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One Strong Reason the Democrats Have to Win this Election - Health Care for All (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
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Here is one of the most important reasons why the Democrats have to win this 2020 election:

Health Care for everyone is something we need to strive for. Not just for those that can afford it or those that work for a company that supplies it but for everyone. The people that cannot afford Health Care cannot and will not have it under the Republicans. Only the Democrats are trying to accomplish it.

Here is Ady Barkan's story and why Medicare for all should be instituted at some point in our society. We are among the few nations that does not guarantee Health Care to all.

I agree with Barken. Unlike alot of the left, which seems to think it gains twitter cred from comparing both parties as equal (I've fallen in this trap in the past), I tend to agree with Vaush about this topic.

MILLIONS of Americans Face Eviction - Can We Survive This? - YouTube

Vaush correctly points out that the republican party is now essentially a death cult.

This is the correct position, that the republicans have essentially crystallized into a cult of Trump (Qanon) and now is irrevocably broken. We need to push for healthcare, there is no excuse for this from this country.
Health Care for everyone is something we need to strive for. Not just for those that can afford it or those that work for a company that supplies it but for everyone. The people that cannot afford Health Care cannot and will not have it under the Republicans. Only the Democrats are trying to accomplish it.

Biden is against Medicare for All, and the DNC platform supports Obamacare:

Biden is against Medicare for All, and the DNC platform supports Obamacare:


All major changes should come slowly so that people can adapt to them. Ultimately, all Democrats want some kind of Health Care that everyone gets. The naming of such a program (Medicare for all or Obamacare) is not important. What is important is that the Democrats have Health Care as a priority, whereas the Republicans don't.
Tough issue always.
Availabilty, Affordabilty, Quality.
Nothing checks all the boxes.
My take is that we want the least bad situation.

I think the ACA is the answer.
Tough issue always.
Availabilty, Affordabilty, Quality.
Nothing checks all the boxes.
My take is that we want the least bad situation.

I think the ACA is the answer.

If the ACA is the answer, then Trump has to go.
He is going. I don't think there's much question of that.
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All major changes should come slowly so that people can adapt to them.

You mean so special interest groups can adapt to them. I'm pretty sure I could "adapt" to free medical care in a matter of seconds.

Ultimately, all Democrats want some kind of Health Care that everyone gets.

That's what we have now.
You mean so special interest groups can adapt to them. I'm pretty sure I could "adapt" to free medical care in a matter of seconds.

That's what we have now.

First of all, adapting to something good is easy. Nonetheless, nothing good comes free and adapting to taxes that would pay for free health care takes a lot of adapting to.

No, we do not have Health Care that everyone gets. About 30 million more than before Obamacare came now have health care but it is still not all. It takes, signing up for it to begin with (it is not automatic) and in addition and especially since Trump came into office, the health care given is limited as everyone signing up is no longer required. in addition, there are still many things not covered as Obamacare needed to be tweaked but Trump had no interest in making it better.
Here is one of the most important reasons why the Democrats have to win this 2020 election:

Health Care for everyone is something we need to strive for. Not just for those that can afford it or those that work for a company that supplies it but for everyone. The people that cannot afford Health Care cannot and will not have it under the Republicans. Only the Democrats are trying to accomplish it.

Here is Ady Barkan's story and why Medicare for all should be instituted at some point in our society. We are among the few nations that does not guarantee Health Care to all.

Just more people wanting free **** from the government.
Tough issue always.
Availabilty, Affordabilty, Quality.
Nothing checks all the boxes.
My take is that we want the least bad situation.

I think the ACA is the answer.

It has been shown that the ACA can be taken apart; a new system is necessary to reduce or eliminate this insufficiency.
It has been shown that the ACA can be taken apart; a new system is necessary to reduce or eliminate this insufficiency.

If nihilists get power, no system is safe. They're ripping apart the post offices, gutting Social Security by executive fiat. That's not an insufficiency of those programs.
This is just a fantasy. We can't even afford the Medicare we have now, which sucks anyway. It covers 80% -- great, but what if you need surgery that costs $200,000?

Because of the pandemic and all the crazy bailouts and interventions, this country is broker than broke. And no, printing ever more money is not the answer.
Just more people wanting free **** from the government.

You just convinced me...................................that you are a person with no heart, no common sense, and no ability to discern truth from lies. No wonder you support Trump.

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