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Pat Robertson Threads (1 Viewer)


Aug 1, 2005
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Will you condemn this?

We see a lot of message from the right on this board asking the muslims to condemn the extremist preaches.

I would also like to see the right condemn a appeal to murder from a lunatic US Xian..

Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death
Aug 22 11:06 PM US/Eastern


Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson called on Monday for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, calling him a "terrific danger" to the United States.

Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, said on "The 700 Club" it was the United States' duty to stop Chavez from making Venezuela a "launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."

Chavez has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of President Bush, accusing the United States of conspiring to topple his government and possibly backing plots to assassinate him. U.S. officials have called the accusations ridiculous.

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

The full article is here.

One could hope that the site was just a Xian-bashing one, but the story is also on USA Today and other sites.

Disgusting, if you want my opinion.

Re: Will you condemn this?

I think there is a slight difference between Muslim-extremists preaching for the slaughter of innocent civilians in Britain, the USA and the middle east and Pat Robertson making one quick comment implying that he had no problem with assassinating a man who idolizes Castro and is on his way to being a horrible communist dictator. The USA has proved over the years that it will not tolerate the spread of communism (Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam, Korea, the cold war). Pat Robertson may have just been saying that he would rather we assassinate this guy then go to war.
American Jihad Cleric calls for assassination of Hugo Chavez

I've always maintained that r-wing extremism in America is manifesting and shaping itself into a form of Christian-terrorism by virtue of their hatred for Islamic extremism, in other words, they are becoming the enemy.

Pat Robertson is not alone, other American politicians have called for the nuking of Mecca along with prominant Conservative columnists calling for the blowing up of the New York Times building. Pat Robertson does not believe in abortion but he does believe in killing his opponents. He does condone murder. The American-Jihad movement is alive and well in the United States.



VIRGINIA BEACH (AP) — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's The 700 Club.

"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator," he continued. "It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

Chavez has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of President Bush, accusing the United States of conspiring to topple his government and possibly backing plots to assassinate him. U.S. officials have called the accusations ridiculous.

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

Robertson, 75, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, accused the United States of failing to act when Chavez was briefly overthrown in 2002.

Electronic pages and a message to a Robertson spokeswoman were not immediately returned Monday evening.

Venezuela is the fifth largest oil exporter and a major supplier of oil to the United States. The CIA estimates that U.S. markets absorb almost 59% of Venezuela's total exports.

Venezuela's government has demanded in the past that the United States crack down on Cuban and Venezuelan "terrorists" in Florida who they say are conspiring against Chavez.

Robertson has made controversial statements in the past. In October 2003, he suggested that the State Department be blown up with a nuclear device. He has also said that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
Re: Will you condemn this?

GunsGodGlory said:
I think there is a slight difference between Muslim-extremists preaching for the slaughter of innocent civilians in Britain, the USA and the middle east and Pat Robertson making one quick comment implying that he had no problem with assassinating a man who idolizes Castro and is on his way to being a horrible communist dictator. The USA has proved over the years that it will not tolerate the spread of communism (Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam, Korea, the cold war). Pat Robertson may have just been saying that he would rather we assassinate this guy then go to war.
I take it that you condone murder, if it's someone that you don't agree with. Oh, tell me, who would Jesus assasinate?


Re: Will you condemn this?

epr64 said:
I take it that you condone murder, if it's someone that you don't agree with. Oh, tell me, who would Jesus assasinate?
I guess I don't get your point... My point was that Pat Robertson obviously thinks that Hugo Chavez is a threat to America and therefore thinks that assassinating him would be justified. You started this thread asking for conservatives to condemn Pat Robertson, so you made what Pat Robertson said the issue, not whether or not the assassination of Hugo Chavez is justified. I simply said that there wasn't anything wrong with what Pat Robertson said, certainly not compared to what some extremist Muslim clerics are saying. I don't know enough about Hugo Chavez to tell you my opinion on the issue, but as you may have noticed I am against oppressive communists. Try to stay on topic, that way you won't embarrass yourself.
Re: Will you condemn this?

first of all, as a person in his position, i think that he was out of line with what he said.

now...why should the right apologize? when extremists carry our terror attacks, we ask the muslim church to separate themselves. if anyone should apologize in this instance, i would be the church. but whether or not this warrants an apology from the entire christian community is up for debate. im sure most would say that your analogy sucks though. this is nothing like islamic extremistism. Robertson never said that we should assassinate Chavez in the name of christianity, yet thats what these extremists are doing, killing thousands in the name of Islam. Robertson made a personal statement that he shouldnt have and should publicly apologize for it himself, period.

oh and good job of taking the focus of Chavez where it should be.
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Re: Will you condemn this?

Pat Roberson. Bad move. Apologize and maybe be removed from any post you now hold in your organization. Your organization should deal with that because you reflect on them and they can go along or not. Jim and Tami only air conditioned their dogs house for reasons that we don't understand but the dog will always love them for (gets hot in Palm Springs).

Chavez was elected and then seems to have rewritten the election laws of Venezuela so his opponents will fall in deep holes that will then be filled with cement. Not a nice guy but, we'll see. Wonder if Pat is fast with a gun?

Muslim extremists or Islamic Fundamentalists as I call them are perverts. Pat, with these comments, comes close to being one of those too. Not an Islamic Funda....... nevermind.
:duel :cool:
Re: Will you condemn this?

GunsGodGlory said:
I guess I don't get your point... My point was that Pat Robertson obviously thinks that Hugo Chavez is a threat to America and therefore thinks that assassinating him would be justified. You started this thread asking for conservatives to condemn Pat Robertson, so you made what Pat Robertson said the issue, not whether or not the assassination of Hugo Chavez is justified. I simply said that there wasn't anything wrong with what Pat Robertson said, certainly not compared to what some extremist Muslim clerics are saying. I don't know enough about Hugo Chavez to tell you my opinion on the issue, but as you may have noticed I am against oppressive communists. Try to stay on topic, that way you won't embarrass yourself.
What you say is that there's nothing wrong with calling to murder someone.

Too bad.

When some rightists on this board want the muslims to "condemn threats against the West and give up the terrorists, otherwise, they are all terrorists", you see no wrong. When a catholic extremist call for the US govt to kill an elected head of state, you don't see a problem.
If Chavez calls for the assasination of Bush, will you start seeing a problem? I guess so.

What Robertson said is exactly as disgusting as what OBL and other Zarkawi say. Only you don't see it.

Oh, and BTW, you don't know Chavez, but you are against "oppressive communists". Then, you will love Chavez, he isn't oppressing anyone. I take it you're also against oppressive capitalists?

Re: Will you condemn this?

FiremanRyan said:
first of all, as a person in his position, i think that he was out of line with what he said.

now...why should the right apologize? when extremists carry our terror attacks, we ask the muslim church to separate themselves. if anyone should apologize in this instance, i would be the church. but whether or not this warrants an apology from the entire christian community is up for debate. im sure most would say that your analogy sucks though. this is nothing like islamic extremistism. Robertson never said that we should assassinate Chavez in the name of christianity, yet thats what these extremists are doing, killing thousands in the name of Islam. Robertson made a personal statement that he shouldnt have and should publicly apologize for it himself, period.

oh and good job of taking the focus of Chavez where it should be.

Exactly what I said: Robertson said the US govt should assassinate Chavez in the name of US right-wing supremacy, which he advocates. So, I find it normal to ask the right to apologize. Not that the right as a whole accepts what the dumb*** said, but just to make sure there's the same standard for everyone.

Otherwise, why ask for muslims to condemn OBLs actions? Why not only ask OBL to apologize, and leave the muslims in peace?

As far as where Chavez's focus should be, assassination attempts against him ARE one of his focuses.. and for good reasons.

Re: Will you condemn this?

Someone earlier in this thread said that it was a passing comment-it was not. It was like all comments on his tv show-scripted and staged and meant to be shown. I found this in a CNN Article.
Another Chavez supporter in the Venezuelan parliament, Desire Santos Amaral said "This man cannot be a true Christian."
I completely agree. You do not seek revenge or even want to kill. In fact [ lewis black voice] I think they wrote that down as a commandment somwhere! [/lewis black voice]
Re: Will you condemn this?

gordontravels said:
Pat Roberson. Bad move. Apologize and maybe be removed from any post you now hold in your organization. Your organization should deal with that because you reflect on them and they can go along or not. Jim and Tami only air conditioned their dogs house for reasons that we don't understand but the dog will always love them for (gets hot in Palm Springs).

Must be a private joke. Sorry, didn't understand one word of it.

Chavez was elected and then seems to have rewritten the election laws of Venezuela so his opponents will fall in deep holes that will then be filled with cement. Not a nice guy but, we'll see.

Chavez changed the constitution so that every elected representative can be challenged at the half of his mandate. The opposition tried very hard to have him ousted at mid-term, but they miserably failed, as Chavez is REALLY supported by the vast majority of his country. Those like him, "Indio y nero", vote for him. Those not like him (the tiny ultra-rich minority, wanting to restore a dictature for some years, as they clearly say) fight one of the most vicious fights seen lately in South America.
Please, gt, read a bit on Venezuela and the bolivarian revolution. You'll see there's a lot left aside in the US press.

Wonder if Pat is fast with a gun?

We'll never know, as he prefers sending others to die, like OBL. Oh wait, OBL fought in Afganistan against the Russians, when he was financed by the US. So, OBL is better than Robertson, I suppose. :rofl

Muslim extremists or Islamic Fundamentalists as I call them are perverts. Pat, with these comments, comes close to being one of those too. Not an Islamic Funda....... nevermind.
Re: Will you condemn this?

"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator, It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." - Pat Robertson

Sounds like good logic to me.
Re: American Jihad Cleric calls for assassination of Hugo Chavez

Yes, Robertson is endorsing terrorism. The White House I heard is trying to distance themselves from Pat Robertson's comments. I don't know about you, but I think Jesus wouldn't call or coroporate in someone's assasination.
Re: Will you condemn this?

epr64 said:
Exactly what I said: Robertson said the US govt should assassinate Chavez in the name of US right-wing supremacy, which he advocates. So, I find it normal to ask the right to apologize. Not that the right as a whole accepts what the dumb*** said, but just to make sure there's the same standard for everyone.

Otherwise, why ask for muslims to condemn OBLs actions? Why not only ask OBL to apologize, and leave the muslims in peace?
Pat Robertson has a radio show on which he states his personal opinion. Muslim extremists high jack a religion and use it to preach murder. Muslims can either condemn this or admit that they practice a religion that lends itself well to terrorism.
Re: American Jihad Cleric calls for assassination of Hugo Chavez

I'm not comparing Chavez to Saddam Hussein, but what if we just went in and assasinated Saddam instead of occupying the country? Of course, that's easier said than done, but if it works it is preperable to say, war.
Re: Will you condemn this?

QUOTES in Black are courtesy of epr64 - Must be a private joke. Sorry, didn't understand one word of it.

It's ok I didn't expect you to. But if you ever saw John Kleese in Fawlty Towers on the BBC then you saw that time he spanked himself and said, "You're a bad boy!" I just did that but, sruprisingly, it didn't hurt much. Still, don't want to be too hard on myself.

Chavez changed the constitution so that every elected representative can be challenged at the half of his mandate. The opposition tried very hard to have him ousted at mid-term, but they miserably failed, as Chavez is REALLY supported by the vast majority of his country. Those like him, "Indio y nero", vote for him. Those not like him (the tiny ultra-rich minority, wanting to restore a dictature for some years, as they clearly say) fight one of the most vicious fights seen lately in South America.

And what other things did Chavez do to the political process. I'm not so naive to think that this speck you cite is all. He also made it harder for potential candidates to qualify for the ballot. Just one of the little things to spice up that sauce. He also made it possible for the sitting government to declare a particular political party inelligible for elections for "questions" that "could" lead to a prosecution. This was very broad and can be trotted out within days of an election. Some good stuff he's done here, don't you agree?

Please, gt, read a bit on Venezuela and the bolivarian revolution. You'll see there's a lot left aside in the US press.

If you had read half the history I have.... My uncle spent nearly 15 years in Venezuela since it was our country that helped them develope their oil fields and I visited once to that country for 3 weeks and spent time in Trinidad as well. I have some insight into Venezuela from the people's side. Granted this was years ago but just recently Presidente Chavez has traveled to Cuba where he declared that there is no Communist Dictatorship but rather a country run by the people. Did you miss that? Even MSNBC reported that this morning. Thank goodness for a liberal press that doesn't figure it out til it's too late sometimes.

We'll never know, as he prefers sending others to die, like OBL. Oh wait, OBL fought in Afganistan against the Russians, when he was financed by the US. So, OBL is better than Robertson, I suppose. :rofl

OBL murdered nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens in New York so I won't argue the point and just let you decide how bad or better he is. I've seen you using Hitler before so I'm not surprised you would pony up OBL for a good argument. Still, your posts are at least stimulating. Now it's lunch time. :duel :cool:
Re: Will you condemn this?

Redoing the spanking scene because it was Cleese. I did some other bad words too but I was really hungry and this salmon was looking at me like Fidel drippin saliva all over a boat load of caught refugees - oops - sorry, they were the people that run Cuba. :duel :cool:
Re: Will you condemn this?

epr64 said:
... When some rightists on this board want the muslims to "condemn threats against the West and give up the terrorists, otherwise, they are all terrorists", you see no wrong.
Of course not. Do you?

When a catholic extremist call for the US govt to kill an elected head of state, you don't see a problem.

Now, I assume by "catholic extremist" you refer to Robertson? The first mistake in your thinking was to translate what he actually said to "calling for the US govt to kill" Chavez. This is what he actually said:
  • "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
You translate, "but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it" to calling on the US government to act and kill the man?

Robertson shouldn't have said what he did, but it is ridiculous to try and compare what he said and its effect, to the calls for violence against western interests by terrorist leaders. Although it strikes me that that's certainly the kind of thing a terrorist sympathizer would do.

If Chavez calls for the assasination of Bush, will you start seeing a problem? I guess so.
Yes, if the head of a state calls for the assasination of our President, I will see a problem.

What Robertson said is exactly as disgusting as what OBL and other Zarkawi say. Only you don't see it.
No, it's not. And it is you who obviously doesn't "see it."
Re: Will you condemn this?

I am very surprised that those who have defended Cindy Sheehan's right to free speech have not afforded Pat Robertson the same right.

Anyone on the left who says that, even though Pat Robertson has a right to say what he says, what he is saying is stupid and wrong, will now understand the exact same justification of what those who oppose Cindy are doing.
Re: Will you condemn this?

^There is a difference between preaching assasination and what Cindy is doing. If Pat Robertson had said God told him we must stay in Iraq-hey, I am all for his right to say that. I do not think he has the right to say we should assasinate a world leader. If I said that of say, President Bush, I would be in prison.

All that being said...I guess he has the fundamental right to say it, even if we should never say that about world leaders.
Re: Will you condemn this?

ShamMol said:
^There is a difference between preaching assasination and what Cindy is doing. If Pat Robertson had said God told him we must stay in Iraq-hey, I am all for his right to say that. I do not think he has the right to say we should assasinate a world leader. If I said that of say, President Bush, I would be in prison.

All that being said...I guess he has the fundamental right to say it, even if we should never say that about world leaders.

So are you ARGREEING that there should be limitations on free speech??????

Be careful how you answer....there are those on the left that will attack you for it....

But then they'll see your "donkeys" and give you a free pass....
Re: Will you condemn this?

ShamMol said:
I do not think he has the right to say we should assasinate a world leader. If I said that of say, President Bush, I would be in prison.
Actually, if you said: "If President Bush thinks I am trying to kill him, maybe I should," you would not be in prison. The Secrete service might investigate you, but you would not be thrown in prison (sadly). Does anyone remember when those left-wing cooks in New York decided to put on a play about killing President Bush? I didn't here anyone on the left condemning them.
Re: Will you condemn this?

[Mod Note]I've merged the two threads about Pat Robertson into one. Enjoy.[/Mod Note]

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