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PILL FOR MEN Male contraceptive pill ‘99% effective in preventing pregnancy’ – (1 Viewer)


Symbiotic Pnemonic
DP Veteran
Feb 2, 2022
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The Twilight Zone
Political Leaning
A PILL for men could be closer — offering hope of new birth control options.

A non-hormonal drug was 99 per cent effective in preventing pregnancy in lab tests on mice.

I can't wait for this!! Males are so responsible, I'm sure it will end the need for abortions everywhere.

As long as the pill is mandatorily covered by insurance 😉
Keep in mind that pregnancy is not the only thing to worry about. A pill may be good but a condom will still be handy.
Yes, it would be great actually. The side effects from women's contraceptive suck.

IMO, just like men are kinda foolish to believe women they dont know well when they say they're on the pill, women should not just trust men if they say they're on this new pill.

Women should still remain responsible for their own protection, including for STDs.
IMO, just like men are kinda foolish to believe women they dont know well when they say they're on the pill, women should not just trust men if they say they're on this new pill.

Women should still remain responsible for their own protection, including for STDs.
Well that's a good point.
It may result in the births of grotesque creatures without morals.

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