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Patriot groups plans for violence and false flag attacks leaked (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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DP Veteran
Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
Political Leaning
The true violent folk. Not that we didn't already know it though.

The summer of 2020 has seen the city of Portland, Oregon, become a symbol and a venue for the further, dramatic polarization of the United States. More than a hundred nights of intense protests against police violence by left-wing activists have led to further police violence in response, and to President Donald Trump declaring the city a “beehive of terrorists” and an “anarchist jurisdiction.” A great deal of reporting has been dedicated to the city’s leftist protesters. Less national attention has been focused on those who perceive the protesters as their enemies: a network of “Patriot” militias and extremist groups, who have in recent weeks been staging violent confrontations in Portland’s downtown streets.​
Bellingcat has acquired several months of chat logs from the Patriot Coalition of Oregon, a network of pro-Trump, pro-police activists. These chat logs were provided by an infiltrator affiliated with the antifascist collective Eugene Antifa. We were also given login information for the infiltrator’s account on GroupMe, a secure messaging app owned by Microsoft. This allowed us to directly observe the group’s communications, to verify the information provided to us and to export a log of those chats directly from the application. (Many posts contain spelling and grammatical errors, which we have not altered.)​
I'm sure its both sides, right?

Because the official Antifa documents show....

oh, right. There is no such thing as official antifa anything, since it mostly exists in right wingers heads.
The true violent folk. Not that we didn't already know it though.

The summer of 2020 has seen the city of Portland, Oregon, become a symbol and a venue for the further, dramatic polarization of the United States. More than a hundred nights of intense protests against police violence by left-wing activists have led to further police violence in response, and to President Donald Trump declaring the city a “beehive of terrorists” and an “anarchist jurisdiction.” A great deal of reporting has been dedicated to the city’s leftist protesters. Less national attention has been focused on those who perceive the protesters as their enemies: a network of “Patriot” militias and extremist groups, who have in recent weeks been staging violent confrontations in Portland’s downtown streets.​
Bellingcat has acquired several months of chat logs from the Patriot Coalition of Oregon, a network of pro-Trump, pro-police activists. These chat logs were provided by an infiltrator affiliated with the antifascist collective Eugene Antifa. We were also given login information for the infiltrator’s account on GroupMe, a secure messaging app owned by Microsoft. This allowed us to directly observe the group’s communications, to verify the information provided to us and to export a log of those chats directly from the application. (Many posts contain spelling and grammatical errors, which we have not altered.)​

I know you are desperate to take the blame off of your beloved rioters. :ROFLMAO:

It's funny that none of the arrests have pointed towards this total bull crap that you are regurgitating here.

Keep digging though. Ya just never know where you will find all those right wingers embedded among the rioters. :giggle:
Not all that surprising really.
I know you are desperate to take the blame off of your beloved rioters. :ROFLMAO:

It's funny that none of the arrests have pointed towards this total bull crap that you are regurgitating here.

Keep digging though. Ya just never know where you will find all those right wingers embedded among the rioters. :giggle:

Your ignorance is fun...

Never let a good crisis go to waste
Your ignorance is fun...

Your clownish threads and posts generated by liberal hack opinion pieces are better than coffee in the mornings some of the time.
Your clownish threads and posts generated by liberal hack opinion pieces are better than coffee in the mornings some of the time.

Your addiction to what you think are libturd tears is clouding your ability to observe facts, or are you insinuating that these arrests are a secret plot?

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