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One of Putin's aides has quit and left Russia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Putin Aide Chubais Quits Kremlin, Leaves Russia

So Putin's Climate Envoy, Anatoly Chubais decided to ditch Putin over the Invasion of Ukraine and leave for Turkey. Chubais have held different positions in the Kremlin Inner Circle since the Yeltsin era.
Does his name translate into "Paul Manafort?"
Oh noooos. What will Russia do without a “climate envoy?!” Quick! Somebody call the Lorax! :ROFLMAO:

He had better get to a doctor fast if someone on the sidewalk "accidentally" bumps into him.

We all know what happened to some critics of the war criminal and thug (President Biden's description) in London.

Well, at least the guy mentioned in the OP had the sense NOT to return to Russia.

He had better get to a doctor fast if someone on the sidewalk "accidentally" bumps into him.

He took some anti dote to Polonium poisoning with him.

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