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PATRIOT ACT should be repealed!! (1 Viewer)

Should the Patriot Act be repealed?

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Progressive, Green
DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2005
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Maryland, U.S.A.
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The Patriot Act was passed almost silently, as Americans were ill informed, most likely watching Fear Factor, or ___________ (whatever show TV watchers like). The Patriot Act, is an infringement on the rights of citizens and has no business being enforced, as it makes no effort to distinguish between an honest citizen and a terrorist. Do you really want the government to fail to make this distinction?
Patriot Act Thrives on Ignorance
Aug 30, 2005, 08:23

Fewer than half of Americans know the purpose of the Patriot Act, and the more they know about it the less they like it, according to a poll released Monday.

Fewer than half of those polled, 42 percent, are able to correctly identify the law's main purpose of enhancing surveillance procedures for federal law enforcement agencies, according to the poll conducted by the Center for Survey Research and Analysis at the University of Connecticut.

Almost two-thirds of all Americans, 64 percent, said they support the Patriot Act. But support dropped to 57 percent among those who could accurately identify the intent of the legislation.

The survey was intended to take a closer look at the high levels of public support the Patriot Act has gotten in various polls, said Samuel Best, the center's director.

"The Patriot Act has been a very visible piece of legislation," Best said. "We wanted to see if people had an understanding of the act that differentiated it from the war on terrorism generally."

"Most people don't distinguish the Patriot Act from the war on terror in general," Best said.

The House and Senate have voted to extend provisions of the Patriot Act that were set to expire at the end of this year, making many of those provisions permanent. A conference committee is scheduled to try this fall to work out differences in the House and Senate versions of the legislation.

Some provisions of the Patriot Act are supported by a solid majority, while others got far less support.

The provision that permitted federal agents:

_To use information collected in foreign intelligence investigations for domestic crime investigations was supported by 81 percent.

_To monitor names and addresses of Internet communications in criminal investigations was supported by 69 percent.

_To tap any telephone line a terrorist suspect might use rather than specifying particular phone lines was supported by 62 percent.

_To require libraries to turn over records in terrorism investigations unbeknownst to the patrons was supported by 53 percent.

_To require banks to turn over records to the government without judicial approval was supported by 43 percent.

_To conduct secret searches of Americans' homes without informing the occupants for an unspecified period of time was supported by 23 percent.

The popularity of the law seems to dwindle for measures that intrude into Americans' personal lives.

"Once people see these things hit increasingly close to home, they become more and more troubled," Best said.

Three-fourths said they think that law enforcement will frequently or occasionally use the law to investigate crimes other than terrorism. Almost as many, 72 percent, said they expect it will be used to investigate legitimate political and social groups. People are evenly divided on whether the law has prevented terrorist attacks.

While numerous polls have indicated widespread support for the Patriot Act, Best said his research suggests "people are pretty torn on where they stand."

The results are based on polling of 800 adults from Aug. 4-22 and have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


On the Net:

Center for Survey Research and Analysis: http://csra.stamford.uconn.edu/
© 2005 The Associated Press

© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue
The Patriot Act is a war on our Constitution.
Where is the option..."Modify it"?
Billo_Really said:
The Patriot Act is a war on our Constitution.

Exactly. The Patriot Act tramples on our Constitutional rights.
FinnMacCool said:
I can't believe no one has seen through this with a name like 'The Patriot Act'.
Well, to do a slight nitpick on everyone here.. it's not the "Patriot Act." It's the USA PATRIOT Act which is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism . So, it's really even more dumb than one would originally have thought.
I think the PA is the most important legislation to be enacted since 09/11/01.......I heard and authority speak on it recently and he said because of the PA at least 100 terrorist attacks on this country have been avoided...Of those 100 attacks at least 10 of them were as serious at the attack on the WTC.......

On 9/12/01 I would have bet we would have ahd a major terrorist attack on this country every month............Thanks to the PA and dedicated men like John Ashcroft that has not happened........

Thank you President Bush and Secretary Ashcroft.........
Navy Pride said:
I think the PA is the most important legislation to be enacted since 09/11/01.......I heard and authority speak on it recently and he said because of the PA at least 100 terrorist attacks on this country have been avoided...Of those 100 attacks at least 10 of them were as serious at the attack on the WTC.......
That'd be great, did he have any proof?
shuamort said:
That'd be great, did he have any proof?

He was a special agent with the CIA........He also stated that because of the PA the wall between the CIA and the FBI that democrats established has been removed.............He said and this is his opinion, if that wall had not been there prior to 9/11/01 there would not have been a terroist attack on the WTC.........
Navy Pride said:
He was a special agent with the CIA........He also stated that because of the PA the wall between the CIA and the FBI that democrats established has been removed.............He said and this is his opinion, if that wall had not been there prior to 9/11/01 there would not have been a terroist attack on the WTC.........
I thought the wall was removed, not because of the USA PATIOT Act, but because of the creation of Homeland Security Department and its emphasis on bridging the informational blocks and conflicts between the depts. Hmmmm....
Navy Pride you never cease to amaze me. I bet you think it is quite patriotic dont you. Quite constitutional. hmmm. Does anyone here know what happend to political dissidents in old Russia. Anyone know who a political dissident was. Ill tell you 49% of americans. I hope your one of the 51% like Navy Pride. Hrmmm. I also trust the government to do all this with complete lack of transparency and 0 public checks and balances. Hrmmmm. The more you post the sicker you make me.
The more you post the sicker you make me.

Hmmmmm.... Likewise. Hmmmmm.....

I bet he is thinking the same thing about you. Hmmmm... :lol:
shuamort said:
I thought the wall was removed, not because of the USA PATIOT Act, but because of the creation of Homeland Security Department and its emphasis on bridging the informational blocks and conflicts between the depts. Hmmmm....

The PA made it much more easy for the CIA and the FBI to communicate with one another...........
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Navy Pride you never cease to amaze me. I bet you think it is quite patriotic dont you. Quite constitutional. hmmm. Does anyone here know what happend to political dissidents in old Russia. Anyone know who a political dissident was. Ill tell you 49% of americans. I hope your one of the 51% like Navy Pride. Hrmmm. I also trust the government to do all this with complete lack of transparency and 0 public checks and balances. Hrmmmm. The more you post the sicker you make me.

That is good..........It makes me feel good knowing I make you sick.............
Hmmmmm.... Likewise. Hmmmmm.....

I bet he is thinking the same thing about you. Hmmmm... :lol:

Bingo my friend.........:lol:
Navy Pride said:
The PA made it much more easy for the CIA and the FBI to communicate with one another...........

And for the gov't to search your home without your knowledge, and to seize bank records, and to send you to an off-shore torture chamber. I guess you call this freedom. :screwy
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Navy Pride you never cease to amaze me. I bet you think it is quite patriotic dont you. Quite constitutional. hmmm. Does anyone here know what happend to political dissidents in old Russia. Anyone know who a political dissident was. Ill tell you 49% of americans. I hope your one of the 51% like Navy Pride. Hrmmm. I also trust the government to do all this with complete lack of transparency and 0 public checks and balances. Hrmmmm. The more you post the sicker you make me.
[Mod Gavel]
Let's keep the personal attacks out of this forum.
[/Mod Gavel]
No problem. He just out of curiosity is that avatar your pic?

No, its my son............
ban.the.electoral.college said:
And for the gov't to search your home without your knowledge, and to seize bank records, and to send you to an off-shore torture chamber. I guess you call this freedom. :screwy

That is garbage and you know it.......Do you ever post anything that is factual?
ban.the.electoral.college said:
The Patriot Act was passed almost silently, as Americans were ill informed, most likely watching Fear Factor, or ___________ (whatever show TV watchers like). The Patriot Act, is an infringement on the rights of citizens and has no business being enforced, as it makes no effort to distinguish between an honest citizen and a terrorist. Do you really want the government to fail to make this distinction?

Your representation knew about it.
How can we even think of extending the Patriot Act when it's already been abused so badly.

The FBI has already collected a lot of data on groups opposed to Bush politics under this act.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]the FBI is using the act to violate people's right to peacefully assemble and oppose government policies.

ACLU Greenpeace
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Code Pink [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

I got news for you .. being anti-bush does not make you a terrorist. Nor does being anti- religious right. Don't you think it's very suspicious that one of the targets is none other than activists for civil liberties? They are judicial activists working thru the legal system not with weapons, terror, or even malice. Are there no warning signals flshing for those of you who claim it's a good thing?

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

For all you loons out there who think that the ACLU should be investigated, beacuse you think it is a liberal organization, let me remind you what it is. It is the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. You know, like "liberty and justice for all". If you think the defenders of liberty and the Constitution is too liberal and should be investigated, what does that say about conservatives? Think about it.

For all you loons out there who think that the ACLU should be investigated, beacuse you think it is a liberal organization, let me remind you what it is. It is the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. You know, like "liberty and justice for all". If you think the defenders of liberty and the Constitution is too liberal and should be investigated, what does that say about conservatives? Think about it.


Let not your heart be troubled my friend. Do you have any idea what the ACLU stands for and what ideals the proclaim?

Heres a little link for you.


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