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Peña on Iran (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
Weather the WH is planning to attack Iran or not is a question thst is up in the air. Non the less here is an interesting artcle on the subject.

Recently, Iran broke the U.N. seals on uranium enrichment equipment at its Natanz nuclear facility. When North Korea removed seals in December 2001 from a reactor in Yongbyon, the result was the ability to harvest plutonium from fuel rods that could be used for nuclear weapons. The long pole in the tent in building nuclear weapons is fissionable material and, thus, Iran has taken one step closer to being able to credibly claim that it has the bomb. President Bush has previously declared that the U.S. position is that Iran “won’t have a nuclear weapon.” So is the clock ticking down to U.S. military action against the regime in Tehran? (con't at:)

Inuyasha said:
Weather the WH is planning to attack Iran or not is a question thst is up in the air. Non the less here is an interesting artcle on the subject.

Recently, Iran broke the U.N. seals on uranium enrichment equipment at its Natanz nuclear facility. When North Korea removed seals in December 2001 from a reactor in Yongbyon, the result was the ability to harvest plutonium from fuel rods that could be used for nuclear weapons. The long pole in the tent in building nuclear weapons is fissionable material and, thus, Iran has taken one step closer to being able to credibly claim that it has the bomb. President Bush has previously declared that the U.S. position is that Iran “won’t have a nuclear weapon.” So is the clock ticking down to U.S. military action against the regime in Tehran? (con't at:)


I just laugh at this "stretched thin" argument!:rofl

We are indeed beating down their door, and breathing down their neck, and from all sides, "stretched thin" LOL, we are strategically placed, and poised to do much harm to that regime, and at a moments notice. I am the only one who sees this obvious fact, or we all just going to continue to play dead?:roll:
The US wont go this alone without the UN..But like I said in another post Iran will backdown...I think...


"from my military service:
Once you have pulled the pin, Mr Grenade is not your friend."

Thats funny!!
I remember a guy in boot who pulled the pin and threw the PIN no BS!!
Held the Grenade and threw the pin.
Thank god it was only a dummy Grenade.
cherokee said:
The US wont go this alone without the UN..But like I said in another post Iran will backdown...I think...


"from my military service:
Once you have pulled the pin, Mr Grenade is not your friend."

Thats funny!!
I remember a guy in boot who pulled the pin and threw the PIN no BS!!
Held the Grenade and threw the pin.
Thank god it was only a dummy Grenade.

Believe it. I once saw a guy throw the grenade and stood there waiting for it to explode. Luckily for him about three guys pounced on him and dragged him to the ground before he got his head blown off. Somebody ought to write a book about the nutty things that go on in basic training.
Deegan said:
I just laugh at this "stretched thin" argument!:rofl

We are indeed beating down their door, and breathing down their neck, and from all sides, "stretched thin" LOL, we are strategically placed, and poised to do much harm to that regime, and at a moments notice. I am the only one who sees this obvious fact, or we all just going to continue to play dead?:roll:

The idea that the military is stretched thin is another point of contention. I can't really say because i am not privy to all the facts but judging by the numbers as far as personell is concerned, it certainly doesn't look like it to me. The again I do not have all the facts. The WH claims we are in a war time mode but that is only politically speaking and to me appears to be just rhetoric for the most part because industry certainly is not in a full time war time mode. Then again it took the nation several years to realize that Viet Nam was a war and not just some kind of police action. I don't think that the media is delievering on this enough to make a judgment. We are all too often left without the facts.

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