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Pentagon in Shock After Mattis Resignation (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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Trump endgame scenario:

Trump: “Soooo Ivanka, here we are in a lavishly stocked fallout shelter, the last two people left on earth. Shall we begin repopulating the world? unzips” /s

In all seriousness, one of the best military minds in the country has left b/c he didn't want to get the libs. He exposed how dangerously liberal Trump's foreign policy is.

News of the resignation sent chills through halls of the Pentagon, where Mattis has been a calming influence amid the constant tumult of the Trump presidency. The retired four-star Marine Corps general has spent the last 23 months of his tenure trying to thread the needle between implementing Trump’s policy objectives and maintaining long-standing American principles.

'The Building Is in Shock.' The Pentagon Braces for Life After Mattis
Trump endgame scenario:

Trump: “Soooo Ivanka, here we are in a lavishly stocked fallout shelter, the last two people left on earth. Shall we begin repopulating the world? unzips” /s

In all seriousness, one of the best military minds in the country has left b/c he didn't want to get the libs. He exposed how dangerously liberal Trump's foreign policy is.

'The Building Is in Shock.' The Pentagon Braces for Life After Mattis

Trump reportedly changed his mind about Syria during a phone call with the psychopath Erdogan last Friday.

Gen. Mattis wants nothing to do with the looming Assad/Erdogan slaughter of our Syrian Kurd allies.

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