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PGA Moves tournament from Tump's course to Mexico. (1 Viewer)

No, but Trump is using it to make political statement. If it was meant to be a political statement, they would have said it was.
Or... Perhaps the PGA and Cadillac do not want association with a flip-flopping lunatic of a Presidential candidate.
No, but Trump is using it to make political statement. If it was meant to be a political statement, they would have said it was.
Highly unlikely.

Golf is very popular with wealthy white men. You know... the ones that tend to support Republicans. I doubt that would be good for business.
This is similar to the hypocrisy of the Royal and Ancient removing Muirfield from its Open Championship rotation because they voted against allowing female membership. The R and A doesn't mention that they haven't ever invited a woman to play in their tournament even though they regularly invite amateurs and old men who fail miserably on the courses they play.

Sports making political statements is idiocy in my view. Most of us love sports because it's an escape from every day nonsense, like politics. Let's see if one of the PGA professionals - not the players, but the leadership - gets kidnapped by one of the drug cartels - that would be poetic justice.
This is similar to the hypocrisy of the Royal and Ancient removing Muirfield from its Open Championship rotation because they voted against allowing female membership. The R and A doesn't mention that they haven't ever invited a woman to play in their tournament even though they regularly invite amateurs and old men who fail miserably on the courses they play.

Sports making political statements is idiocy in my view. Most of us love sports because it's an escape from every day nonsense, like politics. Let's see if one of the PGA professionals - not the players, but the leadership - gets kidnapped by one of the drug cartels - that would be poetic justice.

Wishing kidnapping upon people because you disagree with something a governing body decided... Wow.
Or... Perhaps the PGA and Cadillac do not want association with a flip-flopping lunatic of a Presidential candidate.

Must be Obama doesn't have a tournament

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