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O'Relly again proves just how low a human can sink (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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When Bill O'Ratshit doesn't like some one he tries to get them fired from their job. Remember the thing with Ludicrious? I never like rap music but the sickening way that O'Ratsass went ater the guy I had to back him up. This time is screwing with another Channel and another pundit. What a friggen whiner. I don't care much about olbermann. Well I didn't but I'm on his side now. If you support O'Reilly on this one God help you. The chickenhawk who spent the Viet Nam war draft dodging in England is on the war pathe. Screw him and the jackass he rode in on.

Olbermann devoted segment in response to O'Reilly petition for his replacement
Summary: Keith Olbermann devoted an entire segment to responding to Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's call for the replacement of Olbermann's show with one featuring Phil Donahue. Donahue previously hosted a show on MSNBC in the same 8 p.m. ET time slot as Olbermann's Countdown, which is also in the same time slot as O'Reilly's show, Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor.
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann devoted an entire segment of the February 24 edition of his show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, to responding to Fox News host Bill O'Reilly's call for the replacement of Countdown with a show featuring Phil Donahue. Donahue previously hosted a show on MSNBC in the same 8 p.m. ET time slot as Olbermann's show, which is also in the same time slot as O'Reilly's show, Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. On February 23, O'Reilly called on viewers to demand that MSNBC bring back Donahue, claiming, "His [Donahue's] successor [Keith Olbermann], after three long years on the air, actually has fewer viewers now than Donahue did when he left." O'Reilly later posted a petition on his website asking NBC Chairman Bob Wright (MSNBC is a joint venture of NBC and Microsoft) to "immediately bring Phil Donahue's show back at 8:00 PM EST before any more damage [to your network's ratings] is done." Olbermann and O'Reilly have a long-standing rivalry: In recent weeks, Olbermann has repeatedly honored O'Reilly with "Worst Person" awards during Countdown, while O'Reilly has responded, on several occasions, by asserting that MSNBC "is a true ratings disaster."
During the February 24 edition of Countdown, in response to O'Reilly's campaign, Olbermann aired a number of video clips from past Countdown editions and commented on several of the claims in O'Reilly's petition. After airing portions of the February 23 edition of The Factor, during which O'Reilly called for Donahue's reinstatement, Olbermann read the petition aloud and responded to sections in it, remarking, for example:
OLBERMANN: The median age of viewers of this program [Countdown] is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program: 68.6. If you want to be concerned about well-being, Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week.

Why..........does.......this......matter????????? :confused: :confused: :confused:

He's a friggin' political pundit....That's all...

Unbunch them...You'll feel better...
cnredd said:
Why..........does.......this......matter????????? :confused: :confused: :confused:

He's a friggin' political pundit....That's all...

Unbunch them...You'll feel better...

I always think its weird when news talk gets into it with comedy shows. Whats the point?
cnredd said:
Why..........does.......this......matter????????? :confused: :confused: :confused:

He's a friggin' political pundit....That's all...

Unbunch them...You'll feel better...

It matters because he needs to be exposed for what he is, a liar, hypocrite and a fraud.

(with a huge following)
cnredd said:
Why..........does.......this......matter????????? :confused: :confused: :confused:

He's a friggin' political pundit....That's all...

Unbunch them...You'll feel better...

Aw I see the party of morality doesn't see morally reprehensible behavior when it's one of theirs. And you say that liberals have double standards. That's what it's really about. If it was Al Franken you'd have blue balls over it.
Inuyasha said:
When Bill O'Ratshit doesn't like some one he tries to get them fired from their job. Remember the thing with Ludicrious? I never like rap music but the sickening way that O'Ratsass went ater the guy I had to back him up. This time is screwing with another Channel and another pundit. What a friggen whiner. I don't care much about olbermann. Well I didn't but I'm on his side now. If you support O'Reilly on this one God help you. The chickenhawk who spent the Viet Nam war draft dodging in England is on the war pathe. Screw him and the jackass he rode in on.

Perhaps if you let us get some idea of what the hell you are talking about before making it so undeniably clear what an axe you have to grind (hence, discrediting yourself) against this OPINION journalist (hence, this ISN'T a case of media bias), people might take your incredibly biased, hateful defense of the most biased partisan liar ever (Olbermann) more seriously.

And I put that one sentence of yours in bold because it seems ironic, being that you seem to be in such dire need of a midol.

And it is simply asinine to call it "immoral" to taunt a joke of a competitor like Olbermann. Olbermann's ratings don't even compete with O'Reilly's late night reruns. There was nothing dishonest about O'Reilly's actions here. If taunting an atrociously biased partisan bigot who can't get viewers is immoral then you'll have to explain that one, because most of what I encounter from every liberal on this site, including you, is baseless, mindless taunting.

As usual, the Left's criticisms of O'Reilly are hollow, erroneous, hysterical, and based on nothing but a childish need to undermine him for disagreeing with you.
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aquapub said:
Perhaps if you let us get some idea of what the hell you are talking about before making it so undeniably clear what an axe you have to grind (hence, discrediting yourself) against this OPINION journalist (hence, this ISN'T a case of media bias), people might take your incredibly biased, hateful defense of the most biased partisan liar ever (Olbermann) more seriously.

And I put that one sentence of yours in bold because it seems ironic, being that you seem to be in such dire need of a midol.

And it is simply asinine to call it "immoral" to taunt a joke of a competitor like Olbermann. Olbermann's ratings don't even compete with O'Reilly's late night reruns. There was nothing dishonest about O'Reilly's actions here. If taunting an atrociously biased partisan bigot who can't get viewers is immoral then you'll have to explain that one, because most of what I encounter from every liberal on this site, including you, is baseless, mindless taunting.

As usual, the Left's criticisms of O'Reilly are hollow, erroneous, hysterical, and based on nothing but a childish need to undermine him for disagreeing with you.

Coming from you, I hope Inuyasha takes this as a compliment. You want to talk about hollow, erroneous, hysterical and based on nothing but a childish need to undermine anyone who isn't a conservative, look in the mirror aquapub.

Olbermann is not a mean-spirited guy. O'Reilly is. And you want to talk about immoral? I posted this in another O'Reilly thread, but it's too good to NOT post it here again to show what a great husband this pathetic excuse for a human being O'Reilly is. Boy, I wish he were my husband (and father). This is part of a taped conversation between O'Reilly and his former co-worker Mackris. Real classy there, Bill. Real classy.

You would basically be in the shower and then I would come in and I’d join you and you would have your back to me and I would take that little loofa thing and kinda’ soap up your back…rub it all over you, get you to relax, hot water…and um…you know, you’d feel the tension drain out of you and uh you still would be with your back to me then I would kina’ put my arm – it’s one of those mitts, those loofa mitts you know, so I got my hands on it…and I would put it around front, kinda’ rub your tummy a little bit with it, and then with my other hand I would start to massage your boobs, get your n ipples really hard…’cuz I like that and you have really spectacular boobs…..

You have said it all aps. Aquapub is so "blinded by his own ideology" (a phrase used by O'Reilly before he becme mad as a hatter) that he can't see the forest for the trees here.
Its because Aqua and some of his right-winger friends on this board can't form a thought on their own without getting their talking points from O'Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh.

If you haven't already noticed, listen to any one of these guys and then read these boards. You will see a correlation between their talking points and what Aqua and his ilk spew off on these boards.

Of course they have to do everything they can to defend and apologize for them because they are their brain and soul.
I get a kick how the right dismisses polls and ratings when they reflect their ideals to be going down the shi**er but when it comes around to O'Reilly's ratings.......watch out!

Like I said. He is their heroin. He gives them their positive reenforcement. He validates them He is their battery charger.

He is also a pervert who wants to wash your butt with a sponge!
"OLBERMANN: The median age of viewers of this program [Countdown] is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program: 68.6. If you want to be concerned about well-being, Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week."

Oh that Olbermann is a real class act, wishing Bill's viewers dead!:shock:

Now who's the little whiner here again, this guy really should know when to shut up, he is the one carrying this issue to extremes.:roll:
Deegan said:
"OLBERMANN: The median age of viewers of this program [Countdown] is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program: 68.6. If you want to be concerned about well-being, Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week."

Oh that Olbermann is a real class act, wishing Bill's viewers dead!:shock:

Now who's the little whiner here again, this guy really should know when to shut up, he is the one carrying this issue to extremes.:roll:

I do not see that comment as meaning that Olbermann wishes that O'Reilly's viewers would die. He is merely saying that they are up there in age and could die. It's not the same thing.
Deegan said:
"OLBERMANN: The median age of viewers of this program [Countdown] is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program: 68.6. If you want to be concerned about well-being, Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week."

Oh that Olbermann is a real class act, wishing Bill's viewers dead!:shock:

Now who's the little whiner here again, this guy really should know when to shut up, he is the one carrying this issue to extremes.:roll:

Where do you get from the quote that Olbermann is wishing Bill's viewers dead?
No....seriously. I didn't see the broadcast so maybe there is more, but in reading your post I don't see that.

It sounds to me like Olberman is telling O'Reilly that he should be concerned about the age of his viewers and his losing popularity by his viewers dying off, but I don't see how that equates with what you are claiming.

Did I miss something?
aps said:
I do not see that comment as meaning that Olbermann wishes that O'Reilly's viewers would die. He is merely saying that they are up there in age and could die. It's not the same thing.

You know what's even funnier than that? It's when the Bush cultists come in here saying Kerry is calling our soldiers Nazi's and Terrorists. Talk about :spin:

Anybody who read or heard the actual basis of their accusations know how poppcockish that is. Yet they still persist.....

I'm lovin' their desperation. It's so hard, after all these years of their internet forum verbal abuse not to just stand up and say "Told ya so! Neener! Neener!." "Read 'em and weep!" :2rofll:

But I will take the highground.

:rofl :rofl
disneydude said:
Where do you get from the quote that Olbermann is wishing Bill's viewers dead?
No....seriously. I didn't see the broadcast so maybe there is more, but in reading your post I don't see that.

It sounds to me like Olberman is telling O'Reilly that he should be concerned about the age of his viewers and his losing popularity by his viewers dying off, but I don't see how that equates with what you are claiming.

Did I miss something?

disneydude, see my post above yours. Great minds think alike. :lol:
LOL, my the spin that statement brought!:rofl

Yes, suggesting a 68 year old will probably not survive the week, that is inappropriate at best, they are his words, it's up to him to explain the meaning.
Deegan said:
LOL, my the spin that statement brought!:rofl

Yes, suggesting a 68 year old will probably not survive the week, that is inappropriate at best, they are his words, it's up to him to explain the meaning.

I will agree that it's not an appropriate statement, but I watch the guy pretty regularly. He would never make a comment with the implication that he was wishing death on someone.
aps said:
I will agree that it's not an appropriate statement, but I watch the guy pretty regularly. He would never make a comment with the implication that he was wishing death on someone.

I will admit, I don't like the guy, because he is usually for, most of the things I am against, but I certainly don't create thread after thread, only to profess how much I hate him, and to list his every character defect. I just think this whole war between them is silly, and that Bill was wrong to insist that this man be replaced, I would be angry as well. Still, I have learned that this has been going on for some time now, they are both to blame for this on going fued.
Deegan said:
I will admit, I don't like the guy, because he is usually for, most of the things I am against, but I certainly don't create thread after thread, only to profess how much I hate him, and to list his every character defect. I just think this whole war between them is silly, and that Bill was wrong to insist that this man be replaced, I would be angry as well. Still, I have learned that this has been going on for some time now, they are both to blame for this on going fued.

Could they be doing it for ratings? :shock:
aps said:
Could they be doing it for ratings? :shock:

Well they certainly have their base all in a huff, so I suppose so.;)
Deegan said:
"OLBERMANN: The median age of viewers of this program [Countdown] is 58.7. The median age of viewers of Mr. O'Reilly's program: 68.6. If you want to be concerned about well-being, Bill, be concerned about the odds of your viewers living into next week."

Oh that Olbermann is a real class act, wishing Bill's viewers dead!:shock:

Now who's the little whiner here again, this guy really should know when to shut up, he is the one carrying this issue to extremes.:roll:

Olbermann never wished Ted Baxter's viewers to be dead, he was simply commenting on the lies and distortions that Baxter was spewing about Olbermann's ratings, including making a joke about the average age of Baxter's listeners. He was certainly being sarcastic at the time.

I'd be kickin a** and taking names myself.

Both Olbermann and Franken have an open invitation with Baxter to do a 1 on 1 w/ Charlie Rose. O'Reilly has repeatedly declined, yet he will continue to call people who won't go on his show "cowards"

(I think anyone who refuses to go on his show should consider it a badge of honor !)

PS I'll let you in a little secret. Olbermann is riding this "fued" as far as it can go. Obviously it's good PR for him and the story is getting a lot of play. Baxter has been told by his masters at Fox to pull back on the issue, because it's a no-win for Baxter. He looked like an idiot in his lawsuit against Franken and was basically laughed out of the courtroom several years back.
hipsterdufus said:
Olbermann never wished Ted Baxter's viewers to be dead, he was simply commenting on the lies and distortions that Baxter was spewing about Olbermann's ratings, including making a joke about the average age of Baxter's listeners. He was certainly being sarcastic at the time.

I'd be kickin a** and taking names myself.

Both Olbermann and Franken have an open invitation with Baxter to do a 1 on 1 w/ Charlie Rose. O'Reilly has repeatedly declined, yet he will continue to call people who won't go on his show "cowards"

(I think anyone who refuses to go on his show should consider it a badge of honor !)

PS I'll let you in a little secret. Olbermann is riding this "fued" as far as it can go. Obviously it's good PR for him and the story is getting a lot of play. Baxter has been told by his masters at Fox to pull back on the issue, because it's a no-win for Baxter. He looked like an idiot in his lawsuit against Franken and was basically laughed out of the courtroom several years back.

Well you're right about one thing, he needs to ride this out for all it's worth, his numbers are as bad as Frankens.;)
aps said:
Could they be doing it for ratings? :shock:

Damn right aps. My gripe is not with the politic it's with the unethical behavior on BO's part. He continually tries to screw with his opponent's livelihood when it becomes difficult for him to win. That is dispicable. If you can't win fair and square then you lose. Resorting to those tactics shows what a prig he is.

Obermann (I am not nuts about him either) is simply doing what O'Reilly did to Larry King when he started out. He tried to unseat him but King was above taking on O'Relly. So BO couldn't pull his scream, tell and bully tactics. He just had to wait it out. Oblermann is doing the same thing but O'Reilly is such a low class bottom feeder that he falls into the trap and winds up having a hissy fit and getting spittle all over the camera lens. Insecurity many be. I think so.
Inuyasha said:
Aw I see the party of morality doesn't see morally reprehensible behavior when it's one of theirs. And you say that liberals have double standards. That's what it's really about. If it was Al Franken you'd have blue balls over it.

disneydude said:
Its because Aqua and some of his right-winger friends on this board can't form a thought on their own without getting their talking points from O'Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh.

If you haven't already noticed, listen to any one of these guys and then read these boards. You will see a correlation between their talking points and what Aqua and his ilk spew off on these boards.

Of course they have to do everything they can to defend and apologize for them because they are their brain and soul.
One of these days...

Just ONE of them...maybe you'll learn that everybody doesn't pander like you wish to make your generalizations so friggin' concrete in your own mind...

From a post made by me over 7 months ago...

cnredd said:
Hannity, Novak, Coulter, and Limbaugh...A-HOLES all...

This is Conservative Cnredd talkin'.

I could never get through a program on CNN with Novak on it...He's just so damn smug.

Now what you do lovebirds need to do is...

a) Realize that not everyone sucks down partisan punditry like you'd believe...
b) Try to figure out a way of not demonizing everyone because of their political affiliations...

Think you could do either?...
Inuyasha said:
When Bill O'Ratshit doesn't like some one he tries to get them fired from their job. Remember the thing with Ludicrious? I never like rap music but the sickening way that O'Ratsass went ater the guy I had to back him up. This time is screwing with another Channel and another pundit. What a friggen whiner. I don't care much about olbermann. Well I didn't but I'm on his side now. If you support O'Reilly on this one God help you. The chickenhawk who spent the Viet Nam war draft dodging in England is on the war pathe. Screw him and the jackass he rode in on.

You spend an unusual amount of time thinking about Bill O'Reilly. Maybe it's time you faced up to certain facts about your . . . :kissy: interests. Just trying to be helpful.

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