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other countries (1 Viewer)


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Feb 20, 2005
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Should the US do more to help countries like Mexico get there economy up, while our country has to close school because of lack of money?

Our own people should be our first priority. But their will always, in capitalism, be some countries with poor economies. There's really not much the USA can do about that. We just happen to benefit from a system that hurts the majority of the world.
anomaly said:
We just happen to benefit from a system that hurts the majority of the world.

Funny that ain't it, i wonder if you have done it on purpose?
LockeAdvisor said:
Should the US do more to help countries like Mexico get there economy up, while our country has to close school because of lack of money?

If we could do something that would result in improving the Mexican economy, it would be to our advantage and well worth whatever we spent. However, the country is a hopeless rathole, and any money you put in there would simply go into a few already well-lined pockets. The elite does not want the peons to prosper.

Our country can do a lot of things or it can wage useless wars. It's a matter of choice, not money. :mad:
Kenneth T. Cornelius said:
Our country can do a lot of things or it can wage useless wars. It's a matter of choice, not money. :mad:

What will the USA's beloved GWB choose? Duh, let me think ...
Naughty Nurse said:
What will the USA's beloved GWB choose? Duh, let me think ...

GWB is only 'beloved' by half the country, certainly not by me.
LockeAdvisor said:
Should the US do more to help countries like Mexico get there economy up, while our country has to close school because of lack of money?


Not when they are printing pamphlets on how to get into the USA illegally.
Pacridge said:
It's over half. But I'm not in the majority either.
I think something we all need to learn is, when there is war, there will always be a country divided in 2. Unless we have a just cause that can draw america together. Such as 9-11, I want to find an American who didnt want to go for Osama. Pearl Harbor is another example. When the war is personal, thats what makes the president loved by all. But when Bush enforces a war that we dont clearly understand, it creates a country divided. I know I really don't understand the war, what his REAL cause was, I dont think anyone will know, besides Bush himself.
Chaos10187 said:
Unless we have a just cause that can draw america together. Such as 9-11....

Before 9/11, New York City was the most rude city in the country, after 9/11, it was the most friendliest city in the country. The point I'm getting at is, why do we need something like 9/11 to happen, to draw the people together?
Pacridge said:
It's over half. But I'm not in the majority either.

Lesser of two evils, as it always seems to be. I'm not overly fond of Bush, but I certainly did not want Kerry in the White House.
Anyone of the Dems would be better than Bush. But I agree, they all were pretty weak...perhaps it's time for a new party...
Chaos10187 said:
I think something we all need to learn is, when there is war, there will always be a country divided in 2. Unless we have a just cause that can draw america together. Such as 9-11, I want to find an American who didnt want to go for Osama. Pearl Harbor is another example. When the war is personal, thats what makes the president loved by all. But when Bush enforces a war that we dont clearly understand, it creates a country divided. I know I really don't understand the war, what his REAL cause was, I dont think anyone will know, besides Bush himself.
Being divided is not the problem; being EVENLY divided is the problem. This doesn't have anything to do with war. We were split down the middle long before the war ever happened. The cause is very simple: all of our politicians serve the same master, Corporate America. Elections are a beauty contest settled by a coin toss.

As for REAL causes of the war, please consider that gasolene prices were near one dollar a gallon several years ago and the oil industry was hurting. Prices are now around twice that and the oil industry is not hurting quite so much anymore. :censored
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But the war can't simply be for oil, because we could get all the oil we wanted from the Saudis...unless we were tired of them. But there are still other places where we could retrieve oil. That's why I believe Bush was simply taking revenge against the man who tried to kill his daddy. And why wouldn't he, being presented, as Commander in Chief, with the most powerful destructive (I mean liberating) force in the history of man.
Kenneth, you're exactly right when it comes to modern American plitics and the corporate interests that both countries have. There are no socialists holding office in America. Both the Dems and the GOP have one chief concern: protecting American corporations, usually at the expense of some foreigners working in the corporations' factories (but who the hell cares about foreign people these days!). And we wonder why the world hates us...HA!
anomaly said:
But the war can't simply be for oil, because we could get all the oil we wanted from the Saudis...unless we were tired of them. But there are still other places where we could retrieve oil. That's why I believe Bush was simply taking revenge against the man who tried to kill his daddy. And why wouldn't he, being presented, as Commander in Chief, with the most powerful destructive (I mean liberating) force in the history of man.
Things are seldom done for single reasons. No, it wasn't oil by itself, but that had to enter into it.

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