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One of the most important things we should do about Ukraine - with China (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.
Good chance China will oppose any sanctions that might come from the U.N. They will also trade with Russia. They just agreed to buy a very large amount of coal. Two communist countries helping each other out.
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.

America's days are over .

Try living in the past and you really will drop down the toilet .
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.
I heard China's now making noise about seizing Taiwan now. They aren't gonna turn on Putin.
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.

Not nearly as easy to threaten China as Russia. Russia is an economic weakling, China is not. For example has anyone heard that the sanctions put in place cut off Russian oil and gas to Germany. If not, it would seem these sanctions is window dressing for the folks who people who do not look through the impact of what Biden has tossed out.

We would be in a horrible place if China put sanctions on us!
I now saw the moderation about Ukraine topics, but this isn't a Ukraine topic but a China topic.

China threatens to play a spoiler, and make western sanctions powerless as a deterrent. The west should look for how to threaten China should they do so - to treat them as an accomplice to the crimes to any power they enable, and to punish them with sanctions as well if they do. Otherwise, the west is largely powerless against aggressive actors.

If we aren't doing anything about China having concentration camps and committing genocide we certainly aren't going to jack shit about evading sanctions.

The only real solution to this problem involves a real war with Russia and China and no one has the stomach for that.

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