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Pelosi says Trump's EO is unconstitutional (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
More two faced politics for the old crone Pelosi. She says that President Trump' EO for virus aid is unconstitutional.

How many democrats remember and applaud the fact when Obama was posting EOs almost daily? Remember when he said he had an pen and a phone? He didnt care if hes EOs were constitutional or not. He even went so far as to state if it wasnt for the constitution he could do far more things.
More two faced politics for the old crone Pelosi. She says that President Trump' EO for virus aid is unconstitutional.

How many democrats remember and applaud the fact when Obama was posting EOs almost daily? Remember when he said he had an pen and a phone? He didnt care if hes EOs were constitutional or not. He even went so far as to state if it wasnt for the constitution he could do far more things.

How many of Obama's EOs were struck down as unconstitutional by courts?
Obama relied too heavily on EO's, and I remember when Conservatives were pissed about that. Now...nothing. And when Biden takes over and starts using EO's like a fiend, all of a sudden y'all will be concerned again.

Congress controls the purse strings, always has, always will. I think there is every chance that Trump's EO has overstepped its boundaries again. There was a time when "Conservatives" were concerned with the proper limitation of government power and effective checks and balances. Oh well, I'm sure when Biden is in, they'll care again.
How many of Obama's EOs were struck down as unconstitutional by courts?

There were certainly questionable EOs under Obama, I don't think all of them survived.

But here's an interesting fact that the "periodically concerned for the use of EO's conservatives" will ignore. Obama relied heavily upon EOs and I don't think it was a good thing, the EO has steadily been growing in power as a tool of the President to legislate, and the President should not be allowed to legislated. But in 8 years, Obama issued 276 Executive Orders. In less than 4 years, Trump has passed 177. He's on par to get close to 400 EOs if he were to get a second term. Are "conservatives" concerned with a 400 EO pace and the overshoot of Presidential authority? I mean, if it were a Democrat, then yes they would be concerned. Since it's Trump and he's Republican, they'll give him a pass.
Probably none since the AG he had did what Obama told him to do.

Obama didn't control John Boehner at the time, try again
There were certainly questionable EOs under Obama, I don't think all of them survived.

But here's an interesting fact that the "periodically concerned for the use of EO's conservatives" will ignore. Obama relied heavily upon EOs and I don't think it was a good thing, the EO has steadily been growing in power as a tool of the President to legislate, and the President should not be allowed to legislated. But in 8 years, Obama issued 276 Executive Orders. In less than 4 years, Trump has passed 177. He's on par to get close to 400 EOs if he were to get a second term. Are "conservatives" concerned with a 400 EO pace and the overshoot of Presidential authority? I mean, if it were a Democrat, then yes they would be concerned. Since it's Trump and he's Republican, they'll give him a pass.

Is it really that different from Democrats who went along with Obama using EO’s now seeing them as a bad thing and then go back to they are Ok if Biden wins. Hypocrisy and Partisan devotion are the conjoined twins of today’s Political Landscape.

If I could wave my magic wand I would make it so a EO is limited to a certain time frame (effective for 30-90 days) or have them all expire on Election Day without a chance of renewal.
More two faced politics for the old crone Pelosi. She says that President Trump' EO for virus aid is unconstitutional.

How many democrats remember and applaud the fact when Obama was posting EOs almost daily? Remember when he said he had an pen and a phone? He didnt care if hes EOs were constitutional or not. He even went so far as to state if it wasnt for the constitution he could do far more things.

Posting EO's almost daily?

Obama's executive orders: 276

Obama's time in office: roughly 2,920 days.

Bummer, math must be really hard for you.

Trump executive orders so far: 179

Trump's time in office as of today: 1,299 days.
Is it really that different from Democrats who went along with Obama using EO’s now seeing them as a bad thing and then go back to they are Ok if Biden wins. Hypocrisy and Partisan devotion are the conjoined twins of today’s Political Landscape.

If I could wave my magic wand I would make it so a EO is limited to a certain time frame (effective for 30-90 days) or have them all expire on Election Day without a chance of renewal.

It's not any different. On some level, it's funny because you see all the folk, even on this board, pointing at each other and saying all this crap about the other side. But end of the day, they're peas in a pod. The faux-rage will change sides once Biden takes over.

But this blind partisanship, lack of integrity, and embracing of hypocrisy will cost us the Republic. Clinton abused EOs, Bush abused EOs, Obama certainly abused EOs, and Trump is abusing EOs so hard that Family Services should be notified. It only gets worse. If people are unconcerned with reining in their own side, then we're never going to get ahead of this.

It's just that with how far Trump has gone with his EOs to violate the Republic and Constitution, seeing the "conservatives" defend it is appalling. It actually reminds me why I left the GOP. The current GOP and its supporters are lying hypocrites with no integrity, no spine, no initiative in political platform and philosophy. They're just Party Sheep, nothing more.
It's not any different. On some level, it's funny because you see all the folk, even on this board, pointing at each other and saying all this crap about the other side. But end of the day, they're peas in a pod. The faux-rage will change sides once Biden takes over.

But this blind partisanship, lack of integrity, and embracing of hypocrisy will cost us the Republic. Clinton abused EOs, Bush abused EOs, Obama certainly abused EOs, and Trump is abusing EOs so hard that Family Services should be notified. It only gets worse. If people are unconcerned with reining in their own side, then we're never going to get ahead of this.

It's just that with how far Trump has gone with his EOs to violate the Republic and Constitution, seeing the "conservatives" defend it is appalling. It actually reminds me why I left the GOP. The current GOP and its supporters are lying hypocrites with no integrity, no spine, no initiative in political platform and philosophy. They're just Party Sheep, nothing more.

There is quantity, and QUALITY. Trump EOs are based on hatreds, discriminations, FAKE insistences.
Obama relied too heavily on EO's, and I remember when Conservatives were pissed about that. Now...nothing. And when Biden takes over and starts using EO's like a fiend, all of a sudden y'all will be concerned again.

Congress controls the purse strings, always has, always will. I think there is every chance that Trump's EO has overstepped its boundaries again. There was a time when "Conservatives" were concerned with the proper limitation of government power and effective checks and balances. Oh well, I'm sure when Biden is in, they'll care again.
I would just add that when the next democrat president uses them, the democrats and the press will praise that person for breaking congressional grid lock by excercising presidential authority. On and on it goes.

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There were certainly questionable EOs under Obama, I don't think all of them survived.

But here's an interesting fact that the "periodically concerned for the use of EO's conservatives" will ignore. Obama relied heavily upon EOs and I don't think it was a good thing, the EO has steadily been growing in power as a tool of the President to legislate, and the President should not be allowed to legislated. But in 8 years, Obama issued 276 Executive Orders. In less than 4 years, Trump has passed 177. He's on par to get close to 400 EOs if he were to get a second term. Are "conservatives" concerned with a 400 EO pace and the overshoot of Presidential authority? I mean, if it were a Democrat, then yes they would be concerned. Since it's Trump and he's Republican, they'll give him a pass.
I do not like how fast and loose presidents have been using EOs in recent history but no the number of EOs thst Trump has issued does not concern me. The majority of them are undoing previous EOs and regulations that were not written by our legislators in the first place.

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More two faced politics for the old crone Pelosi. She says that President Trump' EO for virus aid is unconstitutional.

How many democrats remember and applaud the fact when Obama was posting EOs almost daily? Remember when he said he had an pen and a phone? He didnt care if hes EOs were constitutional or not. He even went so far as to state if it wasnt for the constitution he could do far more things.

Your math degree from Trump University has not served you well.

Obama was in office for 8 years. That's about 2900 days. He issued less than 280 EOs. I realize that Trump U didn't even teach you potato math, so allow the smart people to help you.

280 is about once every 10 days, or on the same cycle as the day Trump supporters take their KMart tighty whities to the trailer park's pump for washing.
Posting EO's almost daily?

Obama's executive orders: 276

Obama's time in office: roughly 2,920 days.

Bummer, math must be really hard for you.

Trump executive orders so far: 179

Trump's time in office as of today: 1,299 days.

Trump is already ahead of Obama in number of EOs by 1,299 days.

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