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Pick your conservative dream team! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
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Who do you guys think would make the ultimate conservative dream team? I'm actually more of a moderate and so I've also included moderates in my poll.

Here are my picks:

President - George Washington. Nuff said.

Vice President - Howard Hughes. Eccentric and had mental problems, yes. But boy, could he argue! He could out argue/debate pretty much anyone. Recall when he was in that hearing in front of the government in front of Senator Brewster from Maine regarding money he had taken to build airplanes during WW2. Hughes bitch slapped Brewster and everyone else. I'm telling you that if Hughes were alive today and ran for office, the liberals would have nightmares about debating him. Hughes had very conservative economic views.

Secretary of State - Frank Sinatra. Wasn't always a Republican but became much more conservative along with Reagan as he became older. Had a billion times more charisma than Bill Clinton ever had. Plus, all the women would automatically vote for him for his sex appeal alone.

Secretary of Treasury - Alexander Hamilton. Actually was our first Secretary of Treasury and was so intelligent, would make Alan Greenspan look like a retard on financial and economic issues.

Attorney General - Charlton Heston. Another super charismatic individual, would go after gun abusers like no tomarrow.

Homeland Security Director - Tom Cruise. Cruise isn't actually a conservative per se, he's more of a moderate. I like moderates and while I don't respect him for having cheated on his wives, I do think he is a tremendous actor. I am not entirely against psychiatric drugs but I do like his views on them. When he told Matt Lauer, "You don't know the history of psychiatry-I do!" it was awesome. HaHa-Cruise owned Lauer. I think we'd all be better off if we found natural ways of curing what ails us. Plus, another reason why Cruise would make a good Homeland Security Director is, I could see him dressing up in his Mission Impossible outfit and fighting terrorists single one on one, lmao. I am not a scientologist by any means, I just think that we put too many people on drugs nowadays, especially kids and teenagers. I don't mean to bash people who choose to take psychiatric drugs, I just think what a lot of them need is just more love and understanding in their lives. If we would all just love each other, the world would be a much better place. Plus, Cruise and Steven Spielberg have both shared political views that I admire.

Department of Justice - Either Arnold Schwarzeneger or Robert Deniro. Both are intelligent moderates.

Department of Education Director - Jimmy Stewart. Most people don't know that Stewart was a staunch conservative.

Department of Defense Director - John Wayne. What terrorist in their right mind would launch an attack on the US if John Wayne were in office? His mere presence would scare the crap out of them.

Department of Commerce Director - Adam Smith. The classical economist would be a joy to have around. There are also other people who'd I would love to have in this position like Ben Stein, he's a Jewish guy who's really good with money, very smart.

Office of Management and Budget - Mel Gibson. He's proven he can manage an entire film company, so.

White House Chief of Staff - Ronald Reagan. You guys didn't think I would leave Reagan out, did you? :mrgreen:
President: Pat Buchanan
Vice President: Ross Perot
Secretary of State: Ron Paul
Secretary of Defense: Tom Tancredo
Atourney General: Libertatrian CA Judge Jim Grey
President: Michael Savage
Vice President: Tom Tancredo
President: Rudy Julliani
VP: lewis black

Rudy because he cleaned up New York, imagine what he can do when he cleans the house. Lewis Black because if anyone assinates Rudy, they are going to have a Comedian for President, and I can only imagine the inagural addresses. :rofl
jamesrage said:
President: Michael Savage
Vice President: Tom Tancredo

michael savage? oh man, that guy is nuts. :rofl

definatly intellegent, and definatly honest.

but crazy.
Actually Mr. George Washington, Wahsington can't be president, he's had two terms. Or are you referring to yourself?
stsburns said:
President: Rudy Julliani
VP: lewis black

Rudy because he cleaned up New York, imagine what he can do when he cleans the house. Lewis Black because if anyone assinates Rudy, they are going to have a Comedian for President, and I can only imagine the inagural addresses. :rofl

I would hardly peg Lewis as a conservative, but I like the way you think!

President : Pat Robertson
V.P : Rick Santorum
Sec. of State: Ann Coulter
Sec. of Treasury: Duke Cunningham
A.G.: Harriet Miers
Homeland Sec.: Bill O'Reilly
Sec.of Ed.: Kathy Martin (Kansas Board of Ed)
Chief of Staff: Scooter Libby
Office of Management and Budget: Jack Abramoff
Comrade Brian said:
Actually Mr. George Washington, Wahsington can't be president, he's had two terms. Or are you referring to yourself?

There's also that slight obstacle of... well, death.
The Real McCoy said:
There's also that slight obstacle of... well, death.

Hence..."dream" team.
hipsterdufus said:
I would hardly peg Lewis as a conservative, but I like the way you think!

President : Pat Robertson
V.P : Rick Santorum
Sec. of State: Ann Coulter
Sec. of Treasury: Duke Cunningham
A.G.: Harriet Miers
Homeland Sec.: Bill O'Reilly
Sec.of Ed.: Kathy Martin (Kansas Board of Ed)
Chief of Staff: Scooter Libby
Office of Management and Budget: Jack Abramoff


i pick these two as with one being dead and the other bonkers they would never be able to get into power again
President: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Vice President: Collin Powell it would get people used to the idea before he made his run for president.

Secretary of State: George Bush senior he's the former head of the CIA

Secretary of Defense: Douglas MaCarthur

Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton, you're right about that pick

White House Press Secretary: Ronald Reagan

Attorney General: Rehnquist

Homeland Security Director: J. Edgar Hoover

President-Ronald Reagan

Vice President-Franklin Graham

Secretary of State-Gene Simmons

Homeland Security-Roy S. Moore
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Wow. Those are some crappy lists.

Anyway, I'm not a Conservative but if I had to choose it would be John McCaine as President and Pat Buchannan as Vice President.

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