID sounds like a good idea
wonder what more needs to be done

but noticed the OP's statement that he seldom carries much cash. you are losing out on some great bargains
my experience is cash is king in many instances
i save 30-40% when using cash to buy furniture
my mechanic always works on my car straight away - because i always pay in cash
need a motel, ask for the cash price and chances are you will get a good deal
some businesses/industries like not having to declare income - you give them that option when you pay in cash

You're right about cash of course in those cases and sometimes I will pay cash but usually I won't ask for a lower price. It doesn't feel right to be taking from someone's livelihood. Everyone needs to make a living and I feel asking about cash price (except in a few circumstances) is actually insulting.

In touristy regions, I'll generally carry cash. These are the people that will try and take advantage of you because you don't know the region. I'll haggle a bit here.
I still disagree. If a card says see I.D. then the customer is asking you to check it. The customer is always right.
No, no they arent and I HATE that phrase. It's stupid because it feeds people's dick side and it appeases jerk behavior, making them think "Hey, all I have to do is be a huge jerk and I'll get what I want!"

Not on my ****ing watch you aint! When I work retail, I enforce the "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" and if someone thinks they can be a jerk to get what they want after I've already told them it isnt possible, GTFO. Simply because someone is making minimum wage at a crappy job DOES NOT entitle someone else to treat them like crap.
Ah Credid Card another name for loan shark.lol
Maybe you're living in the wrong place. I've got "Check my ID" on my cards, and shopkeepers around here invariably do check it. In fact, it's rare they don't.
I still disagree. If a card says see I.D. then the customer is asking you to check it. The customer is always right.

Why are you harrassing the poor schlubs that have to ring up sales all day? If your card is no longer in your possession, YOU bare the responsibility of canceling the card. The POS computers should be able to stop any activity on your card from that point on. No one cares about your license. If someone stole your card, they probably stole your license too.

If you really want to see if they're paying attention, write, "I just farted" on the back of your card.
Just dawned on me. Even if no one ever checks, it may stop a crook from using it.
I used my credit card for two or three years before someone mentioned to me I hadn't even signed it.

If companies wanted to stop credit card fraud, one would need a PIN # for every transaction. The fact that they don't require that tells me they don't give a damn. Must be a very lucrative business even with all the theft. Oh!!!! Don't we know THAT!!!
I used my credit card for two or three years before someone mentioned to me I hadn't even signed it.

If companies wanted to stop credit card fraud, one would need a PIN # for every transaction. The fact that they don't require that tells me they don't give a damn. Must be a very lucrative business even with all the theft. Oh!!!! Don't we know THAT!!!

I hate that. That (one) time I treated my friend's girls to Happy Meals, they didn't need my PIN. I didn't like that at all. Someone could get my card and make a bunch of kid's fat on it.
Any of you put, "SEE I.D.", "CHECK I.D." or some variant on the back of your credit and debit cards?

I do. My hope is that on the off chance that I lose it, either the person will see that on my card and decide not to use it or that when they do someone checks their I.D.

My hope however is diminishing. I don't carry cash much, I find that it's an inconvenience. I have a debit card and a credit card. Both ask for I.D. in red and also in black sharpie on both sides of my card.

At first I used to hand them just the card and hope they would ask. They never did. Well ALMOST never. Every now and then they'd look at it funny and then swipe it. Usually they ignored it completely. About once every couple months someone would actually ask.

Eventually, I gave up and would hand them both the card and my license. Assuming that they would check it if I handed it to them. Sure it defeats the purpose, but I figure maybe they'll realize that when people ask them to check their I.D. they truly want it checked.

They even suck at this. Usually they'll look at my license confused and wonder why I hand it to them. One lady actually tried swiping it :confused:. One person actually handed it back and said, "I don't need this." I informed them that the card asked for it and they proceeded to swipe it while saying, "still don't need it." So the percentage of people who check my I.D. haven't increased.

Anyone else experience this idiocy time and time again??

My credit and Debit cards also read 'please check ID' on the back. I've had a better record with it than you have though. I would estimate that probably 40-50% of the people I give my card to (I use it on average probably once per day) actually ask to see my ID. I still consider that to be depressingly low.
Any of you put, "SEE I.D.", "CHECK I.D." or some variant on the back of your credit and debit cards?

I do. My hope is that on the off chance that I lose it, either the person will see that on my card and decide not to use it or that when they do someone checks their I.D.

My hope however is diminishing. I don't carry cash much, I find that it's an inconvenience. I have a debit card and a credit card. Both ask for I.D. in red and also in black sharpie on both sides of my card.

At first I used to hand them just the card and hope they would ask. They never did. Well ALMOST never. Every now and then they'd look at it funny and then swipe it. Usually they ignored it completely. About once every couple months someone would actually ask.

Eventually, I gave up and would hand them both the card and my license. Assuming that they would check it if I handed it to them. Sure it defeats the purpose, but I figure maybe they'll realize that when people ask them to check their I.D. they truly want it checked.

They even suck at this. Usually they'll look at my license confused and wonder why I hand it to them. One lady actually tried swiping it :confused:. One person actually handed it back and said, "I don't need this." I informed them that the card asked for it and they proceeded to swipe it while saying, "still don't need it." So the percentage of people who check my I.D. haven't increased.

Anyone else experience this idiocy time and time again??

Complain TO the stores you go to who don't check - they ARE suppsoe to check whether you say "check id" on your strip or not . . . it's IS your money and your safety and well within your customer's rights to demand they start giving a ****!

WHAT IF someone steals your card - it would actually *be used* because people aren't carding.. . . and you'd be screwed - your bank would get screwed and the business might be screwed, too.

Call up the manager and bitch "Jeannea didn't CARD me . . ." - if the person is a decent manager then they'd give a **** about their bottom line - and start ensuring their employees card if they have continual complaints.

If a store continually doesn't enforce this RULE with their employees (yes - it's often a rule in MANY businesses) then *don't shop there* anymore - if they don't care about your customer's safety, rights and money then they don't deserve your business. . . and feel free to inform them if you stop shopping there.

Businesses who want to survive *will* care.
No, no they arent and I HATE that phrase. It's stupid because it feeds people's dick side and it appeases jerk behavior, making them think "Hey, all I have to do is be a huge jerk and I'll get what I want!"

Not on my ****ing watch you aint! When I work retail, I enforce the "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" and if someone thinks they can be a jerk to get what they want after I've already told them it isnt possible, GTFO. Simply because someone is making minimum wage at a crappy job DOES NOT entitle someone else to treat them like crap.

Absolutely understand what you mean but you're reading to far into what I meant. I meant if it's something simple like checking an I.D. then do it. If I ask an employee to reorder all the magazines in X order then I expect to be laughed at. I'm always respectful to service people. I actually work at a chinese take out restaurant. If a card is unsigned or asks me to check I.D. I ALWAYS check.

Why are you harrassing the poor schlubs that have to ring up sales all day? If your card is no longer in your possession, YOU bare the responsibility of canceling the card. The POS computers should be able to stop any activity on your card from that point on. No one cares about your license. If someone stole your card, they probably stole your license too.

If you really want to see if they're paying attention, write, "I just farted" on the back of your card.
Of course I would cancel the card, but if I don't notice until the next day I could be screwed. You clearly don't understand the purpose of checking a license if you think stealing my license should help them. What they should do is match the name on the license to the name on the card and then match the face on the card to my face.

I am "schlub that rings up sail all day" and it only takes a matter of seconds to check. In fact most people thank me when I check.

Just dawned on me. Even if no one ever checks, it may stop a crook from using it.

That's another reason I do it. :)
Complain TO the stores you go to who don't check - they ARE suppsoe to check whether you say "check id" on your strip or not . . . it's IS your money and your safety and well within your customer's rights to demand they start giving a ****!

WHAT IF someone steals your card - it would actually *be used* because people aren't carding.. . . and you'd be screwed - your bank would get screwed and the business might be screwed, too.

Call up the manager and bitch "Jeannea didn't CARD me . . ." - if the person is a decent manager then they'd give a **** about their bottom line - and start ensuring their employees card if they have continual complaints.

If a store continually doesn't enforce this RULE with their employees (yes - it's often a rule in MANY businesses) then *don't shop there* anymore - if they don't care about your customer's safety, rights and money then they don't deserve your business. . . and feel free to inform them if you stop shopping there.

Businesses who want to survive *will* care.

I see where you are coming from, but I don't want to have to get people in trouble. Why can't people be mildly competant?? I guess I may have to be more assertive here.
I see where you are coming from, but I don't want to have to get people in trouble. Why can't people be mildly competant?? I guess I may have to be more assertive here.

I understand you don't want to be rude - but in this case it's perfectly acceptable and should happen more often.

You might not feel comfortable calling and complaining but if someone DOES steal your (or someone else's) card and uses it the person who rang them through could get FIRED for not checking and verifying - tsk tsk! They need to learn this *somehow* and from *someone*

True - it might not be an end of the world issue on the surface - but it really is a very serious issue and most don't consider how serious it is. I use to be a very stern manager when it came to such issues. I've turned people away because they were using "their husband's card" or something - where the entire name didn't match up. Not to be a bitch - but I play it safe. I had my ass handed to me once over a stolen card that was used and not verified - once was enough - I was very strict after that.

I use a card that has my picture on it for this purpose and I point out to people at the checkout *why* they should check - pointing out that their manager might not be too forgiving if something slips through the cracks.
I understand you don't want to be rude - but in this case it's perfectly acceptable and should happen more often.

You might not feel comfortable calling and complaining but if someone DOES steal your (or someone else's) card and uses it the person who rang them through could get FIRED for not checking and verifying - tsk tsk! They need to learn this *somehow* and from *someone*

True - it might not be an end of the world issue on the surface - but it really is a very serious issue and most don't consider how serious it is. I use to be a very stern manager when it came to such issues. I've turned people away because they were using "their husband's card" or something - where the entire name didn't match up. Not to be a bitch - but I play it safe. I had my ass handed to me once over a stolen card that was used and not verified - once was enough - I was very strict after that.

I use a card that has my picture on it for this purpose and I point out to people at the checkout *why* they should check - pointing out that their manager might not be too forgiving if something slips through the cracks.

What's more uncomfortable is when your manager is foreign and encourages you NOT to check cards. Then you have to choose between your scruples and your boss' satisfaction. I get told "no look, just swipe da card," more often than I would like.

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