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Pillow Dude is still at it. (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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Mike Lindell touted a new "historical" lawsuit he helped file in Arizona on Friday to prevent the southwestern state from utilizing machines to tabulate votes in upcoming elections.

Arizona state Representative Mark Finchem, a Republican, who is running to become the state's secretary of state in the 2022 midterms, and Kari Lake, a former television news journalist, who is running as a Republican to become the state's governor, filed the lawsuit with the backing of Lindell. They contend that the machines are vulnerable to hacking.

These whack-jobs don't know when they're beat.

When does Trump see Lindell through his “Kraken” colored glasses?

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell touted a new "historical" lawsuit he helped file in Arizona on Friday to prevent the southwestern state from utilizing machines to tabulate votes in upcoming elections.
*emphasis mine


So, if not machines, then what? What does he want to use to tabulate? An abacus? Beads on a wire? What?
Next thing, he'll be hawking his: "My Voting Machine"
Remember, Ivanka set here sights on voting machine, with her China Patent's.... They expected to use them to Turn America over to her Wanna Be Dictator Daddy.... she probably thought he'd anoint her "Queen of America" or something.


Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

Over a span of two months in late 2018, the Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Trump and his daughter. In October alone, according to the Associated Press, China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC. The new approvals covered Ivanka-branded fashion gear, including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines. In January of 2019, China granted Ivanka’s company preliminary approval for another five trademarks covering child care centers, wedding dresses, and art valuation services. The applications were filed in 2016 and 2017.
end quote

These are the same 'Trump Family Members who duped Republican that they wanted to bring Jobs to America... while they were busy making agreement to produce more stuff in China.
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Remember, Ivanka set here sights on that, with her China Patent's.... They expected to use them to Turn America over to her Wanna Be Dictator Daddy.... she probably thought he's anoint her "Queen of America or something.
One of the items in the quote is not like the others.

”The new approvals covered Ivanka-branded fashion gear, including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines. In January of 2019, China granted Ivanka’s company preliminary approval for another five trademarks covering child care centers, wedding dresses, and art valuation services. The applications were filed in 2016 and 2017. “

….and voting machines…

almost like an after thought.


*emphasis mine


So, if not machines, then what? What does he want to use to tabulate? An abacus? Beads on a wire? What?
He doesn't actually want them tabulated, we're just supposed to assume tRump won.

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