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Orlando (1 Viewer)


iniquitably employed
DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2004
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Naples, FL
Political Leaning
I wrote to the travel bureau this morning and they wrote me back already to let me know that someone will be calling me this week.

So in the meantime.....

I did a cursory search on Expedia and found several hotels right off the bat that will have room rates under $100 around the Columbus Day weekend. Unless we have decided on another time? Have we?


$62.40-72.40 per night


$59-89 per night


$70 per night


$95.95-145.95 per night (the higher price is for a 2-bed suite - good for sharing - and very nice accomodations at this one!)

I'll make some calls a little later.....have to get some work done now. :doh
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So have we pretty much decided on DC? For sure? I have gotten a lot of email proposals, but I don't want to mess with putting them into a spreadsheet if we have already decided.
It's looking like the first week of August, unless it's too soon to plan everything. July and August won the polls, soo... Those prices look pretty good though. Are those group discounts? If not, the travel agents might be able to find something even better.
Kelzie said:
It's looking like the first week of August, unless it's too soon to plan everything. July and August won the polls, soo... Those prices look pretty good though. Are those group discounts? If not, the travel agents might be able to find something even better.

No those are not group discounts. Those numbers came right off of Expedia. But I have been getting offers through email from different hotels since late last week after going through the Vistor's Bureau and giving them our info. They are all at work though. If we are still unsure about the venue I will go through them and put together some comparisons. But if we are settled on DC, I don't really want to waste time on that.
mixedmedia said:
No those are not group discounts. Those numbers came right off of Expedia. But I have been getting offers through email from different hotels since late last week after going through the Vistor's Bureau and giving them our info. They are all at work though. If we are still unsure about the venue I will go through them and put together some comparisons. But if we are settled on DC, I don't really want to waste time on that.

I understand that you don't want to waste time. But these prices are way lower than anything in DC so far. I dunno, maybe we'll wait to see what the others think.
Kelzie said:
I understand that you don't want to waste time. But these prices are way lower than anything in DC so far. I dunno, maybe we'll wait to see what the others think.

I don't mind doing it at all if you think it's worth it. I'll start browsing through them tomorrow and let you know how they're looking.
Kelzie said:
I understand that you don't want to waste time. But these prices are way lower than anything in DC so far. I dunno, maybe we'll wait to see what the others think.
Maybe after we get more digits, we can put up a poll for place.

X = $
Y = $$
Z = $$$
vauge said:
Maybe after we get more digits, we can put up a poll for place.

X = $
Y = $$
Z = $$$

Sounds good.
Cheaper is always better in my book.
We need to decide on one state, once and for all, or we look foolish here folks!
Deegan said:
We need to decide on one state, once and for all, or we look foolish here folks!

It's true. I pick....whichever place is cheapest! :mrgreen: We'll know more once mixed gets her numbers up.
Kelzie said:
It's true. I pick....whichever place is cheapest! :mrgreen: We'll know more once mixed gets her numbers up.

It will not be "cheap" anywhere we go, you must include airfare for those too far away to drive, and by the time you add in all of these numbers, the difference will be a few dollars. I know it's not an issue for me, but I really don't like Orlando, there is nothing to do there but DisneyLand, been there, done that. I thought we dicided DC, we should just stick to one place, and those who can't attend, just can't attend, but I would like to have a theme, and mouse ears ain't it!;)
Deegan said:
It will not be "cheap" anywhere we go, you must include airfare for those too far away to drive, and by the time you add in all of these numbers, the difference will be a few dollars. I know it's not an issue for me, but I really don't like Orlando, there is nothing to do there but DisneyLand, been there, done that. I thought we dicided DC, we should just stick to one place, and those who can't attend, just can't attend, but I would like to have a theme, and mouse ears ain't it!;)

Yeah I don't really like amusement parks myself. I am deathly afraid of rollercoasters. However, the prices mixed quoted were way, way below DC, not just a couple dollars.

That's why I like vauge's idea of getting prices for those two places and taking a vote. If enough people will show up to DC at a higher cost, I would rather do that.
I appreciate Mixey's hard work, I was disappointed that it was not my state, or city as well, but we have to decide on one place, or I think we will loose interest. I thought it was settled, but let's have a vote, and get this worked out once and for all.:2wave:
Deegan said:
I appreciate Mixey's hard work, I was disappointed that it was not my state, or city as well, but we have to decide on one place, or I think we will loose interest. I thought it was settled, but let's have a vote, and get this worked out once and for all.:2wave:

Well, I am still plowing through the emails and I will do my damndest to get them into a spreadsheet tomorrow, but for the record, Deegan, I don't particularly want to do it here either. I like the DC idea.....
Kelzie said:
Yeah I don't really like amusement parks myself. I am deathly afraid of rollercoasters.
I was on a rollercoaster in Wildwood, NJ when I was 10...At the top, the coaster stopped and the last car caught on fire...we were high up and sideways and stuck there for 45 minutes...

Scared of rides ever since...
I like the cheaper factor of Orlando, but I used to live right outside of Orlando, so it's nothing special to me. I've never been to D.C., so that aspect makes D.C. more attractive to me.
cnredd said:
I was on a rollercoaster in Wildwood, NJ when I was 10...At the top, the coaster stopped and the last car caught on fire...we were high up and sideways and stuck there for 45 minutes...

Scared of rides ever since...

I LOVE rollercoasters. :2wave:

But if I had an experience like that I might feel differently. :shock:
mixedmedia said:
I LOVE rollercoasters. :2wave:

But if I had an experience like that I might feel differently. :shock:
I was conditioned to crap my pants at a young age...:doh
cnredd said:
I was conditioned to crap my pants at a young age...:doh

They have a really great one at Sea World. :cool:
mixedmedia said:
They have a really great one at Sea World. :cool:
"rollercoaster" or "pants full of crap"?...:2wave:
Not sure my contact is gunna get back with me. I think she lost interest.

Cancun is another cheap spot - just a thought.
vauge said:
Not sure my contact is gunna get back with me. I think she lost interest.

Cancun is another cheap spot - just a thought.

oh.....my.......god.....and what a thought it is!! :shock:
mixedmedia said:
oh.....my.......god.....and what a thought it is!! :shock:

No. No! The flights are more expensive aren't they?

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