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Petraeus Paid Off? (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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Political Leaning
by Steven Ahle
July 2, 2013

Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, has gotten a new job and it’s a humdinger. Many of you remember that I’ve said many times that people with information on the scandals will either get promoted or get cushy jobs from some liberal company. Since Patraeus has resigned he couldn’t be promoted so the next best thing

CUNY (City University of New York) has hired Patraeus to tech 3 hours a week, as an adjunct professor. His pay is $200,000 dollars a year. That’s 8 times the normal rate.


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Petraeus Paid Off?

Even West Pointers have a price for perfidy. BTW that salary does not include the pension he receives as a retired general.
by Steven Ahle
July 2, 2013

Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, has gotten a new job and it’s a humdinger. Many of you remember that I’ve said many times that people with information on the scandals will either get promoted or get cushy jobs from some liberal company. Since Patraeus has resigned he couldn’t be promoted so the next best thing

CUNY (City University of New York) has hired Patraeus to tech 3 hours a week, as an adjunct professor. His pay is $200,000 dollars a year. That’s 8 times the normal rate.


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Petraeus Paid Off?

Even West Pointers have a price for perfidy. BTW that salary does not include the pension he receives as a retired general.

General Petraeus is a fine and honorable soldier who deserves every cent of that salary due to his notoriety.

You want to be outraged about a perfidious general? You have no farther to look than McChrystal.
by Steven Ahle
July 2, 2013

Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, has gotten a new job and it’s a humdinger. Many of you remember that I’ve said many times that people with information on the scandals will either get promoted or get cushy jobs from some liberal company. Since Patraeus has resigned he couldn’t be promoted so the next best thing

CUNY (City University of New York) has hired Patraeus to tech 3 hours a week, as an adjunct professor. His pay is $200,000 dollars a year. That’s 8 times the normal rate.


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Petraeus Paid Off?

Even West Pointers have a price for perfidy. BTW that salary does not include the pension he receives as a retired general.

I don't see General Petraeus as the kind of person he is portrayed as in this thread.
General Petraeus is a fine and honorable soldier who deserves every cent of that salary due to his notoriety.

You want to be outraged about a perfidious general? You have no farther to look than McChrystal.

Gee, I don't remember this exuberance about Petraeus when he reported to Congress about the 'Iraq Surge". Come to think of it you applauded when he was portrayed as "General Betrayus".

MoveOn.org ad controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ad also labeled him "General Betray Us". ... "Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade, ... Political controversies in the United States; The New York Times

Hmm..., times do change....
You, sir, are a liar. Retract this remark immediately.

Are you claiming you were aghast at the NYT full page advertisement at the time? If so then I can see your consternation. However, you certainly weren't for the surge in Iraq. We can see that by your support Obama then and now.
Do you have any evidence to support this malarkey?

Or are we just supposed to take your word?

Apparently you did not read the full article Again. If you had you would not be asking questions.
by Steven Ahle
July 2, 2013

Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, has gotten a new job and it’s a humdinger. Many of you remember that I’ve said many times that people with information on the scandals will either get promoted or get cushy jobs from some liberal company. Since Patraeus has resigned he couldn’t be promoted so the next best thing

CUNY (City University of New York) has hired Patraeus to tech 3 hours a week, as an adjunct professor. His pay is $200,000 dollars a year. That’s 8 times the normal rate.


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Petraeus Paid Off?

Even West Pointers have a price for perfidy. BTW that salary does not include the pension he receives as a retired general.
my choice of college was determined by the fact that Wernher von Braun was an (adjunct) professor there. while a misguided factor on my part, it certainly worked to the school's benefit
today, i would believe someone of the caliber of a Warren Buffett, someone whose instruction services could easily command a massive payment, would attract students to the hiring university
and Petraeus has similar star-like qualities which should enable him to enjoy compensation which far exceeds the norm

for 150 teaching hours let's assume he commits another 150 in non-contact preparation, resulting in $200,000/300 hours, or ~ $670 hourly. my kid bills at half that rate, and while he is very good at what he does, he does not possess Petraeus' CV
this topic appears to be much about nothing, actually ... especially when we see the (very legitimate) hourly incomes of prominent sports and entertainment figures
The place for conspiracy non sense is further down in this forum. This, like every conspiracy theory, is based not on any evidence, but on the wants and desires of the people who believe it.
Moderator's Warning:
Don't you LOVE a conspiracy?

Moved to the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
David Petraeus Makes $150k to Teach Once a Week, While You Drown in Student Debt

By Alexandra Ma
in Millennials
3 days ago

With great timing, Gawker on Monday also revealed that former CIA director David Petraeus will earn a whopping $150,000 a year from the City University of New York, where he will teach a seminar that meets once a week. On top of this, according to an email from CUNY chancellor Matthew Goldstein, the stipend will be "supplemented by funds from a private gift," and CUNY "could also provide limited additional funds for travel to professional meetings as a representative of CUNY."

What's worse, the $150,000 CUNY is offering is already much lower than what Petraeus is being paid by colleges elsewhere, according to Petraeus himself. In his "acceptance letter" to teach at CUNY, Petraeus writes to dean Ann Kirschner, "The truth is I could have gotten more money or more prestigious places (you won't believe what USC will pay per week) ..."
Which begs the question: as more and more students take out loans to finance higher education, is this kind of thing why colleges haven't lowered their costs?


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David Petraeus Makes $150k to Teach Once a Week, While You Drown in Student Debt

Strangely I seem to take away several ideas from this posting.
Certainly it seems strange that a retired General and ex-director of the CIA should suddenly surface as an adjunct professor teaching one day a week at CUNY.
What does this do to College tuition costs?
Can Universities afford to pay adjunct professors such high salaries for teaching one day a week?
I would have thought that some Defense manufacturer would have hired the General, like Boeing, Lockheed, Chrysler or General Motors.
David Petraeus Makes $150k to Teach Once a Week, While You Drown in Student Debt

By Alexandra Ma
in Millennials
3 days ago

With great timing, Gawker on Monday also revealed that former CIA director David Petraeus will earn a whopping $150,000 a year from the City University of New York, where he will teach a seminar that meets once a week. On top of this, according to an email from CUNY chancellor Matthew Goldstein, the stipend will be "supplemented by funds from a private gift," and CUNY "could also provide limited additional funds for travel to professional meetings as a representative of CUNY."

What's worse, the $150,000 CUNY is offering is already much lower than what Petraeus is being paid by colleges elsewhere, according to Petraeus himself. In his "acceptance letter" to teach at CUNY, Petraeus writes to dean Ann Kirschner, "The truth is I could have gotten more money or more prestigious places (you won't believe what USC will pay per week) ..."
Which begs the question: as more and more students take out loans to finance higher education, is this kind of thing why colleges haven't lowered their costs?


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David Petraeus Makes $150k to Teach Once a Week, While You Drown in Student Debt

Strangely I seem to take away several ideas from this posting.
Certainly it seems strange that a retired General and ex-director of the CIA should suddenly surface as an adjunct professor teaching one day a week at CUNY.
What does this do to College tuition costs?
Can Universities afford to pay adjunct professors such high salaries for teaching one day a week?
I would have thought that some Defense manufacturer would have hired the General, like Boeing, Lockheed, Chrysler or General Motors.

Interesting thread... thanks for sharing.
David Petraeus Makes $150k to Teach Once a Week, While You Drown in Student Debt
Your first article says his salary will be $200.000 ... which is it?

Why do your sources contradict each other?
by Steven Ahle
July 2, 2013
Former CIA Director General David Petraeus, has gotten a new job and it’s a humdinger. Many of you remember that I’ve said many times that people with information on the scandals will either get promoted or get cushy jobs from some liberal company. Since Patraeus has resigned he couldn’t be promoted so the next best thing
CUNY (City University of New York) has hired Patraeus to tech 3 hours a week, as an adjunct professor. His pay is $200,000 dollars a year. That’s 8 times the normal rate.
Read more:
Petraeus Paid Off?
Even West Pointers have a price for perfidy. BTW that salary does not include the pension he receives as a retired general.
Petraeus is an exceptionally well-qualified individual.

You should first eliminate the possibility that Petraeus's exceptional qualities have caused him to be treated exceptionally.
After you do that, it'll be easier to by an assertion that Petraeus's treatment by CUNY is the result of blackmail or potential blackmail.
So do that first.
Then we can debate.
I would think he would get more than that for speaking fees. I think Schwarzkopf got 60k per lecture/speaking engagement.
The Military Industrial Complex in full stride 60 years later.

Betrayus is in the same class as Powell--sycophant.

There is a great video of Betrayus being heckled on his way to work one morning, funny as hell.
The Military Industrial Complex in full stride 60 years later.

Betrayus is in the same class as Powell--sycophant.

There is a great video of Betrayus being heckled on his way to work one morning, funny as hell.

while no fan of petraeus, to pretend that he alone is responsible for the continuation of the military industrial complex is a fool's errand
That's it Rob.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video more than 1000. :lol:
while no fan of petraeus, to pretend that he alone is responsible for the continuation of the military industrial complex is a fool's errand

Yes, I very much agree Bubba.

Ike saw it prior to 1961, the MIC, and I'm betting Betrayus was not even born at that time.

But Betrayus has embraced it, no questions asked, no objections voiced. That's how one makes General.
Yes, I very much agree Bubba.

Ike saw it prior to 1961, the MIC, and I'm betting Betrayus was not even born at that time.

But Betrayus has embraced it, no questions asked, no objections voiced. That's how one makes General.

by your logic it would be appropriate the blame the drivers of yugo cars as being responsible for the inferior product rather than those who manage the yugo company
by your logic it would be appropriate the blame the drivers of yugo cars as being responsible for the inferior product rather than those who manage the yugo company

No I would not support such a thing as you mention.

Betrayus and Powell both are corrupt soldiers. Men who sold their souls to the Military Industrial Complex and the corrupt bastards who run it and profit from it.
Neither is the first corrupt soldier to ever wear the uniform. Smedley Butler said war is a racket. Most likely he's right.

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