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Pics Of Places you wish you could go to. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2011
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Political Leaning
Isle of Skye, Scotland


[FONT=&quot]Seychelles beach[/FONT]
Also abandoned places fascinate me. I have been trying to post pics of some I found, but for some reason..it won't let me.

Actually, I can't post any more pics either of anywhere in here. :(

I am a tropical kinda gal. Hate desert stuff, which is why I never hand a hankering to see the ME or pyramids there. Give me rainforests, hidden rivers and lakes, castles in the middle of vast forests, etc.
I know! Isn't it cool??? I just wish I could get the pic to show without having people click a link.
I know! Isn't it cool??? I just wish I could get the pic to show without having people click a link.

Actually, I'm glad you did it that way. They're all fascinating. They have a dreamy quality to them in which they cross the plane between photographs and paintings.
Well..I guess I will post the link with a description of what it is to the best of my ability. Most will be from Pinterest, so it should be safe with no malware or anything bad.
Garden District, New Orleans. Is this Lestat's hiding place?

Well what do ya know! The pic showed up!
The antique dealer in me drools at this one. Check out those chandeliers.
Abandoned casino in Constanta, Romania, on the Black Sea. It's been empty since the Communist era (built in 1905).


Is that better? There were (url) tags instead of (img) tags on it.

Your pics are lovely. I can see why you would like to go there. :)
Talofofo falls, Guam


Spearfish canyon, SD


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