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Overpopulated with illegals (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 24, 2005
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Does any one else agree that the US has become to accepting of illegals from across the border? I do, I think it is rediculous I am not prejudice just angry about the way that rightful Americans are treated compared to those that are here illegally.
You got my vote. It is truely sickening.

True story:

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went to "Red, Hot & Blue" a memphis type BBQ place that has excellent ribs! Anyway, we ordered the house salad and the cucumbers were very bitter. We let the server know that it's not an issue for us, but they may not want to serve them to other customers.

His response: "Sorry about that, I dunno if I can tell them though. Uggh, it's been a tough day, had a guy call in sick and I am the only one here. Our translator quit"

I asked, "Translator?"

"Yea, he is the one that talks to the cooks. {whisper} I am not sure they are here legally."

Me, "Wow, that would be tough man. Haha, how do you tell them what we ordered?"

"We have pictures and directions in spanish back there."
living in California, a state thats virtually being taken over by illegal immigrants, its basically a question of whats costing you more money. they abuse government subsidized programs and cost the state millions of dollars each year. for example, in 2004 LA tax payers spent $36 million dollars on uninsured ER visits. 60% of them were from undocumented peoples. but at the same time, for every $1 million dollars CA. spends each year on agriculture, we get over $2 million back from hiring low wage illegal immigrants.

i believe this area is over populated with immigrants simply because they are weakening our culture. theyre not jumping the boarder to be apart of America and melt into our "melting pot", they are coming here simply to make a better living, thus alienating them from the rest of society. this is why they dont bother to speak english, because they dont give a ****. thats not why theyre coming here. im all for LEGAL immigration, just look at people from India, its been shown that they come here to the states, pay taxes, and work needed and documented jobs. they contribute to the system while illegals dont. how is a government supposed to function when they hand out so much money in welfare, yet they dont recieve any from the very people they give it to because theyre undocumented? it makes the state fight a constant losing battle, spending more than theyre taking in.
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It is too bad we don't have politicians on either side willing to take this issue on.
Did someone delete my post, I said that gun control in the States should be more stricter than it is now, it's too damn easy to get a gun and over 15,000 Americans die because of murders or suicide by a firearm.
I do not see where a post was deleted with that topic - did you check in the second amendment forum? It could have been moved.

Back on topic - what can be done about all the illegals?
It seems that the term is even being smoothed over 'undocumented'.
I think that perhaps your country shouldn't be strict on petty crimes like fake I.Ds or serving alcohol to minors, I mean 21? lol, here in Canada it's 19, ha.
I think perhaps that Canada should take all the illegal aliens from us then our undocumented issue would not be as out of control as it is.

Wow, I was actually able to remain topical. *yay me*
Hmm What can be doen about the illegals? For one our government can definitely do something about it. Placing restrictions on who is allowed into the states or at least only allowing those that actually want to become US citizens are allowed to stay. As I have already stated I work as a probation officer and a little less than half of our probationers are mexicans and about half of those are illegals. When placed on probation these people obviously have to go to court why couldn't the judges that place them on probation instead just deport them. However since we only deal with misdemeanors if an illegal violates thier probation, we can not do anything but put them in jail for a little while. I feel as though if they are here illegally and break any laws at all they should be deported, that is the end of it.
Let me reassure all that i am not prejudice and that I have no problem with immigrants however it should be done legally
this is all about money. its one of my only complaints about the Bush admin. if we got tough on illegal immigration, crime rates would decrease, the welfare state would get better, insurance would go down, etc. but agriculture, the largest industry in California, would take a huge hit, and the government will never allow that to happen. thats why Bush throws all this crap around about temporary work visas and things like that. he knows we need to take control of this because its killing the west coast/southwest but they need the cheap labor.
Actually a while back I read that Bush does want to do something about the illegal immigrants but as we all know it takes more than just him.
You guys could be honest with what you really mean. Just say you are tired of the mexicans. Illegal immigrants is a bold group when all your really complaining about is mexicans.
Burnasty said:
You guys could be honest with what you really mean. Just say you are tired of the mexicans. Illegal immigrants is a bold group when all your really complaining about is mexicans.

show me one post where someone said anything derogatory towards mexicans. no one here is racist or has problems with mexicans, they are apart of our country and just as welcome as anyone else. what isnt welcome is illegal immigration, not matter who the immigrant is or where they are from. please dont starting putting words in anyone's mouth.

and tell us why you think illegal immigrants are a bold group. say an american was upset with their political system or social structure so they decided to illegally hop the border of Canada without bothering to make any change themselve's within their own country, would they be bold? that sounds weak to me. how is anything in mexico going to change when all the people who want that change are fleeing the country? how is entering a country illegally, putting a strain on their social services, committing a high number of cimes per capita, and not even bothering to learn the language a bold move to make? im just having trouble finding any reason behind what you're saying.
^The poster said that it was the truth behind the lies. This is also known as you saying one thing while meaning another.

I for one would be sol if no illegal immigrants came as one of my best friends wouldn't be here. You don't see the faces of this problem, you only look at the problems it causes you.

I have a suggestion for everyone here...especially if you live in or near Los Angeles. Go to a naturalization ceremony. See how happy these people who were (for the most part) illegal immigrants at first are to be in America and become citizens. It may just change your mind. That and my friend did it for me.
There's almost as big a problem with illegal populations of cubans, dominicans, chinese, hatians.... and other ethnicities as well. Mexicans are just the biggest illegal alien problem in the US because of their shared border.
Soviet_Guy said:
I think that perhaps your country shouldn't be strict on petty crimes like fake I.Ds or serving alcohol to minors, I mean 21? lol, here in Canada it's 19, ha.

I live in NC where illegals can get real ID's as long as they can prove they are alive. No need for fake id's here.

I was rearended by a illegal with a legal drivers licence and no insurance. Needles to say I had to eat the cost of replacing my car since it was totaled. The illegal didn't provide a real address to the officer and could not be located. I just used that extra $22,300 I had laying in my dresser to buy a new car. got $2,000 for my 2003 Acura as a parts car.

I'm sure even If I could locate him, asking him to pay the damages would be considered racist and homophobic.
asmith555 said:
I'm sure even If I could locate him, asking him to pay the damages would be considered racist and homophobic.
How dare you even consider such a bigoted idea? you ignorant racist! That man went through all the trouble of hopping across our border and making his way to your hometown to pick fruit, he shouldn't be have to be held responsible for any problems he causes or petty US laws he breaks :rolleyes: In fact, the right thing to do, would have been to give him $20 out of your pocket after the accident. :2mad:
asmith555 said:
I'm sure even If I could locate him, asking him to pay the damages would be considered racist and homophobic.

Did he say he was gay?
td0403 said:
Actually a while back I read that Bush does want to do something about the illegal immigrants but as we all know it takes more than just him.

If Bush wanted to do something about it he could. He doesn't because he understands the illegals are a huge part of the economy. More so in some states then others. I live near the North Oregon Coast. Here they take jobs in fish processing plants, reforestation and other low paying labor intensive jobs. If they didn't fill these jobs the cost of labor would increase dramatically. The cost of products would thus increase. The chilling effect on the economy would not be good.
Does any one else agree that the US has become to accepting of illegals from across the border?

I think all illegals and thier kids need to be booted out.If they want to be a citizen that bad then they can do it the legal way.
jamesrage said:
I think all illegals and thier kids need to be booted out.If they want to be a citizen that bad then they can do it the legal way.

Why their children? If their kids were born and raised there, then they're just like you.
Why their children? If their kids were born and raised there, then they're just like you.

That policy creates a back door that only encourages illegals even more to come here.That needs to be changed.I do not give a **** if the children of illegals were born here.They are not like me because everyone in my familiy was legally before I was born.
jamesrage said:
That policy creates a back door that only encourages illegals even more to come here.That needs to be changed.I do not give a **** if the children of illegals were born here.They are not like me because everyone in my familiy was legally before I was born.

Oh, so there children born and raised in America deserve to be punished because of their parents? Wow, that really is stripping away citizens' rights.
so what, you think we should leave the kids and boot the parents?

I don't think so.

So, the kids get booted, the parents weren't here legally, why should the kids be considered legal?

it can't kill them that much to get here legally.
Reconquista is alive and well

Boot out the parents and all the kids of the illegal aliens regardless of whether they were born here...and make sure you either fine or incarcerate the parents first and force them to work off the fine and all costs associated with any service they leached off of and any costs associated with deporting them.

These curs are causing the US to become a Third World Cesspool.

They can take themselves and their gutter culture with them.


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