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Playing with fire: We probably have the votes to impeach Obama (1 Viewer)


Jul 17, 2013
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Atlanta, Ga
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Playing with fire: We probably have the votes to impeach Obama | Rare.us

Wow! These are really strong words coming from Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold. Farenthold was commenting
about conspiracy theories surrounding President Obama’s birth certificate.

I thought we have all moved past Obama's birth certificate and would actually start looking at the real mistakes. :confused:
Impeachment ain't gonna happen (although it should) - just consider the prospect of Biden in charge, then go looking for something to bring your blood pressure back down.
Of what high crime or misdemeanor are t hey planning to impeach Obama?
I'm not sure what all the uproar here is about. The guy said, in so many words, that it isn't going to happen.
I'm not sure what all the uproar here is about. The guy said, in so many words, that it isn't going to happen.

he pandered to an imbecile. Its the perfect example of the complete failure of the republican leadership to lead. the problem is that pubs put up with those imbeciles because they need them. But if they didn't cling to a failed ideology, they wouldn't need them.
he pandered to an imbecile. Its the perfect example of the complete failure of the republican leadership to lead. the problem is that pubs put up with those imbeciles because they need them. But if they didn't cling to a failed ideology, they wouldn't need them.

So...you think this Republican is failing to lead because he is not leading a charge to impeach Obama? Or is he is failing to lead because he is explaining to one of his constituents that impeachment isn't possible right now?

Or are you just being a partisan hack?
So...you think this Republican is failing to lead because he is not leading a charge to impeach Obama? Or is he is failing to lead because he is explaining to one of his constituents that impeachment isn't possible right now?

Or are you just being a partisan hack?

His failure to lead was
1 saying there was enough votes to impeach instead of telling them there is no basis for impeachment.
2 not telling his constituent that the "fake BC" was just a scam that only fooled the dumbest of the dumb.

Speaking of which, what reason do you think there is to impeach president Obama?
Speaking of which, what reason do you think there is to impeach president Obama?

Oath-breaking, as a general statement. His failure to "uphold and defend the Constitution" and "to see that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed" is monumental. Specific charges under that mantle would include illegal recess appointments, illegal failure to enforce the law (specifically: his executive decisions to modify ObamaCare, his failure to enforce immigration laws) and illegally making up "laws" on the fly. Unfortunately, I don't believe Biden would do any better if he were promoted out of his present role as Court Jester.
Oath-breaking, as a general statement. His failure to "uphold and defend the Constitution" and "to see that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed" is monumental. Specific charges under that mantle would include illegal recess appointments, illegal failure to enforce the law (specifically: his executive decisions to modify ObamaCare, his failure to enforce immigration laws) and illegally making up "laws" on the fly. Unfortunately, I don't believe Biden would do any better if he were promoted out of his present role as Court Jester.

wow thats quite a resume you got there for President Obama. mmmm, how come the silly pubs dont bother to act on all those charges? dont say they "it wont pass the senate" because they voted 40 times (yes 40 times) to repeal Obamacare. certainly they could have taken time out from voting against Obamacare to vote for just one or two articles of impeachment. with so many to chose from how could they resist?
wow thats quite a resume you got there for President Obama. mmmm, how come the silly pubs dont bother to act on all those charges? dont say they "it wont pass the senate" because they voted 40 times (yes 40 times) to repeal Obamacare. certainly they could have taken time out from voting against Obamacare to vote for just one or two articles of impeachment. with so many to chose from how could they resist?

Did you forget that the trial would have to take place in the Senate?
Did you forget that the trial would have to take place in the Senate?

er uh dio, I was pretty clear. repealing Obamacare has no chance of clearing the senate but yet republicans have voted 40 times (yes 40 times) to repeal it. so the "trial in the senate" narrative is right there alongside " won't pass the senate" yet it doesnt stop the republican clown parade of "repeal Obamacare" bills .

so again, certainly the republican clown parade could have taken time out from voting against Obamacare to vote for just one or two articles of impeachment. with so many to chose from how could they resist? and if you accept your ridiculous excuse for impeachment then you must be mad that the republican clown parade wastes so much time with their "repeal Obamacare" bills.
His failure to lead was
1 saying there was enough votes to impeach instead of telling them there is no basis for impeachment.
2 not telling his constituent that the "fake BC" was just a scam that only fooled the dumbest of the dumb.

Speaking of which, what reason do you think there is to impeach president Obama?

That his position...his words...are not in agreement with your own views has nothing to do with his ability to lead. It only means you do not agree with him. Or...do you only afford people the ability to lead if they lead in the direction YOU want them to lead?

I think it is clear that you have confirmed that you are only being a partisan hack.

Myself? I don't think there is any reason to impeach Obama.
Blake Farenthold is as crazy as a shathouse rat.
Any movement towards impeachment proceedings will merely expedite the demise of his republicon party.

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