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People's convoy this week (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.

Thoughts: it's going to cost a lot of truckers a fortune in property, money and the ability to make a living as a trucker.

Predictions: utter failure.

Please list the great reductions of freedoms which Canada has had.

".... which could itself lose issues." Sorry, I do not understand what you mean here.

Cheers and be well.

Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.
Never underestimate the power of a dumb movement......

Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.
I'm not too opmistic. Until the truckers start throwing molotov cocktails and block roads, nothing will change

Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.
They want the Constitution restored. Lmfao. A thousand morons on the freeway. Only in America.
From the article
"The group believes elected officials lack the authority to deprive people of "fundamental rights" by implementing measures that aim to curb the transmission of COVID, such as mask-wearing and vaccine mandates."
What fundamental rights had they taken from them? Are we taking our childrens fundamental rights by having school vaccination mandates? Are our rights being taken for having to wear clothing in public or buckling up?
Wth is these people's problem? Selfish bastids.
It will be hyped by the right wing media downplayed by the left wing media. I suspect a few Let’s go Brandon signs along the way. I just hope nothing stupid happens on the trip by angry ass bags looking for a fight

Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.
Prediction. The stupid will flow from this like it did from the Canadian one and Fox and other right wing punditry assholes will push it like its the greatest thing since sliced bread. They will use their big trucks to try and stifle our economy as much as possible and then blame Biden for it.
Here's the part I don't get, no one said the mandates were permanent. And especially now as c19 seems to be lessening, fewer people want the mandates to continue. No one said forever.
That's entirely different than draconian law, or authoritarian dictates and certainly not fascism.
It's been a way to try to cope with a disease that was fatal and that we had never seen before.
This means we asked for sacrifices for the common good, not asking for permanent loss of freedom, we just want to get out of a fix.

I'm WWII women saved bacon grease to make bombs. People tolerated rations of leather , eggs , sugar. Our country made sacrifices to fight fascism and tyranny in the world. They were willing to give up convenience and ease for the good of us all.
Are we still the same nation anymore?
More action showing that we are past the Tipping Point.

But Devolution is still short of a few martyrs to really galvanise a colossal Europe plus North American movement .
.......They will use their big trucks to try and stifle our economy as much as possible and then blame Biden for it.

You can bet those who are rooting are supporters of trump and putin.

I'm not too opmistic. Until the truckers start throwing molotov cocktails and block roads, nothing will change

More action showing that we are past the Tipping Point.

But Devolution is still short of a few martyrs to really galvanise a colossal Europe plus North American movement .

Thoughts? Predictions?

I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.

I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.
I think the boat parades were funnier, but knock yourselves out, I guess.
Thoughts? Predictions?
February 23, the day of the Red Army (both the USSR and the Russian Federation (and yes, we still have a Red banner army))... Russian trace is visible, everyone will be tied up and declared Russian agents.

Eh guys, you have chosen a bad day...
February 23, the day of the Red Army (both the USSR and the Russian Federation (and yes, we still have a Red banner army))... Russian trace is visible, everyone will be tied up and declared Russian agents.

Eh guys, you have chosen a bad day...
Breaker breaker
Yes, it's obvious that the Russians are doing it.
We even have a public holiday on Wednesday. Everyone should love the military... and how can you not love us, because we are such sweethearts?

In general, they would have appointed their own action on Vladimir's birthday... funny.
It will be hyped by the right wing media downplayed by the left wing media. I suspect a few Let’s go Brandon signs along the way. I just hope nothing stupid happens on the trip by angry ass bags looking for a fight
The only folks looking for a fight would be the people who participate in the freedumb convoy.
Thoughts? Predictions?
I suspect it will be much less a thing here. As we have not had as great a reduction of freedoms as Canada has.
I am interested to see how many take part though. Estimates are a thousand trucks, which itself could lose issues.

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