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pick favorite presidential ticket in 2008 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
if you could pick the next presidential ticket, who would you you choose and what party? (be as creative as you like)

what is your political ideology?

There are not too many American politicians I like. I do like Joe Liebermann....but I am going to go outside of the box on my selections. I am going with Dale Murphy and Steve Young for the democratic ticket, (OK, I am a Mormon). This would give the democrats a handful of states such as Utah, Idaho, and possibly Arizona(Mccain would be tough though) that normally go Republican. Goergia could be in play.

I have sorta fashioned a political ideology together. I like a government based on freedom and transparency in all facets(including economic sphere) and flexible enough to implement those policies that benefit society as a whole; policies such as strong environmental legislation, labor saftey laws, handicapp regulation on businesses, etc. A government that institutes laws that warn against negative behavior which lessens individual freedom; physical and spiritual freedom being the result of obedience to true and virtuous principles.
If I could make any ticket I wanted without regard to winning the presidential ticket....

Obama and Boxer '08. One moderate, one liberal. One black, one white. One a male, one female. One perfectiontion squared, the other just perfect. I jest...
ShamMol said:
If I could make any ticket I wanted without regard to winning the presidential ticket....

Obama and Boxer '08. One moderate, one liberal. One black, one white. One a male, one female. One perfectiontion squared, the other just perfect. I jest...
where's the moderate? I hope you don't mean obama... his record's as liberal as they come.
Stherngntlmn said:
where's the moderate? I hope you don't mean obama... his record's as liberal as they come.
In my opinion, he is more moderate than Boxer. I was making light of the situation, did you not get the implications?
President: George Allen
VP: Condy Rice
Navy Pride said:
President: George Allen
VP: Condy Rice

Great...another liar on the republican VP ticket...just what the country needs.

If the GOP is smart, they'll nominate someone of substance this time....

John McCain would be a good start.

Just for fun, I'd love to see a Hillary/Obama ticket. I can just see the 'right' spewing froth and venom with a ticket like this.
Hoot said:
John McCain would be a good start.

For which party? :shock:

I would vote for Obama before I voted for that man.
Hoot said:
Great...another liar on the republican VP ticket...just what the country needs.

If the GOP is smart, they'll nominate someone of substance this time....

John McCain would be a good start.

Just for fun, I'd love to see a Hillary/Obama ticket. I can just see the 'right' spewing froth and venom with a ticket like this.

I really don't see McCain as nominatable. He is not trusted within the Republican party and is seen as a maverick. Allen doesn't have that liability and I see him as the most likely choice.

For a very good idea of who the likely nominees are check out tradesports.com. They are usually right on the money.
Missouri Mule said:
For a very good idea of who the likely nominees are check out tradesports.com. They are usually right on the money.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Me thinks you are a Glenn Beck listener. He promotes that site quite often.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Me thinks you are a Glenn Beck listener. He promotes that site quite often.

Thanks for your welcome.

I'm not familiar with him. I am, however, a political junkie. I've followed politics closely for about 55 years. I can certainly tell you who won't be the nominees.

As to Tradesports, I found it to be extremely accurate in the 2004 elections. The only time it went south was when the phony and premature exit polling was done. Otherwise it was uncannily accurate. I also like the British oddsmakers. They'll bet on anything. I've found the betting oddsmakers about 100% more accurate than all of the political hacks mouthing off on television.

Hillary's nomination is her's to lose. Bayh and Warner are darkhorses. Looking at the Republicans, Allen seems to be the most solid. Giuliani has to be considered a real darkhorse candidate though. You could be looking at an Allen/Giuliani ticket against a Hillary/Bayh or Hillary/Warner ticket. Bayh has to be the favorite VP candidate because he brings with it both Indiana and Ohio and the election. Warner doesn't do that although he is given higher odds to be the presidential candidate. If Hillary falters then I would put him at the top with Bayh as VP. I just don't see the others as realistic contenders although Biden has substantial numbers. His mouth overloads his butt, though. McCain is highly unlikely if not impossible to be accepted by the Republican conservative base. In the end it is a process of elimination. Which is why I said the 2004 election would come down to Ohio. And I was right; not wanting to sound like I'm patting myself on my back, but the numbers told the tale.

This is the Tradesports link if anyone is interested.

galenrox said:
Alright, at the risk of sounding ignorant, I must admit I have no clue who the **** is George Allen, so would someone enlighten me?

And as far as Obama not being moderate, he's just not moderate to some who are so far right wing that a moderate democrat would be about as liberal as Mousellini.

I'd say I want Obama to run for president before senate corrupts him, because I am yet to see someone come out of senate uncorrupted. They get too involved in the politics, and they forget about the ideals and those they represent.

In 2008 though, I'd say Brian Schweitzer for president, Obama for vice president, they'd have a fantastic dynamic I think.

I can safely say that Obama will not be president in 2008 and very likely not at all. I've already said who the candidates will be. You can take it to the bank.
Obama is a bleeding heart liberal........That is undeniable..........He will play nice to the left wing base of the dem party but like Hillary is un electable as neither will carry one red state...........Bayh will carry Indiana but I am not sure of Ohio.......
Navy Pride said:
Obama is a bleeding heart liberal........That is undeniable..........He will play nice to the left wing base of the dem party but like Hillary is un electable as neither will carry one red state...........Bayh will carry Indiana but I am not sure of Ohio.......

I think it is more than highly probable tehat Bayh would carry Ohio as well as Indiana where he is hugely popular. That means that it will be up to the Republicans to pick up Wisconsin and Minnesota. Michigan is too corrupt to ever get.

The Republicans may be back in the driver's seat after the 2010 census is taken because that will increase their electoral votes in the "red" states as people migrate to the southern and western states and away from the blue states located on the two coasts. But 2008 looks like a Democratic year and I do not agree that Hillary can't win. With medical care costs going up between 12-15% a year the public will be in no mood to ignore this issue any longer. Any candidate seen as capable on both national security and medical care will be the likely winner. Many people are just one step out of bankruptcy with their next medical emergency. We're paying more for medical care today even with co-pays and medical insurance than we used to pay without medical insurance. The medical establishment believes that we have bottomless pockets and this is going to have to have a political solution. And don't get me started on Medicaid fraud.
I'm hoping that Rudy Guiliani is nowhere near the white house! I don't trust him with that kind of power, and if you thought Bill Clinton was "immoral" this guy makes him look like a saint! Allen is just another talking head, another conservative with somebody's hand up his ass. McCain does have substance, but a snowball's chance in hell of ever coming close to a nomination. Biden is boring. Hillary should never run for office (I'd never vote for her unless she's running against anybody named Bush.) Wow!... I guess I'm rooting for Obama.
^How bout Jeb Bush...

And this thought doesn't just apply to this poster, what about him in general, do you think he might run...continue the "dynasty?"
I want McCain to run. He's a "maverick" which to me means he tries to follow his conscience some of the time. If he were Prez, he could do that and whip his party into shape.

McCain / Powell.
galenrox said:
Alright, at the risk of sounding ignorant, I must admit I have no clue who the **** is George Allen, so would someone enlighten me?
Son of a Former Redskins coach by the same name. Born in Ca, raised in Va. Former Va Governor, Current VA senator, and unlike most of the current republican party... he actually seems like a real conservative with classical republican platform views.

McCain and Powell....

Now that is a Republican Dream team. Honestly, unless Obama was the main candidate or Boxer ran, I would be voting for them.
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I would vote for them even if Obama ran, and I like his kind of Democrat.

One thing to ask yourself is: What do you know about Obama?

I know he gave one good speech on natl' tv, and then right before his election night speech his wife introduced him as "My baby's daddy" even though they are married and he proceeded to give a crappy speech.

Aside from that, I don't really know much about him. Why is everyone so in love with him?
jakurus said:
I would vote for them even if Obama ran, and I like his kind of Democrat.

One thing to ask yourself is: What do you know about Obama?

I know he gave one good speech on natl' tv, and then right before his election night speech his wife introduced him as "My baby's daddy" even though they are married and he proceeded to give a crappy speech.

Aside from that, I don't really know much about him. Why is everyone so in love with him?
I have had lunch with him. Before he was famous. Basically, I was working for my boss who was a main contributor to the Edwards campaign and even gave him his personal plane to ride around in. Anyways, long story short, I was in contact with the money guy for the Edwards campaign who was having lunch with Obama to discuss overall fundraising for the DNC and I got myself invited along. The man is so amazing. He is charasmatic and is "on" even when trying not to be.

I really like some of his policies, especially his foreign policy, which I believe is very sensible and not very often advocated, which includes in the 10 point plan instilling democracy in the latin america and stopping the school of americas (basically it would have to stop). That is something I am rather passionate about. He also was for more cooperation with the world, especially minding the geneva convention and not disregarding it when we see fit.

Another two areas which he is particularly strong on is of importance to me are health care and education. On education, he especially advocates for direct lending from the federal government to college students instead of the inefficient system of giving it out to private banks. He also suggested plans to get more teachers directly from the ranks of college students by giving them housing plus a stipend to teach in horrible schools and change kids lives.

On health care he has protected people from price gouging when he was just in the state government. He added a ton of people to the rolls and he was trying to add even more. He feels that it is the nation's responsibility to provide health insurance for those who cannot afford it, especially the children. He also wants the Federal government to negotiate drug prices to make it fair for all people, not just the rich.

So, I know just a bit about the man and did not just jump on the bandwagon as you may think.
ShamMol said:
McCain and Powell....

Now that is a Republican Dream team. Honestly, unless Obama was the main candidate or Boxer ran, I would be voting for them.

so you'd vote McCain/Powell but would vote for Boxer as well? talk about polar opposites.
ShamMol said:
I have had lunch with him. Before he was famous. Basically, I was working for my boss who was a main contributor to the Edwards campaign and even gave him his personal plane to ride around in. Anyways, long story short, I was in contact with the money guy for the Edwards campaign who was having lunch with Obama to discuss overall fundraising for the DNC and I got myself invited along. The man is so amazing. He is charasmatic and is "on" even when trying not to be.

I really like some of his policies, especially his foreign policy, which I believe is very sensible and not very often advocated, which includes in the 10 point plan instilling democracy in the latin america and stopping the school of americas (basically it would have to stop). That is something I am rather passionate about. He also was for more cooperation with the world, especially minding the geneva convention and not disregarding it when we see fit.

Another two areas which he is particularly strong on is of importance to me are health care and education. On education, he especially advocates for direct lending from the federal government to college students instead of the inefficient system of giving it out to private banks. He also suggested plans to get more teachers directly from the ranks of college students by giving them housing plus a stipend to teach in horrible schools and change kids lives.

On health care he has protected people from price gouging when he was just in the state government. He added a ton of people to the rolls and he was trying to add even more. He feels that it is the nation's responsibility to provide health insurance for those who cannot afford it, especially the children. He also wants the Federal government to negotiate drug prices to make it fair for all people, not just the rich.

So, I know just a bit about the man and did not just jump on the bandwagon as you may think.

You don't count!

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