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Penn State fraternity suspended for COVID-19 policy violations (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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STATE COLLEGE, Pennsylvania -- Penn State has suspended a fraternity for hosting a party that violated the school's COVID-19 ban on Greek gatherings, the university announced.

Penn State took action against the Pennsylvania Lambda chapter of Phi Kappa Psi as a result of videos and photos shared on social media, which showed the fraternity hosted an indoor gathering of more than 15 people, officials said. Penn State has banned fraternity socials during the pandemic.

RELATED: Villanova University warns students after video shows large gathering on campus (local Phila Ch 6 ABC video)

Penn State officials also said they had to disperse crowds of students, many of them maskless, who were congregating on campus late Wednesday in violation of university policies and State College ordinances.

In a note to the campus community, Penn State President Eric Barron warned that such behavior could prompt the university to send students home and shift to remote instruction.

"I ask students flouting the University's health and safety expectations a simple question: Do you want to be the person responsible for sending everyone home?" Barron wrote. "This behavior cannot and will not be tolerated."
Now liberals are anti maskers?

STATE COLLEGE, Pennsylvania -- Penn State has suspended a fraternity for hosting a party that violated the school's COVID-19 ban on Greek gatherings, the university announced.

Penn State took action against the Pennsylvania Lambda chapter of Phi Kappa Psi as a result of videos and photos shared on social media, which showed the fraternity hosted an indoor gathering of more than 15 people, officials said. Penn State has banned fraternity socials during the pandemic.

RELATED: Villanova University warns students after video shows large gathering on campus (local Phila Ch 6 ABC video)

Penn State officials also said they had to disperse crowds of students, many of them maskless, who were congregating on campus late Wednesday in violation of university policies and State College ordinances.

In a note to the campus community, Penn State President Eric Barron warned that such behavior could prompt the university to send students home and shift to remote instruction.

"I ask students flouting the University's health and safety expectations a simple question: Do you want to be the person responsible for sending everyone home?" Barron wrote. "This behavior cannot and will not be tolerated."

Again, it's those college kids wearing MAGA hats.
it was totally unpredictable that college kids would go back to school and have parties. freshmen especially. they don't want to drink and party.
Now liberals are anti maskers?

You're going to get all types; from the young who just want to have fun, to those who flout prevention protocols for political reasons and others who can't be inconvenienced.
One of the NFL head coaches (Washington?) has told the players not to attend any parties at all.

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