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Periods for Pence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 11, 2006
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Last month, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a law imposing new limitations on abortion. And since then, women have been sending Pence a message. Well, a lot of messages — about their menstrual flow, and their cramps, and their birth control, and their tampon discomfort, and their bloating, and their menopause....

In the early days of the Periods for Pence effort, the organizer highlighted one aspect of the law — it requires miscarried fetuses, as well as aborted fetuses, to be "interred or cremated by a facility having possession of the remains," regardless of the age of the fetus.

The "Periods for Pence" Facebook page wrote:

"Fertilized eggs can be expelled during a woman's period without a woman even knowing that she might have had the potential blastocyst in her. Therefore, any period could potentially be a miscarriage without knowledge. I would certainly hate for any of my fellow Hoosier women to be at risk of penalty if they do not 'properly dispose' of this or report it. Just to cover our bases, perhaps we should make sure to contact Governor Pence's office to report our periods. We wouldn't want him thinking that THOUSANDS OF HOOSIER WOMEN A DAY are trying to hide anything, would we?"

She invited women to call Pence's office to talk about their periods. "Let's make our bodies Mike's business for real, if this is how he wants it," the page posted.​

Periods As Protest: Indiana Women Call Gov. Mike Pence To Talk About Menstrual Cycles : The Two-Way : NPR

My question is, how does the governor propose to enforce this law that says miscarriages must be "interred or cremated by a facility?" I once had a miscarriage and it ended up in the toilet as a bunch of bloody clots. I didn't think it was a human being that needed a burial...so I flushed it. And for that I could go to prison in Indiana??? I guess it's better to fill up the cemeteries with bloody globules and used tampons...and send the bill for internment to the governor.
Last month, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a law imposing new limitations on abortion. And since then, women have been sending Pence a message. Well, a lot of messages — about their menstrual flow, and their cramps, and their birth control, and their tampon discomfort, and their bloating, and their menopause....

In the early days of the Periods for Pence effort, the organizer highlighted one aspect of the law — it requires miscarried fetuses, as well as aborted fetuses, to be "interred or cremated by a facility having possession of the remains," regardless of the age of the fetus.

The "Periods for Pence" Facebook page wrote:

"Fertilized eggs can be expelled during a woman's period without a woman even knowing that she might have had the potential blastocyst in her. Therefore, any period could potentially be a miscarriage without knowledge. I would certainly hate for any of my fellow Hoosier women to be at risk of penalty if they do not 'properly dispose' of this or report it. Just to cover our bases, perhaps we should make sure to contact Governor Pence's office to report our periods. We wouldn't want him thinking that THOUSANDS OF HOOSIER WOMEN A DAY are trying to hide anything, would we?"

She invited women to call Pence's office to talk about their periods. "Let's make our bodies Mike's business for real, if this is how he wants it," the page posted.​

Periods As Protest: Indiana Women Call Gov. Mike Pence To Talk About Menstrual Cycles : The Two-Way : NPR

My question is, how does the governor propose to enforce this law that says miscarriages must be "interred or cremated by a facility?" I once had a miscarriage and it ended up in the toilet as a bunch of bloody clots. I didn't think it was a human being that needed a burial...so I flushed it. And for that I could go to prison in Indiana??? I guess it's better to fill up the cemeteries with bloody globules and used tampons...and send the bill for internment to the governor.
I'd send the periods' remains & their messy accouterments directly to the governor - for his personal disposal! :thumbs:
Bah ha ha! I love this. Good on them, and good luck to him getting this past Constitutional muster, upon which it will no doubt be challenged.

I'd send the periods' remains & their messy accouterments directly to the governor - for his personal disposal! :thumbs:

I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, it would create quite a backlog of potential blasocysts needing disposal if these women had to wait for a reply. Best send it right away just to be safe and to ensure it's fresh enough for proper inspection.
These ladies do realize he doesn't read any of that crap, right? I mean, I guess it's true that it makes them feel better, but it's just a waste of time.
Bah ha ha! I love this. Good on them, and good luck to him getting this past Constitutional muster, upon which it will no doubt be challenged.

I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, it would create quite a backlog of potential blasocysts needing disposal if these women had to wait for a reply. Best send it right away just to be safe and to ensure it's fresh enough for proper inspection.
Yep, and nothing quite ranks as highly on men's fear-factor lists, as used menstrual sanitary devices.

No idea why, but I assure you it's true! :lamo
These ladies do realize he doesn't read any of that crap, right? I mean, I guess it's true that it makes them feel better, but it's just a waste of time.
That's why I like my idea better!

As a man, I know what strikes fear in mens' hearts!
I'd send the periods' remains & their messy accouterments directly to the governor - for his personal disposal! :thumbs:

Wouldn't you be arrested for that?
I'd send the periods' remains & their messy accouterments directly to the governor - for his personal disposal! :thumbs:

You think maybe it would help, if women wore it around their necks, when they go out to the neighborhood bar?
Wouldn't you be arrested for that?

Only in a prudish community or one that was different than any we normally live in.
I assure you I will never be arrested for having a period & sending it somewhere! :lamo

I'm just curious because sending similar items will land you in trouble with the law.
I'm just curious because sending similar items will land you in trouble with the law.

But if the governor doesn't inspect every woman's menstrual discharge for fetuses...then how can he enforce the law?
Last month, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a law imposing new limitations on abortion. And since then, women have been sending Pence a message. Well, a lot of messages — about their menstrual flow, and their cramps, and their birth control, and their tampon discomfort, and their bloating, and their menopause....

In the early days of the Periods for Pence effort, the organizer highlighted one aspect of the law — it requires miscarried fetuses, as well as aborted fetuses, to be "interred or cremated by a facility having possession of the remains," regardless of the age of the fetus.

The "Periods for Pence" Facebook page wrote:

"Fertilized eggs can be expelled during a woman's period without a woman even knowing that she might have had the potential blastocyst in her. Therefore, any period could potentially be a miscarriage without knowledge. I would certainly hate for any of my fellow Hoosier women to be at risk of penalty if they do not 'properly dispose' of this or report it. Just to cover our bases, perhaps we should make sure to contact Governor Pence's office to report our periods. We wouldn't want him thinking that THOUSANDS OF HOOSIER WOMEN A DAY are trying to hide anything, would we?"

She invited women to call Pence's office to talk about their periods. "Let's make our bodies Mike's business for real, if this is how he wants it," the page posted.​

Periods As Protest: Indiana Women Call Gov. Mike Pence To Talk About Menstrual Cycles : The Two-Way : NPR

My question is, how does the governor propose to enforce this law that says miscarriages must be "interred or cremated by a facility?" I once had a miscarriage and it ended up in the toilet as a bunch of bloody clots. I didn't think it was a human being that needed a burial...so I flushed it. And for that I could go to prison in Indiana??? I guess it's better to fill up the cemeteries with bloody globules and used tampons...and send the bill for internment to the governor.

Improperly (knowingly) disposing of human remains should be illegal. The insane ramblings of left wing trolls notwithstanding.

I'm just curious because sending similar items will land you in trouble with the law.

Just curious, but what law would that violate? I certainly wouldn't object to their arrest, but I'm not aware of any law that would strictly be violated by mailing such items.
The law is ridiculous and will never pass constitutional muster. As amusing as the response some women had, I'd prefer they'd taken the high road and not indulged in such a gross, vulgar display.

But yes... I laughed. I'm so ashamed. :3oops:
Ah, libs being vulgar and nasty. In other words, fairly typical leftist behavior. :roll:
The law is ridiculous and will never pass constitutional muster. As amusing as the response some women had, I'd prefer they'd taken the high road and not indulged in such a gross, vulgar display.

But yes... I laughed. I'm so ashamed. :3oops:

I'm not. :shrug:

Exactly how insane should we allow politicians to be, and continue to just sit on our hands and say, "Oh, I'm sure the nice plutocrats will work it out for us..."? Or, just as ineffectual, say "Aw, plutocrats, that's not very nice!"?

Isn't that how we got to the point where they dare to do **** like this in daylight in the first place?

At a certain point, tolerating insanity and just hoping the nice plutocrats will fix it for us is as good as consent. They won't fix it for us. And they know most people will sit there obediently and either wait for them to do so, or protest with all the seriousness of a wriggling toddler being put in their pants. That's why they're now bold enough to propose things like this.

This thunderdouche needs to understand that the women of Indiana are not going to sit quietly while he and his thunderdouche workmates think of ever-more creative ways to humiliate and dehumanize them. If they wanna play that game, they're going to think of creative ways to fire back and make his life difficult.

And of all the possible ways they could do that, I think this is one of the most gentle, quite frankly.
Ah, libs being vulgar and nasty. In other words, fairly typical leftist behavior. :roll:

Yea as opposed to a con or should I say many cons coming up with a law like this one. Talk about typical behavior.
I wonder if he's including frozen embryos in this? :roll:
Trashy and disgusting behavior from trashy and disgusting people. Not unexpected.
I was hoping this was a punctuation thread. I know, I know. It was just a hope, anyway.
Trashy and disgusting behavior from trashy and disgusting people. Not unexpected.

I agree, the Gov Pence was trashy and disgusting to enact such an idiotic law.

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