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planned parenthood (1 Viewer)

john patriot

Apr 19, 2020
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planned parenthood is an abortion mill, supported by democrats, how can Christians support democrats when they support this ungodly program! Q 2024
planned parenthood is an abortion mill, supported by democrats, how can Christians support democrats when they support this ungodly program! Q 2024

I disagree. I think many Christians are smart enough to understand Planned Parenthood is a great organization for women's all around health. It's the extremists that don't think clearly.

I don't know why you want to bash intelligent Christians.
I disagree. I think many Christians are smart enough to understand Planned Parenthood is a great organization for women's all around health. It's the extremists that don't think clearly.

I don't know why you want to bash intelligent Christians.
I think many Christians are smart enough to understand Planned Parenthood is a great organization for women's all around health.

That's one I never heard before(LOL)
planned parenthood is an abortion mill, supported by democrats, how can Christians support democrats when they support this ungodly program! Q 2024

Because Christian's love abortions!!!!
planned parenthood is an abortion mill, supported by democrats, how can Christians support democrats when they support this ungodly program! Q 2024

Another week, another dopey abortion thread from some random religious loon.
Another week, another dopey abortion thread from some random religious loon.

With millions of fetuses being destroyed is no "Dopey"

I disagree. I think many Christians are smart enough to understand Planned Parenthood is a great organization for women's all around health. It's the extremists that don't think clearly.

I don't know why you want to bash intelligent Christians.

Exactly! Intelligent Christians are an endangered species - some even think they are already extinct. The most recent sightings are from the period before the discovery of DNA:
Most abortions in the us are performed on christians

Maybe, they aren't really Christian? Like just "baptized" etc..

I mean, most Americans don't act like Americans
Maybe, they aren't really Christian? Like just "baptized" etc..

I mean, most Americans don't act like Americans

I shall be the decider of the TRUE CHRISTIANS!!!!! LOL
planned parenthood is an abortion mill, supported by democrats, how can Christians support democrats when they support this ungodly program! Q 2024

Not even one person that claims to be a Christian should vote for ANY democrat. Christ stands for life, Planned Parenthood stands for evil and death!!!
Not even one person that claims to be a Christian should vote for ANY democrat. Christ stands for life, Planned Parenthood stands for evil and death!!!

Except they do. By the millions. They get abortions too
Planned Parenthood is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread.

Just imagine all the bad people who have not been born.

Thank you, Ms. Sanger.
Maybe, they aren't really Christian? Like just "baptized" etc..

I mean, most Americans don't act like Americans

Grade ONE Alarm! Bad Logic red alert! However 'most Americans' act they are, by definition, acting like Americans.
Planned Parenthood is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread.

Just imagine all the bad people who have not been born.

Thank you, Ms. Sanger.

Even more important think of all the unwanted children who have not be born.
abortion is murder if you are a Christian you must be against murder! abortion clinics must be put out of business, I recall sitting in a social security office listening to two women bragging about how much money they were making having abortions, the doctors were paying the women for their babies bodys! according to the women they were making about 10 thousand per abortion! Q 2024 thanks planned parenthood
abortion is murder if you are a Christian you must be against murder! abortion clinics must be put out of business, I recall sitting in a social security office listening to two women bragging about how much money they were making having abortions, the doctors were paying the women for their babies bodys! according to the women they were making about 10 thousand per abortion! Q 2024 thanks planned parenthood

I speak for all Christians!!!!!!
abortion is murder if you are a Christian you must be against murder! abortion clinics must be put out of business, I recall sitting in a social security office listening to two women bragging about how much money they were making having abortions, the doctors were paying the women for their babies bodys! according to the women they were making about 10 thousand per abortion! Q 2024 thanks planned parenthood

Thanks for once again proving you are a Liar. How Christian of you.
My assumption is that Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than they might perform. Big Chief Conservative Limbaugh got his panties twisted when a woman testified about including birth control in health coverage, calling her a slut, even tho she testified about woman taking the pill to regulate their cycle. The best I have heard on this is the Clinton phrase about abortions, that public policy should be to make them “safe, legal and rare.”
thanks Logical 1 at least we have someone of moral character! Q 2024
keep drinking the kool aid! and support the abortion mill! Q 2024
abortion is murder if you are a Christian you must be against murder! abortion clinics must be put out of business, I recall sitting in a social security office listening to two women bragging about how much money they were making having abortions, the doctors were paying the women for their babies bodys! according to the women they were making about 10 thousand per abortion! Q 2024 thanks planned parenthood

this is a 100% true statement! Q 2024

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