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Oregon hotel calls cops on black guest talking to his mom in lobby (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A black man who was a guest at a hotel in Portland, Ore., was asked to leave by police and hotel staff while he was making a call in the lobby.

The Oregonian reported on Wednesday that Jermaine Massey, who is from Washington state, was visiting Portland for the first time to attend a Travis Scott concert when he received a late phone call from his mother.
This wave of 'living while black' incidents with the cops being called on innocent blacks is not only continuing, it seems to be accelerating. It should also be concerning.
Speaking purely hypothetically and not wishing to cast any aspersions on the veracity of this gentleman's claims, is it at all possible that he was engaged by hotel staff and then police because he was disturbing other guests and then, when asked to correct his behavior, decided to escalate the situation until he got kicked out? I mean, is that at least in the realm of possibility or is it more likely that the hotel kicked a paid guest out because he was black?
Speaking purely hypothetically

And that's exactly where your post meaningfully ends. You next claim you don't wish to question him from a position of ignorance, but then do just that.


A black man who was a guest at a hotel in Portland, Ore., was asked to leave by police and hotel staff while he was making a call in the lobby.

The Oregonian reported on Wednesday that Jermaine Massey, who is from Washington state, was visiting Portland for the first time to attend a Travis Scott concert when he received a late phone call from his mother.
This wave of 'living while black' incidents with the cops being called on innocent blacks is not only continuing, it seems to be accelerating. It should also be concerning.

I wonder if it has anything to do with all those people who flood every single thread that mentions the possible influence of racism armed with bull**** hypotheticals that blame the black person. That is, unless there is available evidence that strongly suggests the police or property owner were the ones at fault, in which these same people instead claim that nobody should talk about this now because "we don't have all the facts."


A black man who was a guest at a hotel in Portland, Ore., was asked to leave by police and hotel staff while he was making a call in the lobby.

The Oregonian reported on Wednesday that Jermaine Massey, who is from Washington state, was visiting Portland for the first time to attend a Travis Scott concert when he received a late phone call from his mother.
This wave of 'living while black' incidents with the cops being called on innocent blacks is not only continuing, it seems to be accelerating. It should also be concerning.
This smells like a "Being a dick while black" story.
Assuming its all true I would expect a nice payday if I was him.
This smells like a "Being a dick while black" story.

Well the hotel haven't put an alternative story out yet have they? I'm waiting for one other poster who will claim unless there are plenty of other examples of stories like this or racial slurs being used that this story is not "real racism...."
Speaking purely hypothetically and not wishing to cast any aspersions on the veracity of this gentleman's claims, is it at all possible that he was engaged by hotel staff and then police because he was disturbing other guests and then, when asked to correct his behavior, decided to escalate the situation until he got kicked out? I mean, is that at least in the realm of possibility or is it more likely that the hotel kicked a paid guest out because he was black?

NO, it is not possible. The guard did not say he was disturbing other guests. He said Massey was loitering. In addition, video shows Massey was in an area where there were no other guests and he is calm.

Well the hotel haven't put an alternative story out yet have they? I'm waiting for one other poster who will claim unless there are plenty of other examples of stories like this or racial slurs being used that this story is not "real racism...."
Maybe this was racism or maybe this guy is a race agitator, we don't know yet but I smell agitation. There was a story on DP some months back about race agitation in Portland, someone trying to get served after closing, not, claimed racism and got the employee fired...it turned out that the so called customer was a political activist who targeted that particular business...in these things now reality is often not the story that goes viral.
Maybe this was racism or maybe this guy is a race agitator, we don't know yet but I smell agitation. There was a story on DP some months back about race agitation in Portland, someone trying to get served after closing, not, claimed racism and got the employee fired...it turned out that the so called customer was a political activist who targeted that particular business...in these things now reality is often not the story that goes viral.
He was a guest, in the lobby on the phone. Unless he was loudly swearing, I doubt there was much agitation going on
He was a guest, in the lobby on the phone. Unless he was loudly swearing, I doubt there was much agitation going on
There is a pretty good chance that we will eventually have access to the truth here, and keep in mind that I am making no claims here, I am sniffing only.
Portland is a city run by white Democrats including their police force. Once again we see just how racist white liberal Democrats really are.
What is obviously missing is anything that happened before security was calling the police. So we don't know why the police were called.
What is obviously missing is anything that happened before security was calling the police. So we don't know why the police were called.

The police were called because they claimed the man was loitering....in the hotel where he had a room.
Speaking purely hypothetically and not wishing to cast any aspersions on the veracity of this gentleman's claims, is it at all possible that he was engaged by hotel staff and then police because he was disturbing other guests and then, when asked to correct his behavior, decided to escalate the situation until he got kicked out? I mean, is that at least in the realm of possibility or is it more likely that the hotel kicked a paid guest out because he was black?

NO, it is not possible. The guard did not say he was disturbing other guests. He said Massey was loitering. In addition, video shows Massey was in an area where there were no other guests and he is calm.


Yeah, but maybe he intimidated the guard into saying that by making gang threats. We don't know the full story. We've got to assume that he was doing something wrong because it's so wrong to assume the hotel staff weren't maybe a little bit racist. It's much better to assume in the other direction.

/sarc. off

In other words, if someone is of a mindset that leads them to enter threads about apparent racism and make up hypotheticals to blame the black guy (while claiming not to be doing that), they're not going to back down. Best they'll do is jump thread and pretend it didn't happen.
Portland is a city run by white Democrats including their police force. Once again we see just how racist white liberal Democrats really are.

What is obviously missing is anything that happened before security was calling the police. So we don't know why the police were called.

So predictable. So very predictable.
It is odd on the video everyone is so calm. Does not appear this just happened after some agitated encounter.

He even tells the security person that he didn't do anything to him and is just taking a phone call and the security guard nods his head yes.

The hotel came out and said : “Safety and security of our guests and associates is our top priority at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland,” the hotel said in a statement. “This unfortunate incident is likely the result of a misunderstanding between our hotel and guest."

Am certain the hotel has a video recording in the lobby so they should be able to demonstrate what caused this.
I can't imagine what this guy could have done while talking on the phone to deserve to be harassed.

I stayed at a downtown Embassy Suites by Hilton over the weekend for a "staycation" and there was a huge group of people doing a scavenger hunt, drinking and basically causing a ruckus. So what, right? Yet, nobody called the cops but I'm sure some of you can guess why.

A black man who was a guest at a hotel in Portland, Ore., was asked to leave by police and hotel staff while he was making a call in the lobby.

The Oregonian reported on Wednesday that Jermaine Massey, who is from Washington state, was visiting Portland for the first time to attend a Travis Scott concert when he received a late phone call from his mother.
This wave of 'living while black' incidents with the cops being called on innocent blacks is not only continuing, it seems to be accelerating. It should also be concerning.

With all the biased press trying to show 'innocent' blacks getting disciplined unfairly, businesses and private citizens are going to find it more difficult to treat black people in the appropriate way.

A Race Consultant could be hired to be on hand whenever an employee has to deal with a black person. When a situation develops, such as a black person getting rude or disruptive, the RC would remind the white person that the black person is indeed black. There was slavery and Jim Crow, and Trump is racist. Therefore, the threshold to act on disruptive behavior is raised when the disruptor is black. Think of it as a behavior allowance in the spirit of affirmative action: Michael Brown was still a teddy bear even though he strong-armed the clerk.

For those private white citizens who can't afford an RC, perhaps a home course with weekly refreshers might suffice. For an even more frugal option, the mass media provides clues - for free - on how to adjust your reactions to behavior based on race.
There is more to this story then we are being told?
Security asked Mr. Massey what his room number was and he said he could not remember but the story said Massey had his room key in his hand?
NO, it is not possible. The guard did not say he was disturbing other guests. He said Massey was loitering. In addition, video shows Massey was in an area where there were no other guests and he is calm.


Not possible? At all?

From your own linked story: "A police report describes Massey as very angry and loud." But, according to you, it's not even possible.

I think that both stories are potentially possible at this point; the story given by Massey and the story given by the police. Why do I think that? Because I don't automatically trust anyone's version of a story, without enough evidence to support their claims and without there being evidence to the contrary such as the police report.
There is more to this story then we are being told?
Security asked Mr. Massey what his room number was and he said he could not remember but the story said Massey had his room key in his hand?
Room keys are plastic cards and do not have the room number on them, otherwise a dropped/lost card makes the room open to the card finder. I have done this, forgot my room number and had to go to the desk and ask....
"I heard it was the Bloods and Crips."
Room keys are plastic cards and do not have the room number on them, otherwise a dropped/lost card makes the room open to the card finder. I have done this, forgot my room number and had to go to the desk and ask....

You usually get a paper card holder and they write the room number on that paper sleeve! The plastic room key slips into the holder.

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