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Open source (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
With sun going open and Linux getting tons of investment (IBM has been noted etc), where do you think the future of open source is going? will it sufficently attack Windows on the business or personal computing grounds or will open source just be a niche market?

How much money goes into open sourve vs closed source every year?

Just wondering, I was rallied up about it from this podcast I was listening to...
128shot said:
With sun going open and Linux getting tons of investment (IBM has been noted etc), where do you think the future of open source is going? will it sufficently attack Windows on the business or personal computing grounds or will open source just be a niche market?

How much money goes into open sourve vs closed source every year?

Just wondering, I was rallied up about it from this podcast I was listening to...

I think that open source software and operating systems could gain a viable, competitive market, given the right resources.

However, I'll probably always be a Windows fan...aside from the old Apple computers we used in computer class (and that was just to do typing exercises and play The Oregon Trail :2razz: ), Windows is all I know...I'm certainly not adverse to learning new things, but I'm very comfortable with Windows....not to mention, I do think a lot of software companies will lag a bit on making their goods compatible with multiple OSs.....
128shot said:
With sun going open and Linux getting tons of investment (IBM has been noted etc), where do you think the future of open source is going? will it sufficently attack Windows on the business or personal computing grounds or will open source just be a niche market?

How much money goes into open sourve vs closed source every year?

Just wondering, I was rallied up about it from this podcast I was listening to...
Bill gates is just going to steal the software structure and sale it as his own like he has done since 1985.
128shot said:
With sun going open and Linux getting tons of investment (IBM has been noted etc), where do you think the future of open source is going? will it sufficently attack Windows on the business or personal computing grounds or will open source just be a niche market?

How much money goes into open sourve vs closed source every year?

Just wondering, I was rallied up about it from this podcast I was listening to...

Open source is for the like minded people. It will remain a closed door market for IT/CS persons. Most people are more concerned with a pleasant interface then they are with more intricate understanding of programming and code-dancing.

In terms of investment I would say a handful goes to open source.... by the virtue of creativity.... in the whole though consumers tend to spend their dollars on closed source products which more than tips the scale.

Perhaps as the interest in the computer age grows we will see a greater number of people becoming more involved.
Conflict said:
Open source is for the like minded people. It will remain a closed door market for IT/CS persons. Most people are more concerned with a pleasant interface then they are with more intricate understanding of programming and code-dancing.

In terms of investment I would say a handful goes to open source.... by the virtue of creativity.... in the whole though consumers tend to spend their dollars on closed source products which more than tips the scale.

Perhaps as the interest in the computer age grows we will see a greater number of people becoming more involved.

but as the open source software becomes more powerful and less buggy, average users will be able to use it, and wont have to tamper with the code or customize it. They can leave that to the more computer-literate consumers.
The only serious competitor towards Windows would be GoogleOS, and I highly doubt that would end up as an open source OS either, so no, open source operating systems will probably remain a niche market for geeks and servers. Open source applications, however, have a pretty decent market ahead of them.

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