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Outcasts (1 Viewer)

What channel is that on in the USA?

Is it on BBC?

If you can't handle sitting through 20+ minutes of commercials, I'd suggest you just torrent it instead.

I'll use my on demand and check it out. Review to follow. ;)


The only list is for "Outcast" which is on Cinemax (which I don't have) and doesn't seem to be Sci-fi oriented.

Guess I am out of luck.
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It's on HBO

at least in Canada...it premiered last night for us, so you are likely ahead of us

Side note but did you know that HBO was originally supposed to pick up TWD? But they dropped it because it would be 'too violent'. Lol.
Side note but did you know that HBO was originally supposed to pick up TWD? But they dropped it because it would be 'too violent'. Lol.

apparently FOX did too...I didn't know about HBO but that is where I viewed Outcasts last night...HBO Canada so I would imagine you guys have it too
apparently FOX did too...I didn't know about HBO but that is where I viewed Outcasts last night...HBO Canada so I would imagine you guys have it too

I just find that funny because Game of Thrones is pretty damn violent and it's on HBO.

But then again TWD is also pretty violent too, even on AMC. But the violence would probably be even worse if it was on HBO.
I just find that funny because Game of Thrones is pretty damn violent and it's on HBO.

But then again TWD is also pretty violent too, even on AMC. But the violence would probably be even worse if it was on HBO.
HBO plays most of everything I love to watch

I am kind of dark with the viewing but I hate regular formatted TV...it's predictable and boring.

True Detective, Game of Thrones, Son's of Anarchy,

anything off the wall...that's me
HBO plays most of everything I love to watch

I am kind of dark with the viewing but I hate regular formatted TV...it's predictable and boring.

True Detective, Game of Thrones, Son's of Anarchy,

anything off the wall...that's me
I personally don't watch too much live television, but I do torrent a whole lot of television shows, so I guess that counts. I just really hate siting through commercials.
I personally don't watch too much live television, but I do torrent a whole lot of television shows, so I guess that counts. I just really hate siting through commercials.
that's why I love TV on Demand such as HBO...no commercials...

let me know what you think of Outcasts...it's ten episodes...

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