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Our town's answer to police/community interaction... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
Love these guys...


Is your own's police department on Facebook? Did you Like their page so you get notifications?
Love these guys...

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Is your own's police department on Facebook? Did you Like their page so you get notifications?
We have done them before, it is just very hot outside in Houston during that time of year.
We seem to get the most police to show up when we have free BBQ!:2razz:
We have done them before, it is just very hot outside in Houston during that time of year.
We seem to get the most police to show up when we have free BBQ!:2razz:

Try adding donuts.
The first Tuesday in August is typcially a day/night out for communities to hold events like this. We usually go to the community center where my daughter goes during the summer which is also attended by police and fireman. I think they are great opportunities for us all to interact and just enjoy ourselves.
Love these guys...


Is your own's police department on Facebook? Did you Like their page so you get notifications?
I moved out of the city to a small suburban village over a decade ago.

I can't believe how responsive government in general is out here, and very importantly specifically how the police believe in *respecting* and *assisting* the taxpayers they serve!

It was very hard for me to leave the city - very hard! I loved it dearly & still do! But I ain't-going-back! Uh uh!

(Well, except maybe to a weekend condo that also gives the kids a weekday base for their university studies or grad school)
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