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Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill (1 Viewer)


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By: Joel S. Gehrke Jr.
Special to the Examiner
05/29/10 7:38 AM EDT
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., blamed the Bush administration for any lack of oversight leading up to the Gulf oil spill. The Obama administration, on the other hand, is blameless.
From Talk Radio News Service:
“Many of the people appointed in the Bush administration are still burrowed in the agencies that are supposed to oversee the [oil] industry,” Pelosi said when asked if Democrats could have prevented or mitigated the crisis by keeping a closer watch on the industry.
Added the Speaker, “the cozy relationships between the Bush administration’s agency leadership and the industry is clear…I’ve heard no complaints from my members about the way the president has handled it,” Pelosi stated.
On Friday, the Washington Examiner requested that Speaker Pelosi’s office release the list of Bush appointees to whom she was referring. We’ll let you know when we hear back.
Could this be more typical?
You do know it was because of his deregulation, and the fact the people in charge were taken kick backs during his watch right?
You do know it was because of his deregulation, and the fact the people in charge were taken kick backs during his watch right?

Evidence supporting the accusation?

Actually we don't know...

Contrary to the left's knee-jerk reaction of rushing in to blame everything on too little government, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was not caused by deregulation.

As explained by the Wall Street Journal one week after the explosion, the device liberals are hyperventilating over--called an acoustic regulator--is not required for drilling under U.S. law because it would not necessarily have prevented any of this.

Total system failures like the one that caused this spill almost never happen (which is why Democrats wanting to shut down all drilling is the equivalent of wanting to ban all aviation due to 9/11), and acoustic regulators are completely unproven.
- http://www.examiner.com/x-35976-Con...Deregulation-did-not-cause-the-Gulf-oil-spill

Another interesting tid bit...

On Friday, the Washington Examiner requested that Speaker Pelosi’s office release the list of Bush appointees to whom she was referring. We’ll let you know when we hear back.

I wonder if she will respond?
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You do know it was because of his deregulation, and the fact the people in charge were taken kick backs during his watch right?

and this prompts the question. If Pelosi knew, then why didn't Congress act? Obama has been Pres for how long and has done what to change this?
Pelosi has had control of the HOR for how many years now?

If she knew of any Corruption within any US Government department and could prove that corruption, why has she not to this day made anything save wild accusations.

President Obama has been President for near 18 Months, ample time in which to overhaul any Department that might have been seen to be suspect.

And yet all that Pelosi can do as tragedy after tragedy overcomes the US is to endlessly repeat that tired old Mantra "Bush is to blame".

Can someone tell me at what point Pelosi is willing to take responsibility for what happens on her "Watch"?
You do know it was because of his deregulation, and the fact the people in charge were taken kick backs during his watch right?

You do know that you have no clue about what you speak, and with ADK on your side it just proves it. Obama is coming on a year and a half in office, and you're still blaming Bush. You need to grow up and take some responsibility for your vote.
Just thought I'd drop in for a guffaw at the obvious idiocy of our 3rd in succession.

Personally, I do not believe that just as "Cap and Trade" is failing in the legislature that we have a major environmental disaster is simply a coincidence. I know it sounds like crazy conspiracy theory but we are dealing with the likes of greenpeace here. It wouldn't take much to get a saboteur hired as a roughneck on one of those rigs.

But then maybe it is just an "Inconvenient Coincidence"!
Just thought I'd drop in for a guffaw at the obvious idiocy of our 3rd in succession.

Personally, I do not believe that just as "Cap and Trade" is failing in the legislature that we have a major environmental disaster is simply a coincidence. I know it sounds like crazy conspiracy theory but we are dealing with the likes of greenpeace here. It wouldn't take much to get a saboteur hired as a roughneck on one of those rigs.

But then maybe it is just an "Inconvenient Coincidence"!

You are right.... crazy conspiracy theory. Please take your place in line with the birthers and those that think the government was behind 9/11.
(another, more platible theory, is that its an act of God telling us to wake up)
Pelosi has had control of the HOR for how many years now?

If she knew of any Corruption within any US Government department and could prove that corruption, why has she not to this day made anything save wild accusations.

President Obama has been President for near 18 Months, ample time in which to overhaul any Department that might have been seen to be suspect.

And yet all that Pelosi can do as tragedy after tragedy overcomes the US is to endlessly repeat that tired old Mantra "Bush is to blame".

Can someone tell me at what point Pelosi is willing to take responsibility for what happens on her "Watch"?

Very well said.
Notice how none of the people on the left have anything to say? I mean still no proof on the accusations and yet...

ADK_Forever, earthworm, Gina, Glinda, justabubba

All leave a thank you, for a post that is basically empty rhetoric and Democrat talking points.. No comment or proof that the Bush administration or deregulation and corruption in the Bush administration had anything to do with this disaster.

This is a good example of the hyper partisanship at it's finest.

Still waiting for proof?
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My ex wife, a real gem that I divorced because of her unrepentent alcoholism, attempted to blame her drinking problem on "stress" involved with living with me....19 years later, I've recently discovered she's found the bottom....a homeless, gutter drunk, and claims her current condition is because I rejected her.

Some are incapable of accepting their own failures, and must lay blame elsewhere. Pelosi, the democrat party, and the leftie boots on the ground are the epitome of this.

The upcoming November divorce between the American people and the radical leftist ideologues in power will not be cause for quiet reflection and acceptance of failure, however....they'll simply present excuses like "I guess we weren't far enough left to appeal to the majority of Americans...."
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You do know that you have no clue about what you speak, and with ADK on your side it just proves it. Obama is coming on a year and a half in office, and you're still blaming Bush. You need to grow up and take some responsibility for your vote.

It's not so much that people blame Bush, I think. Rather, it's that liberals blame GOP deregulation for the oil spill.

And while the acoustic regulator may not have worked, there are other regulations that could have been put into place. I believe one such regulation we could have had was requiring empty tankers to siphon up the oil as it spilled out (I heard about this on the radio, and heard that it is standard operating procedure in other countries, especially Scandanavian countries, but the exact details escape me for the moment.)

So it is not only that liberals blame Bush but rather the ideology of deregulation of industries.
My ex wife, a real gem that I divorced because of her unrepentent alcoholism, attempted to blame her drinking problem on "stress" involved with living with me....19 years later, I've recently discovered she's found the bottom....a homeless, gutter drunk, and claims her current condition is because I rejected her.

Some are incapable of accepting their own failures, and must lay blame elsewhere. Pelosi, the democrat party, and the leftie boots on the ground are the epitome of this.

The upcoming November divorce between the American people and the radical leftist ideologues in power will not be cause for quiet reflection and acceptance of failure, however....they'll simply present excuses like "I guess we weren't far enough left to appeal to the majority of Americans...."

unless your ex was an alcoholic before you were married would it not stand to reason that her attribution of her alcoholism disease as being caused to some degree by her relationship to you may have some basis in fact?

midterm shift in voting is typical after a change in the presidental party in power; it would be surprising if it is not now the case in 2010 ... but the republican party - the party of nothing - is making that routine success appear to be difficult to achieve

Notice how none of the people on the left have anything to say? I mean still no proof on the accusations and yet...

ADK_Forever, earthworm, Gina, Glinda, justabubba

All leave a thank you, for a post that is basically empty rhetoric and Democrat talking points.. No comment or proof that the Bush administration or deregulation and corruption in the Bush administration had anything to do with this disaster.

This is a good example of the hyper partisanship at it's finest.

Still waiting for proof?
seems you are fishing for a reply. it is apparent from you and those others who are unable to observe the obvious, the dicknbush regime effectively demolished the regulatory structure of our government. this incident is but a singular indicator of that fact. another obvious fact is that you are unable to distinguish between a latent and a patent defect. get back with me when you have figured it out. til then, you have nothing to post which would be found worthy of response
Right on, Speaker Pelosi! Conservative inspired gutting of our oil extraction regulatory framework has delivered us the worst environmental catastrophe in American history. Yes, this is yet another piece of George W. Bush's legacy.
Right on, Speaker Pelosi! Conservative inspired gutting of our oil extraction regulatory framework has delivered us the worst environmental catastrophe in American history. Yes, this is yet another piece of George W. Bush's legacy.

Again, no one has proved this. Obama has been in the white house with a Democrat monopoly in the legislative branch of government. You can't blame Bush or the GOP for all of this when the Democrats have had a monopoly of power in our country and failed to enact harsher drilling framework. How long will the Democrats blame Bush for everything?
What a bunch of liberal mouth-foaming in here.

Can someone who me WHERE, not making up.. "Well he was in the oil company's pocket", but actually showing WHERE Bush was responsible for this?

Pelosi thinks we are a bunch of idiots that are easily swayed by propaganda like she is spewing. Sadly, its half true apparently.
When we met, I was 26, she, 23...we both drank on weekends, I believed exclusively.... but her daily drinking was exposed shortly after our vows, and got progressively worse over the remainder of our marriage. I can't really tell you if she drank daily during our "courtship" because, as it turned out, and as with most alcoholics, she was quite a liar and manipulator.
You do know it was because of his deregulation, and the fact the people in charge were taken kick backs during his watch right?

In fairness, Obama has had more than a year to clean house. The first MMS story broke just before the election.
Right on, Speaker Pelosi! Conservative inspired gutting of our oil extraction regulatory framework has delivered us the worst environmental catastrophe in American history. Yes, this is yet another piece of George W. Bush's legacy.
And she has been in office how long and Bush out of office for? Give me a break, another yea Polisi from where, CA).
When is she going to provide the facts. Why did't she force change 18 months ago, especially when dems controlled the majority? Care to explain.
Let's see. This was an executive branch policy implementation issue, not a legislative one. Americans changed the administration in 2008. But, of course, we were experiencing the worst financial meltdown in human history (Bush's legacy), GM and Chrysler were in free fall (Bush's legacy), America was conducting two unending wars (Bush's legacy), healthcare costs were increasing 30% per annum while 40-plus million Americans had no insurance whatsoever (Bush's legacy) and we had no comprehensive energy legislation since the 1970s (Bush's legacy). There's some blame for the Obama administration; they should have had the courage to stop all deep water drilling until sufficient regulatory controls had been reimposed on the industry. But, that industry had been given free rein under the Bush administration, and, yes, that's Bush's legacy, too.
Every administration since the Valdez who has not implemented action plan preparation for oil spills is to blame. That includes Clinton, Bush Jr, and now the Obama Admin.

I'm so tired of the partisan bickering. Stop finger pointing and DO SOMETHING about the spill that is STILL in progress.
Again, no one has proved this. Obama has been in the white house with a Democrat monopoly in the legislative branch of government. You can't blame Bush or the GOP for all of this when the Democrats have had a monopoly of power in our country and failed to enact harsher drilling framework. How long will the Democrats blame Bush for everything?

If you look closely in my post, I said that liberals are against GOP deregulations of industries, not Democrats. There's clearly a difference between the two.
Let's see. This was an executive branch policy implementation issue, not a legislative one. Americans changed the administration in 2008. But, of course, we were experiencing the worst financial meltdown in human history (Bush's legacy), GM and Chrysler were in free fall (Bush's legacy), America was conducting two unending wars (Bush's legacy), healthcare costs were increasing 30% per annum while 40-plus million Americans had no insurance whatsoever (Bush's legacy) and we had no comprehensive energy legislation since the 1970s (Bush's legacy). There's some blame for the Obama administration; they should have had the courage to stop all deep water drilling until sufficient regulatory controls had been reimposed on the industry. But, that industry had been given free rein under the Bush administration, and, yes, that's Bush's legacy, too.

What a load of crap. It figures you are from San Francisco.

financial meltdown - Bush had nothing to do with it.
GM and Chrysler in free fall- Bush had nothing to do with it.
2 wars - Bush was responsible and we have to win. Can't turn our back on the world we create.
healthcare costs increasing and many without healthcare - Bush had nothing to do with it; it is a private industry thing.
comprehensive energy legislation - Congress' responsibility. What are you going to do that isn't private industry?

You would have a lot more credibility if you didn't just blame every problem on Bush, especially when he wasn't responsible.
What a load of crap. It figures you are from San Francisco. ….

And, the best part is Nancy is my congresswoman (although living in San Francisco is pretty tough to beat).

Your credibility would be improved if you acknowledged that Bush had at least some responsibility in how the deep water oil extraction industry was regulated during his recent presidency all of which contributed mightily to the current crisis. Then we might find some agreement on the list of responsible political agents if not their precise shares.

On the other hand, Pelosi is simply anticipating the hearings to come, and, they will come, and, we know the Bush administration's role in this catastrophe will be extensive and damning. Liberals will doubtless blame Obama for his offer to drill more in pristine areas, but, let's face it, his decisions had little to do with the ongoing calamity.
And, the best part is Nancy is my congresswoman (although living in San Francisco is pretty tough to beat).

Your credibility would be improved if you acknowledged that Bush had at least some responsibility in how the deep water oil extraction industry was regulated during his recent presidency all of which contributed mightily to the current crisis. Then we might find some agreement on the list of responsible political agents if not their precise shares.

On the other hand, Pelosi is simply anticipating the hearings to come, and, they will come, and, we know the Bush administration's role in this catastrophe will be extensive and damning. Liberals will doubtless blame Obama for his offer to drill more in pristine areas, but, let's face it, his decisions had little to do with the ongoing calamity.

I'll state Bush made mistakes and past policies could have played a role. Now will you admit that your Nancy may have played a role since she has been in office for years and years and did nothing to curtail the Bush policies or least ineffective even though they held the majority for a time?

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