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Patriot Act extended for 6 months (1 Viewer)


Sep 5, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
Patriot Act extended for 6 months, ANWR drilling defeated

After arduous negotiations, the GOP leadership finally backed away from their hard-line stance that the House version of the Patriot Act should simply be passed with very little time to review and debate the new language that came back to the Senate. I commend them for agreeing to the six month extention so that America remains protected and the Senate has adequate time to properly review the new language before agreeing to a permanent extention.

I feel proud to be a Democrat at the moment because our Senators really stood their ground to ensure that the permanent extention is one that has undergone a thorough review from both houses of Congress. It was refreshing to see them not roll over on such an important issue under the immense pressure that was coming from the majority leadership.

I'm also pleased that agreement was reached to remove ANWR drilling language from the military spending bill so that it could move forward. It's good to know that when the chips are down, our elected representatives can work together to get the job done.

What occurred as a result is a fair comprimise and I think both parties deserve to be lauded for moving forward with these issues to the relative satisfaction of everyone involved. :bravo:

Senate Defeats ANWR Drilling, Saves Cuts & Extends the Patriot Act
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Re: Patriot Act extended for 6 months, ANWR drilling defeated

JustMyPOV said:
After arduous negotiations, the GOP leadership finally backed away from their hard-line stance that the House version of the Patriot Act should simply be passed with very little time to review and debate the new language that came back to the Senate. I commend them for agreeing to the six month extention so that America remains protected and the Senate has adequate time to properly review the new language before agreeing to a permanent extention.

I feel proud to be a Democrat at the moment because our Senators really stood their ground to ensure that the permanent extention is one that has undergone a thorough review from both houses of Congress. It was refreshing to see them not roll over on such an important issue under the immense pressure that was coming from the majority leadership.

I'm also pleased that agreement was reached to remove ANWR drilling language from the military spending bill so that it could move forward. It's good to know that when the chips are down, our elected representatives can work together to get the job done.

What occurred as a result is a fair comprimise and I think both parties deserve to be lauded for moving forward with these issues to the relative satisfaction of everyone involved. :bravo:

Senate Defeats ANWR Drilling, Saves Cuts & Extends the Patriot Act

Good points...Now all you need to do is get the folks from your side of the aisle to stop crying and we got ourselves a debate...

TimmyBoy said:
I hope that damned "Patriot" Act expires and is never passed into law again:


FinnMacCool said:
Good. The patriot act is an attack on our civil libertires.


Hoot said:
Those in the Senate are trying to distance themselves from the failed and unconstitutional policies of this arrogant administration.


Conflict said:
It's about time we got rid of that damn act. It was nothing less than unconstitutional in the first place. Nobody ever heard of terrorism until Bush (Curious George) took office. WHo does the world hate... the American people or the Bush clan?


ashurbanipal said:
Conversely, can you show how the Patriot Act might have prevented 9/11, or any of a number of other realistic terrorist scenarios? The fact is, it wouldn't. So why do we need it?


In response to the above..

26 X World Champs said:
Exactly! The oh so typical scare tactic employed to justify the dismembering ouf our Constitution is a typical Republican tactic. Scare people into allowing their freedoms to be taken away.


jfuh said:
I thought you conservatives were all about minimizing big government. What happened to that? So I guess it is when your party is in control then you don't want to minimize government, but want it to push through such a bill as the "Patriot" act that allows for conservatives to control all aspects of our life.


Remember...these are not members that would like to revise the PA to where they feel more comfortable with any issues regarding civil liberties...They just want to throw the whole thing out, like the baby with the bathwater, and get rid of ANY and ALL relevant parts of the Act they may actually be beneficial...

You should have a little talk with them...:2wave:
Here's another quote for you cnredd.

The Patriot Act is the conservatives contribution to the nanny state.
curt said:
Here's another quote for you cnredd.

The Patriot Act is the conservatives contribution to the nanny state.
But if you've read JustMyPOV's post, you'd see that he feels "proud to be a Democrat at the moment because our Senators really stood their ground to ensure that the permanent extention is one that has undergone a thorough review from both houses of Congress."

You are insulting those Democrats that agreed upon further review the passage of this extension...and the Democrats on this forum that have agreed with this sentiment...
Re: Patriot Act extended for 6 months, ANWR drilling defeated

JustMyPOV said:
After arduous negotiations, the GOP leadership finally backed away from their hard-line stance that the House version of the Patriot Act should simply be passed with very little time to review and debate the new language that came back to the Senate. I commend them for agreeing to the six month extention so that America remains protected and the Senate has adequate time to properly review the new language before agreeing to a permanent extention.

I feel proud to be a Democrat at the moment because our Senators really stood their ground to ensure that the permanent extention is one that has undergone a thorough review from both houses of Congress. It was refreshing to see them not roll over on such an important issue under the immense pressure that was coming from the majority leadership.

I'm also pleased that agreement was reached to remove ANWR drilling language from the military spending bill so that it could move forward. It's good to know that when the chips are down, our elected representatives can work together to get the job done.

What occurred as a result is a fair comprimise and I think both parties deserve to be lauded for moving forward with these issues to the relative satisfaction of everyone involved. :bravo:

Senate Defeats ANWR Drilling, Saves Cuts & Extends the Patriot Act

The extension of the "Patriot" Act was a tragic mistake and will not keep the US safe from terrorism in any shape or form. It assures that the US is not a free country and that politicans and citizens alike who claim that the US is "free" is merely only paying lip service rather than dealing with facts and reality. Benjamin Franklin stated that those who trade freedom for security deserve neither. The US currently, by Franklin's own words, do not deserve freedom because we are willing to trade freedom for security and will ultimately not have either security or freedom. It is a dark day in American history that the US Congress was unwilling to stand behind the founding principles of this nation and to refuse an act that will not give us security and will only take away our freedom. It is rather unfortunate that the Congress has failed to do it's job and to stick to the founding principles of this nation. The terrorists have achieved a victory with the extension of this new bill as well as a government that seeks to control the lives of the people more and more as time goes by and to quash the right of the people to enjoy freedom at every opportunity and chance it gets. This bill will not give us the security from the terrorists and will not assure that our freedoms are potected.
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This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue.

This is an American issue.

Patriot Act allows spying on domestic soil on citizens.
It allows secret police, secret military court hearings, and prosecuting anybody under terrorism.

I get so annoyed by people asking "What have you got to hide". My response to these people is "It's not about hiding, it's about not allowing a facist law to be in a free country".

People just don't know how freaking dangerous it is for big brother to be able to spy on the citizens. The act is strictly unconstitutional and violates the 4th and 1st.

In reality, it is more dangerous to us than terrorists. Just ask any former USSR or Iraqi citizen.
crasster said:
This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue.

This is an American issue.

Patriot Act allows spying on domestic soil on citizens.
It allows secret police, secret military court hearings, and prosecuting anybody under terrorism.

I get so annoyed by people asking "What have you got to hide". My response to these people is "It's not about hiding, it's about not allowing a facist law to be in a free country".

People just don't know how freaking dangerous it is for big brother to be able to spy on the citizens. The act is strictly unconstitutional and violates the 4th and 1st.

In reality, it is more dangerous to us than terrorists. Just ask any former USSR or Iraqi citizen.

That's right. I talked to some russian immigrants and they said "At one time the US was this great free country and it is one of the reasons we came here, but now, it is bocoming more and more like the Soviet Union every day."
It's like the US is slowly and gradually becoming this police state.
Re: Patriot Act extended for 6 months, ANWR drilling defeated

cnredd said:
Good points...Now all you need to do is get the folks from your side of the aisle to stop crying and we got ourselves a debate...






In response to the above..



Remember...these are not members that would like to revise the PA to where they feel more comfortable with any issues regarding civil liberties...They just want to throw the whole thing out, like the baby with the bathwater, and get rid of ANY and ALL relevant parts of the Act they may actually be beneficial...

You should have a little talk with them...:2wave:

I was unaware that I had become the debatepolitics.com minority leader, but, umm... Thanks? :confused:

In any case, they're entitled to their opinions, just as you are to yours, and I am to mine. I agree with them on some of the points they make about civil- liberties being eroded away, and I also agree with you when you say that many of the provisions are beneficial and shouldn't be thrown out. Those are the reasons I was so glad that the Senate agreed to the short extention rather than passing the bill without proper review.

cnredd said:
You are insulting those Democrats that agreed upon further review the passage of this extension...and the Democrats on this forum that have agreed with this sentiment...

I don't find myself insulted. I disagree with their position in this case, but I don't take it personally. :smile:

crasster said:
The police state is pretty much here already.

Some good sites to visit about the patriot act are


and some videos are on


Actually, these are not good websites for information about the Patriot Act. These are people who take bits and pieces of information and present them in a manner slanted to their own ends. If you want to form a real opinion about the Patriot Act, you should actually read it.
Actually the extension was for 1 month. Hopefully, the members of Congress will read their history books, listen to the framers of the Constitution and consider the fact that no amount of laws can stop terrorism. Only when a people have freedom and the right ot determine their own destiny can you stop terror. Ignoring this fact, choosing to ignore the warnings from America's founding father's and passing more laws, won't make the US any safer and will threaten the freedom and security of the common American. Eventually, the terrorists will be able to find weaknesses and exploit them so long as they have the motivation to carry on their activities. When certain segments of the human species are denied their basic right to freedom it could eventually evolve into a threat that could destroy all of mankind and civilization. Freedom is the pre-requisite to the survival of the human species and by destroying freedom at home and abroad, we further along the destruction of the human species.
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