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Orlando terrorist's dad cheers clinton! Will hillary disavow? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando. She was supposed to be talking jobs, but started the speech off paying tribute to those affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

"I know how many people, families, loved ones, and friends are still grieving, and we will be with you as you rebuild your lives."

WPTV happened to notice the man, who has a mustache and was wearing a red hat, behind Clinton. It was Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee - wptv.com
Oh my god he was wearing a red hat! Sources say he has ties to Trump! Will Trump disavow or become a terrorist himself?!
Oh my god he was wearing a red hat! Sources say he has ties to Trump! Will Trump disavow or become a terrorist himself?!

The fact that this asswipe supports Hillary, is evidence enough to see what's going on. The Hillary camp may have paid for him to be there.
and hillary is goddless, so leave God out of this.
The fact that Asswipes Unanimous are fussing over one of their own going to their dark side, is hysterical! :lamo
KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando. She was supposed to be talking jobs, but started the speech off paying tribute to those affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

"I know how many people, families, loved ones, and friends are still grieving, and we will be with you as you rebuild your lives."

WPTV happened to notice the man, who has a mustache and was wearing a red hat, behind Clinton. It was Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen.
Orlando shooter's father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee - wptv.com

How dare she say words to the community instead of talking jobs.
WPTV happened to notice the man, who has a mustache and was wearing a red hat, behind Clinton. It was Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen.

Muslims vote left anyway. This really isn't any surprise the father of Omar Mateen, registered democrat, and terrorist, was there.
I heard he likes carrots!

You know who else liked carrots? Hitler, Pol Pot, Rich Little and Donald Trump!

Burn the village!!!!

(Trumpanzies are so unaware of just how hilarious they are)
Muslims vote left anyway. This really isn't any surprise the father of Omar Mateen, registered democrat, and terrorist, was there.

By this logic can I say that Nancy Reagan was a terrorist too? I mean, she was related to someone who armed terrorists. :lol:
By this logic can I say that Nancy Reagan was a terrorist too? I mean, she was related to someone who armed terrorists. :lol:

Perhaps by leftist logic.
The fact that Asswipes Unanimous are fussing over one of their own going to their dark side, is hysterical! :lamo

One their own? Talk English...it's the official language.

How dare she say words to the community instead of talking jobs.

How dare she say anything, she should be in prison and have no voice!
Oh my god he was wearing a red hat! Sources say he has ties to Trump! Will Trump disavow or become a terrorist himself?!

And what sourrces are those, MrPeanut?
Muslims vote left anyway. This really isn't any surprise the father of Omar Mateen, registered democrat, and terrorist, was there.

Crooked Hillary loves terrorists. Her hubby pardoned 16 FALN terrorists who had set off somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 bombs in the US, just to assist her with hispanics in her New York Senate campaign.
Pulse survivor 'outraged' over Clinton rally; Killer's dad cheers Hillary...

KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Pulse survivors Jacobi Ceballo and Christopher Hansen had no idea they were in the same room as the father of shooter Omar Mateen until hours after a Monday rally for Hillary Clinton ended in Kissimmee.

"I opened up my Facebook and it was the first thing I saw," Hansen said. "I was like, 'Oh!'"

But Ceballo wasn't only surprised, he was angry.

Survivors react to father of Pulse shooter at Clinton...
There is no 'leftist' logic.

There is only logic.

You might consider acquainting yourself with it one day. It's most useful, I can assure youl.

LMAO. Ah, how sweet.

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