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Pelosi being two faced (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.
... and for today’s manufactured outrage.
... and for today’s manufactured outrage.

Manufactured????????? Ok by Pelosi. Apparently she doesnt love criminal aliens as much as she says she does in Washington. When it hits close to home she quickly became two faced.
Is there a little so we can get .pre details? All I found was a few hit pieces at right wing sites, not the most unbiased place to get facts from
Where are the calls for civility and leaving politicians alone at home?
Manufactured????????? Ok by Pelosi. Apparently she doesnt love criminal aliens as much as she says she does in Washington. When it hits close to home she quickly became two faced.

When did she say she “loves criminal aliens?” (Do you have more than right wing sites complaining about this to reference?)
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.

Boy Pelosi sure is enjoying her rent free stay in your head. Let’s see if you can come up with a dumber thread than the last one you did.
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.

If only O'Keefe had filmed it. Then he'd be able to make it look like she was wearing a pimp outfit! Ah but beggars cannot be choosers, ey?
Did you check behind the dumpster?

I remember members decrying the hate and injustice of bothering politicians. The inhumanity, the suffering, the degradation of civilization. It wasn't long ago.
I remember members decrying the hate and injustice of bother politicians. It wasn't long ago.

So do I. Hence, I quipped about where they might have hid that outrage once the subject of Pelosi came up...
So do I. Hence, I quipped about where they might have hid that outrage once the subject of Pelosi came up...

No one is outraged. Good, I win. **** politicians. I say throw tomatoes at them.
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.

Got a link for the above story?
Is there a little so we can get .pre details? All I found was a few hit pieces at right wing sites, not the most unbiased place to get facts from
So if left wing bias outlets dont report it, it must not of happened?

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Ask the left

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They weren't the ones most recently. I knew it was all partisan BS. I'm just glad we're done pretending to feel sorry for politicians.

I'm not a big fan of Loomer, but she's playing the Left's game and using it to maximum effect. Not been a good weeks for Dems. Well, they've looked like total elitist jerks since the shutdown began.
First Pelosi goes on a luxury vacation to Hawaii.
Then Dems are seen frolicking on the beach and partying in Puerto Rico.
Now, Pelosi kicks illegal migrants off her property and refuses to give them sanctuary inside her bordered property.
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.

Good lord you people will buy literally any ridiculous piece of propaganda without question.

Let’s flip the stupidity around. Clearly the wall didn’t work.
They weren't the ones most recently. I knew it was all partisan BS. I'm just glad we're done pretending to feel sorry for politicians.
Nope I dont feel sorry for the politicians. I'm empathetic to the poor brown children that fancy Nancy is being so callous toward.

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Nope I dont feel sorry for the politicians. I'm empathetic to the poor brown children that fancy Nancy is being so callous toward.

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You literally are supporting the guy separating them from their parents and imprisoning them in tent cities.
Is there a little so we can get .pre details? All I found was a few hit pieces at right wing sites, not the most unbiased place to get facts from

Isn’t it a crime to transport illegals?

What point is this idiot trying to make? That there are illegal aliens in the US? That refugees among them are not entitled to due process the law provides?
Laura Loomer brought several illegal aliens to Pelosi's house, and had them camp outside the WALL. Pelosi called the police and had them removed. How strange since Pelosi seems to support them by not providing money for a wall on the border.

I guess we can now say for sure Pelosi is a two faced old bag that thinks there are laws for her, and laws for the rest of us.
You sure you want to include Laura Loomer in any post that you wish to be taken seriously in?
Where is the left wing outrage for the arrests?
Good lord you people will buy literally any ridiculous piece of propaganda without question.

Let’s flip the stupidity around. Clearly the wall didn’t work.

If only America could have the local police on speed dial every time an illegal crosses our border.

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