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O'Reilly: al-Qaida, please blow up Coit Tower (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Supervisor Chris Daly is firing back at Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly for comments he made on his radio show Wednesday that encouraged al-Qaida to "blow up" Coit Tower.

O'Reilly reacted to San Franciscans' approval of Proposition I, which discourages military recruiters on public high school and college campuses.

He advised President George W. Bush to react by withdrawing any military protection for the city. "...If al-Qaida comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead," O'Reilly said.

Daly responded on the KRON 4 Morning News, "Coit Tower's a monument to San Francisco's firefighters. They put out the fires in San Francisco after the great quake. American heroes -- they were there on Sept. 11 and now you want al-Qaida to blow up Coit Tower? Give us a break. You are out of line."


It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish.
scottyz said:

It's interesting to see so many conservative commentators wishing harm or terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Maybe the GOP will get its wish.

Is O'Reilly related to Pat Robertson, saying that some American cities need punishment? Maybe not, O'Reilly isn't appealing to as high a power. He's appealing to scum.

If one of us regular guys, on this site, asked a terrorist group that has killed thousands and destroyed massive buildings in this country, to blow up a specific building in America, on national radio, wouldn't he be arrested?
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Typical response from a self-propelled bullet catcher. We cant expect too much from a mindless automaton who only says two words at work "yes sir or no sir."

Its also a typical Non Capable Officer comment. They only see things one way and refuse to acknowledge that someone who isnt directly above them in the chain of command is right.

I dont know you personally Sarge, but I get the impression that you are going to retire from the Corp for the sole reason you dont fit in anywhere else. Thank god the military is there to keep people like you employed.
O'reilly went over board on this one by saying Al-Qaeda should attack anyone let alone a U.S. city but his point still stands; why should the U.S. military defend a city which has taken it upon itself to publicly denounce the armed forces? The military is THE single most honorable and self sacrificing career that I can think of so how can it be wrong to recruit in public schools?
Stupid comments like this are typical of editorialists.

Like Michael Medved (Jew) calling for the annhilation of Russia with nuclear bombs for disagreeing with American foreign policy.

Like Michael Savage (Jew) telling his Chrisitan listeners to fight for Israel while reading from the Talmud on occaision (The Supreme Jewish Holy Book which claims that Jesus Christ is currently being tortured in hell)

Like Pat Robertson (Satanist) calling for the assasination of Hugo Chavez disagreeing with Multi-NAtional Oil Companies.
ddoyle00 said:

Typical response from a self-propelled bullet catcher. We cant expect too much from a mindless automaton who only says two words at work "yes sir or no sir."

Its also a typical Non Capable Officer comment. They only see things one way and refuse to acknowledge that someone who isnt directly above them in the chain of command is right.

I dont know you personally Sarge, but I get the impression that you are going to retire from the Corp for the sole reason you dont fit in anywhere else. Thank god the military is there to keep people like you employed.

Awwww. Poor guy needs a hug. Try not to let what people say on TV or on radio hurt your feelings too much. Certainly don't let a political group rouse your emotions over them to suit their purposes.
Gunny, most people including myself except for how heartless you made your comment, consider you a patriot. People in the military for whatever reason they join, are defending American ideals and way of life.

But when your self-appointed media god says something that directly contradicts what we are fighting for, all you can do is roll your eyes? That gesture was not any better than an American protester picketing in front of the VA clinic.

That was bad taste along with Mr. Riley. Remember, you are not the only one deployed in these forums and it gives you no special debate immunity.
ddoyle00 said:
Gunny, most people including myself except for how heartless you made your comment, consider you a patriot. People in the military for whatever reason they join, are defending American ideals and way of life.

But when your self-appointed media god says something that directly contradicts what we are fighting for, all you can do is roll your eyes? That gesture was not any better than an American protester picketing in front of the VA clinic.

That was bad taste along with Mr. Riley. Remember, you are not the only one deployed in these forums and it gives you no special debate immunity.

What the hell are you talking about? Get a hold of yourself.

Fact one.... I don't listen to Riley.
Fact Two... I don't see him as any kind of "God."
Fact three.. I am not currently deployed.
Fact four.... I "rolled my eyes" at the notion that someone decided to make a thread out of a rediculous statement that did actually involve more than one statement that was making a point more than it was making a plea for Al-Queda to target an American city. It just so happens to be the same individual that runs around the Internet for anything he can use to bash current administration and current military efforts.
Fact five.... I despise the media in any form.
Fact six..... Riley is not the first commentator, reporter, religious leader, politician, or average citizen to shoot his mouth off.

Now, take your foot out of your mouth, dry your eyes, and calm yourself.
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ddoyle00 said:
Fine, I jumped the gun. I just appreciate consistencey in people. My bad, yo.

Was I inconsistent?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
O'reilly went over board on this one by saying Al-Qaeda should attack anyone let alone a U.S. city but his point still stands; why should the U.S. military defend a city which has taken it upon itself to publicly denounce the armed forces? The military is THE single most honorable and self sacrificing career that I can think of so how can it be wrong to recruit in public schools?

The military are the most honorable and self-sacrificing people, and that's why they defend this city along with all the others.

Look at what else is able to thrive under the protection of our military, unfortunately, the nazi who posted below. Even if he's in Germany, we protect him.
Lucidthots said:
Stupid comments like this are typical of editorialists.

Like Michael Medved (Jew) calling for the annhilation of Russia with nuclear bombs for disagreeing with American foreign policy.

Like Michael Savage (Jew) telling his Chrisitan listeners to fight for Israel while reading from the Talmud on occaision (The Supreme Jewish Holy Book which claims that Jesus Christ is currently being tortured in hell)

Like Pat Robertson (Satanist) calling for the assasination of Hugo Chavez disagreeing with Multi-NAtional Oil Companies.

And don't forget Pat Robertson telling the citizenry of Dover, Pennsylvania that they "just voted God out of their school" when they unseated 8 school board members who collectively started the whole ID bs within the biology classes. He also stated that the citizenry shouldn't look to God if there is a disaster in their area because he (God) won't save them.

Well, what Mr Robertson is forgetting is that Dover's area, is my area. Dover's area is Harrisburg, the capital of the state. If Dover were to have a disaster, more then likely so would the rest of us. So in "condemning" Dover, I'm taking it Mr Robertson is condemning the rest of us. Yep, that's compassion for ya :roll:
I think before this thread gets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand, someone needs to bring some reality to the situation. I nominate me.

Every city and every individual in America deserves every military member's complete dedication to protect and defend their rights, no matter what they decide to do with those rights.

O'Reilly was merely making a point on how screwed up it is for this city to deny our recruiters from doing their job. He was merely making a point on what a direct slap in the face it is to the very people that protect their rights to dishonor us.

Incidentally, O'Reilly was also exercising those same rights I and others protect. The man is paid to speak his mind no matter how un-tactful and no matter how "un-politically correct."

That's it. That's all. Get over it.
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GySgt said:
I think before this thread gets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand, someone needs to bring some reality to the situation. I nominate me.

Every city and every individual in America deserves every military member's complete dedictaion to protect and defend their rights, no matter what they decide to do with those rights.

O'Reilly was merely making a point on how screwed up it is for this city to deny our recruiters from doing their job. He was merely making a point on what a direct slap in the face it is to the very people that protect their rights to dishonor us.

That's it. That's all.

Shouldn't it be the citizenry's decision as to whether a recruiter can be inside a high school? After all, it's the taxpayer's children these recruiters would be speaking too, right? So, if a student wants to visit a recruiter, he can go to the local office, correct? They didn't DENY the recruiter the right to do his job. They simply said do your job outside of the school. Let the students come to you.
GySgt said:
I think before this thread gets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand, someone needs to bring some reality to the situation. I nominate me.

Every city and every individual in America deserves every military member's complete dedictaion to protect and defend their rights, no matter what they decide to do with those rights.

O'Reilly was merely making a point on how screwed up it is for this city to deny our recruiters from doing their job. He was merely making a point on what a direct slap in the face it is to the very people that protect their rights to dishonor us.

Incidentally, O'Reilly was also exercising those same rights I and others protect.

That's it. That's all. Get over it.

Aww man. Let it get out of hand. Its more entertaining... Bring reality into this and the entertainment value goes out the window.
GySgt said:
I think before this thread gets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand, someone needs to bring some reality to the situation. I nominate me.

Every city and every individual in America deserves every military member's complete dedictaion to protect and defend their rights, no matter what they decide to do with those rights.

O'Reilly was merely making a point on how screwed up it is for this city to deny our recruiters from doing their job. He was merely making a point on what a direct slap in the face it is to the very people that protect their rights to dishonor us.

That's it. That's all.

Exactly, I've never served but (baseball analogy coming) I feel that you don't have to be on the Yankees to want them to win the world series and that if you aren't routing for the home team then you should get the hell out of the stadium.
debate_junkie said:
Shouldn't it be the citizenry's decision as to whether a recruiter can be inside a high school? After all, it's the taxpayer's children these recruiters would be speaking too, right? So, if a student wants to visit a recruiter, he can go to the local office, correct? They didn't DENY the recruiter the right to do his job. They simply said do your job outside of the school. Let the students come to you.

The point that is not seen in this issue, is that if there was not a war on, recruitment in schools would be as it was before. The notion of serving one's country, to many people is honorable, unless you have to go to war. Just because there is a war on, it shouldn't mean that schools should close their doors.

Does this mean that on career days, all are welcome to go to the school gymnasium EXCEPT for military recruiters?
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Exactly, I've never served but (baseball analogy coming) I feel that you don't have to be on the Yankees to want them to win the world series and that if you aren't routing for the home team then you should get the hell out of the stadium.

You don't have to serve. I gladly do it for all who choose to safe guard the homefront for me.
GySgt said:
Every city and every individual in America deserves every military member's complete dedictaion to protect and defend their rights, no matter what they decide to do with those rights.

Yep. That's what I said.
GySgt said:
The point that is not seen in this issue, is that if there was not a war on, recruitment in schools would be as it was before. The notion of serving one's country, to many people is honorable, unless you have to go to war. Just because there is a war on, it shouldn't mean that schools should close their doors.

Does this mean that on career days, all are welcome to go to the school gymnasium EXCEPT for military recruiters?

Yes it is very honorable, however, parents are shakey about recruiters being able to solicit the kids. I don't disagree that recruiters should be able to visit on career days, however, most of the times, recruiters don't always JUST visit on career days. When I was a senior in high school, (1989 to be exact) there was no war, and a recruiter was in the cafeteria once a month. Career day, is career day. Once a month, well that's a bit of a nuisance, and that would be the case for ANY employer who did that.

Under the proposal in SF, to bar them completely, is ludicrous. They should be given the same opportunity any employer is given on career day. But tell me GySgt, that you know for a fact recruiters only appear in every high school in the nation on career day.
debate_junkie said:
Yes it is very honorable, however, parents are shakey about recruiters being able to solicit the kids. I don't disagree that recruiters should be able to visit on career days, however, most of the times, recruiters don't always JUST visit on career days. When I was a senior in high school, (1989 to be exact) there was no war, and a recruiter was in the cafeteria once a month. Career day, is career day. Once a month, well that's a bit of a nuisance, and that would be the case for ANY employer who did that.

Under the proposal in SF, to bar them completely, is ludicrous. They should be given the same opportunity any employer is given on career day. But tell me GySgt, that you know for a fact recruiters only appear in every high school in the nation on career day.

I never made such a statement. I merely brought up a question of Career Day.

I've never been a Recruiter (Thanks to deployments, I skated past that duty), nor did I attend High School in this country. I went to Kubasaki HS in Okinawa. Back then, the recruiters could not recruit from over seas (with good reason) and could only act as guides for information. We had to come back to the states to sign up. I don't know if it is the same way or not today.
debate_junkie said:
And don't forget Pat Robertson telling the citizenry of Dover, Pennsylvania that they "just voted God out of their school" when they unseated 8 school board members who collectively started the whole ID bs within the biology classes. He also stated that the citizenry shouldn't look to God if there is a disaster in their area because he (God) won't save them.

Well, what Mr Robertson is forgetting is that Dover's area, is my area. Dover's area is Harrisburg, the capital of the state. If Dover were to have a disaster, more then likely so would the rest of us. So in "condemning" Dover, I'm taking it Mr Robertson is condemning the rest of us. Yep, that's compassion for ya :roll:

Hey, I don't wish you any harm up there, but I live in Central Florida, and Pat's been blowing on us for a year now. Its your turn.

He threw the wrath on us because of the 'Gay Days' thing, which isn't even our doing. But they go to Disney World, so Central Florida must suffer.

I think he just threw in New Orleans for kicks, because of the sin and all.

Seriously, though, do you live in a sturdy house? I'm in a concrete block home, and it got me and my wife through three bad storms last year, and the one this year that really only caused rain where we are. If you live in a wood frame building, move if you can. Go concrete block, tilt-up, or structural steel. This makes you safer from wind and fire.

Earthquake, I don't know, but I don't think you guys live in an earthquake prone area. Look out for blizzards this winter, hope you have a fireplace or a Franklin stove, because fuel prices will be unbelievable. Look out for nor'easters.

Other than that, hunker down, and wait until somebody else does something damnable enough to divert Pat's attention from your area. Good luck.
GySgt said:
I never made such a statement. I merely brought up a question of Career Day.

I've never been a Recruiter (Thanks to deployments, I skated past that duty), nor did I attend High School in this country. I went to Kubasaki HS in Okinawa. Back then, the recruiters could not recruit from over seas (with good reason) and could only act as guides for information. We had to come back to the states to sign up. I don't know if it is the same way or not today.

I wasn't implying you made that statement. I forgot a question mark. I was asking if you knew for a fact that recruiters only visited schools on career day. Speaking to that, people in SF could be dealing with recruiters in their schools on a monthly basis. This is a knee jerk reaction to something, and I don't think it's just the war, though I've not heard enough out of SF to confirm, I believe it could be they were in the school's too much, and parents saw it as more of a distraction, then a help. There's more to this. Now if only someone had the balls to print the entire story, then I could stop speculating and come back with pure fact.
debate_junkie said:
I wasn't implying you made that statement. I forgot a question mark. I was asking if you knew for a fact that recruiters only visited schools on career day. Speaking to that, people in SF could be dealing with recruiters in their schools on a monthly basis. This is a knee jerk reaction to something, and I don't think it's just the war, though I've not heard enough out of SF to confirm, I believe it could be they were in the school's too much, and parents saw it as more of a distraction, then a help. There's more to this. Now if only someone had the balls to print the entire story, then I could stop speculating and come back with pure fact.

I know for a fact they do not only visit on career days. Also, I know for a fact the schools in SF aren't the only schools to have done this. Schools across the country have closed their doors over the last couple years. Strange that SF is getting such attention. Maybe because it is a city thing and not just a school thing.

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