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O'Reilly: al-Qaida, please blow up Coit Tower (1 Viewer)

debate_junkie said:
I wasn't implying you made that statement. I forgot a question mark. I was asking if you knew for a fact that recruiters only visited schools on career day. Speaking to that, people in SF could be dealing with recruiters in their schools on a monthly basis. This is a knee jerk reaction to something, and I don't think it's just the war, though I've not heard enough out of SF to confirm, I believe it could be they were in the school's too much, and parents saw it as more of a distraction, then a help. There's more to this. Now if only someone had the balls to print the entire story, then I could stop speculating and come back with pure fact.

They may come up with excuses of why they don't want recruiters there but that's all they are: Excuses. You have to shift through their bullshit but to anyone who's not wearing blinders it's clear that the reason they did this is because they hate the military and they think that the U.S. is to blame the for everything that's wrong with the world.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
They may come up with excuses of why they don't want recruiters there but that's all they are: Excuses. You have to shift through their bullshit but to anyone who's not wearing blinders it's clear that the reason they did this is because they hate the military and they think that the U.S. is to blame the for everything that's wrong with the world.

The community of SF does have this reputation. SF is a place in this country where recruiters try to avoid like the plague when being assigned a duty station.
GySgt said:
Fact four.... I "rolled my eyes" at the notion that someone decided to make a thread out of a rediculous statement that did actually involve more than one statement that was making a point more than it was making a plea for Al-Queda to target an American city. It just so happens to be the same individual that runs around the Internet for anything he can use to bash current administration and current military efforts.
So Bills statements are totally justified?
scottyz said:
So Bills statements are totally justified?

Nope, but hardly worth bitching about. Especially when being used to draw sides between political parties, but in reality has nothing to do with nothing.

"It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish."
tryreading said:
Hey, I don't wish you any harm up there, but I live in Central Florida, and Pat's been blowing on us for a year now. Its your turn.

He threw the wrath on us because of the 'Gay Days' thing, which isn't even our doing. But they go to Disney World, so Central Florida must suffer.

I think he just threw in New Orleans for kicks, because of the sin and all.

Seriously, though, do you live in a sturdy house? I'm in a concrete block home, and it got me and my wife through three bad storms last year, and the one this year that really only caused rain where we are. If you live in a wood frame building, move if you can. Go concrete block, tilt-up, or structural steel. This makes you safer from wind and fire.

Earthquake, I don't know, but I don't think you guys live in an earthquake prone area. Look out for blizzards this winter, hope you have a fireplace or a Franklin stove, because fuel prices will be unbelievable. Look out for nor'easters.

Other than that, hunker down, and wait until somebody else does something damnable enough to divert Pat's attention from your area. Good luck.

Thanks! I live in a second floor apartment. The foundation is concrete block, and probably a wood structure above that :shock:

Well, we've already escaped one Nor'easter, though Massachusetts and Maine got the worst of it. Earthquakes are rare, and are just a blip on the Richter scale.

Ivan caused some incredible flooding last September, but nothing major so far. My heat is electric, though I'm thinking about getting a kerosene heater to use in case God all of a sudden declares his wrath upon us, simply because Pat said he should. LOL

Pondering an underground shelter in the backyard. Maybe I've watched too many Stephen King movies, but if a little girl can make boulders fall from the sky, imagine what Pat could commission God to do? :rofl
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
They may come up with excuses of why they don't want recruiters there but that's all they are: Excuses. You have to shift through their bullshit but to anyone who's not wearing blinders it's clear that the reason they did this is because they hate the military and they think that the U.S. is to blame the for everything that's wrong with the world.

I don't know this for a fact, and unless you live there, don't see how you can claim it "fact" for the simple reason that the press doesn't always give us the full story, wherever we live. I know what's going on here in Central Pennsylvania, particularly in Harrisburg, because I work there, and live within a close proximity. I just don't see how someone can say they know for certain what was in the mind of a particular town/city's voters. I guess I forgot to sign up for clairvoyence when I was born :shrug:
debate_junkie said:
Thanks! I live in a second floor apartment. The foundation is concrete block, and probably a wood structure above that :shock:

Well, we've already escaped one Nor'easter, though Massachusetts and Maine got the worst of it. Earthquakes are rare, and are just a blip on the Richter scale.

Ivan caused some incredible flooding last September, but nothing major so far. My heat is electric, though I'm thinking about getting a kerosene heater to use in case God all of a sudden declares his wrath upon us, simply because Pat said he should. LOL

Pondering an underground shelter in the backyard. Maybe I've watched too many Stephen King movies, but if a little girl can make boulders fall from the sky, imagine what Pat could commission God to do? :rofl

Make sure you have a vent for the heater, to provide a little fresh air. Store some canned food. Looks like you've been thinking ahead. You'll make it.
GySgt said:
Nope, but hardly worth bitching about. Especially when being used to draw sides between political parties, but in reality has nothing to do with nothing.

"It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish."
Did another conservative pundit not just suggest that PA may feel gods wrath, and if so they deserved it? GOP isn't circulating a memo about the advantages of another terrorist attack?
scottyz said:
Did another conservative pundit not just suggest that PA may feel gods wrath, and if so they deserved it? GOP isn't circulating a memo about the advantages of another terrorist attack?

Yes, you've discovered the great conspiracy of our time. From these two examples and a few others that you may dig up....all of the Conservative speakers on TV and on radio, along with conservative preachers have a direct line to the President and secretly have control of the GOP.:roll:

Give it a rest. There's enough going on without you having to create your own BS.
GySgt said:
Yes, you've discovered the great conspiracy of our time. From these two examples and a few others that you may dig up....all of the Conservative speakers on TV and on radio, along with conservative preachers have a direct line to the President and secretly have control of the GOP.:roll:

Give it a rest. There's enough going on without you having to create your own BS.
Robertson does meet with the President. What BS have I created?
GySgt said:
Yes, you've discovered the great conspiracy of our time. From these two examples and a few others that you may dig up....all of the Conservative speakers on TV and on radio, along with conservative preachers have a direct line to the President and secretly have control of the GOP.:roll:

Give it a rest. There's enough going on without you having to create your own BS.

mwuhahahahaha dance puppets dance
scottyz said:
Robertson does meet with the President. What BS have I created?

Fact: Robertson knows the President.

What you deduct and imagine after that fact....is your BS.

In the years following WWII, the FBI was notorious for accusing, implying, and fabricating anything possible to "prove" that the average American citizen who knew an individual at one time in their lives who were a part of the Communist Party, were themselves Communist. This would be what you do regarding the President.
GySgt said:
Yes, you've discovered the great conspiracy of our time. From these two examples and a few others that you may dig up....all of the Conservative speakers on TV and on radio, along with conservative preachers have a direct line to the President and secretly have control of the GOP.:roll:

Give it a rest. There's enough going on without you having to create your own BS.

Hey, GS, Bill O'Reilly's hex probably is a load of crap, but we got Pat Robertson's punch right in the head last year in Orlando, in the form of several tropical cyclones. He's for real. He threatened it way back in 1998, but, like Al Quaida, he's patient.

I was telling Debate Junkie, who lives near Dover (the Dover), that I wouldn't want to be in his shoes for the next few years.
GySgt said:
Fact: Robertson knows the President.

What you deduct and imagine after that fact....is your BS.

In the years following WWII, the FBI was notorious for accusing, implying, and fabricating anything possible to "prove" that the average American citizen who knew an individual at one time in their lives who were a part of the Communist Party, were themselves Communist. This would be what you do regarding the President.
Except that it's not a fabrication that Bush has met with Robertson and shares the same base.
scottyz said:
Except that it's not a fabrication that Bush has met with Robertson and shares the same base.

Like I said... "What you deduct and imagine after that fact....is your BS."
GySgt said:
Like I said... "What you deduct and imagine after that fact....is your BS."
So i'm imagining or bsing that Robertson has met with Bush and they share the same base?
scottyz said:
So i'm imagining or bsing that Robertson has met with Bush and they share the same base?

Follow along.......


There. Now that's "4" seperate times (almost in a row) where I have said the same thing to you. So they share a religion. So they know each other. I'm sure the President and Roberston has many different friends. Maybe if you search the Internet for them you can find where those friends have done things, thereby, defining the GOP. From these certain facts you have created a statement of BS....

"It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish."

From these two individuals, you have concluded that "so many" conservatives wish harm upon U.S. cities and the "GOP wishes" it as well. This is the BS. This is also irresponsible and complete stupidity. This is a sure showing on how much one individual, like yourself, wishes such things to be true, because he is so deep rooted in his political BS that he is hopelessly lost in a desire for contriversy.

Any more break down will only cause you more embarassment.
GySgt said:
Follow along.......


There. Now that's "4" seperate times (almost in a row) where I have said the same thing to you. So they share a religion. So they know each other. I'm sure the President and Roberston has many different friends. Maybe if you search the Internet for them you can find where those friends have done things, thereby, defining the GOP. From these certain facts you have created a statement of BS....

"It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish."

From these two individuals, you have concluded that "so many" conservatives wish harm upon U.S. cities and the "GOP wishes" it as well. This is the BS. This is also irresponsible and complete stupidity. This is a sure showing on how much one individual, like yourself, wishes such things to be true, because he is so deep rooted in his political BS that he is hopelessly lost in a desire for contriversy.

Any more break down will only cause you more embarassment.

O'Reilly has some pretty high ratings on FOX News. If they stay high, and O'Reilly still has his job after his unpatriotic statement, then America will know that he still has his supporters, who approve of what he said.

I thought Pat Robertson's comments about hoping that God would kill innocent people in various cities were outrageous, but for this Neocon talking butthead to say that he approves of an al Qaeda attack on an American city is not only way over the top - It is absolutely despicable. It is ironclad proof that Bill O'Reilly is a certifiable raving lunatic.
GySgt said:
Follow along.......


There. Now that's "4" seperate times (almost in a row) where I have said the same thing to you. So they share a religion. So they know each other. I'm sure the President and Roberston has many different friends. Maybe if you search the Internet for them you can find where those friends have done things, thereby, defining the GOP. From these certain facts you have created a statement of BS....

"It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish."

From these two individuals, you have concluded that "so many" conservatives wish harm upon U.S. cities and the "GOP wishes" it as well. This is the BS. This is also irresponsible and complete stupidity. This is a sure showing on how much one individual, like yourself, wishes such things to be true, because he is so deep rooted in his political BS that he is hopelessly lost in a desire for contriversy.

Any more break down will only cause you more embarassment.
Do we not have two commentators that speak to large audiences on the right hoping for disaster in U.S. cities? Or was that just more responsible behavior?
What's with this GOP memo about the positives of new terrorist attacks?
scottyz said:
Do we not have two commentators that speak to large audiences on the right hoping for disaster in U.S. cities? Or was that just more responsible behavior?
What's with this GOP memo about the positives of new terrorist attacks?

No you have commentators on Air America who call for Bush to be assasinated. And they're serious, OReilly was obviously making a point which is no excuse but I seriously doubt that he truly wants San Fran to be attacked.

And u got a link to that memo?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No you have commentators on Air America who call for Bush to be assasinated. And they're serious, OReilly was obviously making a point which is no excuse but I seriously doubt that he truly wants San Fran to be attacked.

And u got a link to that memo?
What commentators called for Bush to be assassinated? Links?

Originally posted by scottyz

It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish.

I beleave the point that fake conservative O'Rielly was trying to make is that if you want to tell our military to **** off then why should they protect your ass.
jamesrage said:
I beleave the point that fake conservative O'Rielly was trying to make is that if you want to tell our military to **** off then why should they protect your ass.
Then he should have said just that rather than suggesting that Al Qaida attack SF. I understand the point he is attemping to make but the way he did it is totally unacceptable and indefensible.
Then he should have said just that rather than suggesting that Al Qaida attack SF. I understand the point he is attemping to make but the way he did it is totally unacceptable and indefensible.

Some times you got to beat the snot out of someone to make a point.

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