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One last flip-flop (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Townhall

Ann Coulter said:
I guess John Kerry went into the primary without a plan to win the election.

The Democrats threw everything they had at this election. They ran a phony Vietnam War hero and a phony Southerner. They had middle-aged women executives at MTV hawking "Rock the Vote" to entice the most uninformed young people to vote for Kerry. They had Bruce Springsteen, Dave Matthews and New York Times darling Eminem. They had documentaries, books, the universities, Hollywood (and the French!) on their side.

They had liberal thugs ransacking Bush-Cheney headquarters, stealing Bush-Cheney signs and slashing the tires of Bush-Cheney get-out-the-vote vans on Election Day. In Colorado, they traded voter registrations for crack cocaine. In Ohio, they registered Mary Poppins and Dick Tracy. In South Carolina, Emily's List called Republican households and gave them incorrect information about the location of polling places.

The media campaigned heavily for Kerry with endless Abu Ghraib coverage, phony National Guard documents and, days before the election, false news reports that hundreds of tons of munitions had been looted in Iraq.

I am secretly in love with this woman. Good editorial.

Do you agree? Disagree on her position?
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I am secretly in deep hatred of Ann Coulter. Just Kidding. It's no secret.

Ann Coulter deserves to get pied DIRECTLY IN THE FACE.

Pundits = Waste of breath.
LOL, that already happened... hasn't stopped her.

Smoking Gun
Ya, but they didn't get a REAL good pie-ing on her. She was able to duck. I was real pie-to-face action!
I wouldn't mind Ann's pie in my face but that is another topic for another time. I think she is awsome.:applaud
I may agree with her on this one, but I'd never know since my eyes started to glaze over half-way through her little rant.
i know the feeling, the person puts me right to sleep. Except for when i want to throw something at her.
She's a man. Seriously I wouldn't touch her with a 20 foot pole.
It's funny the stuff she accuses the Kerry campain of running when the best Bush could come up with was Kerry going back and for on a board with a sail atached.
From Ann Coulter I think that altough these things did happen (tire slashing, harrassment etc.) that they wee acting on their own. You can't judge a group of people because of some individuals action. At least Kerry went to war while Bush stayed home because of his daddy's connections.
From Ann Coulter I think that altough these things did happen (tire slashing, harrassment etc.) that they wee acting on their own. You can't judge a group of people because of some individuals action. At least Kerry went to war while Bush stayed home because of his daddy's connections.

there is no way to prove either way that bushs father kept him out of veit nam. there was a little reported news story before the election where bushs co in the air national guard stated that "The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go,” http://www.volunteertv.com/Global/story.asp?S=2346701
on both sides you have people that claim one thing or another and the documents that the government has dont say much(which just dealing with somthing like the mvd shouldent be much of a suprise to anyone)

and as far a ann coulter is concerned she irritates liberals as much as people like michael moore and al franken irritate republicans.
Please go to cnn and do a search for stories about Bush's time in the military. If you deem it a bunch of liberal rubbish than please do some fact checking and prove it.
the only proof either way is statements made by various people who either served with him or above him. and in todays world what a person says has no credibility without solid evidence. the cbs reports on this showed that even after 5 years the only way they could procede with the story was to use forged documents.
What has been pretty well established is that the Bush baby was not present for duty when he should have been. As far as I know, he has never actually come out and said that he was, and certainly has presented no proof. Whether any of his superiors ever called him a deserter is something else. I don't know what they called him. Children of privilege commonly hid out in the Guard then, and treated the whole affair very casually. One thing is clear: the fact that forgeries were used doesn't prove that no one ever wrote that he was a deserter. Records like that have a way of being vanished. It's too bad the news media seem to have lost their investigative zeal. :eek:

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