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On recognizing DP members' IDs and/or avatars (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
Washington, D.C.
Political Leaning
Although I'm not at the point of knowing what stance a given DP member may take on "this or that" issue, I'm finally beginning to recognize and recall certain DP members IDs/avatars as ones I fairly often encounter. That epiphany came to me today as I remarked on another member's comment.

Immediately after posting my response, I scrolled back up and realized that an aspect of the member's avatar, its main color, is how I recognize the member. Upon realizing that the limit of my recognition is that "the member's avatar is 'thus and such' color," it occurred to me that I'd have no idea of who's who, so to speak, if the few members who avatars I vaguely recognize were to altar their avatars. LOL

That though inspired me to create this thread to ask whether other members have as vague (less so or more so) a recollection as I of with whom they are, at any given moment, interacting. So there's the thread question:
  • If folks changed their avatars, would you still recognize the member?
Although I'm not at the point of knowing what stance a given DP member may take on "this or that" issue, I'm finally beginning to recognize and recall certain DP members IDs/avatars as ones I fairly often encounter. That epiphany came to me today as I remarked on another member's comment.

Immediately after posting my response, I scrolled back up and realized that an aspect of the member's avatar, its main color, is how I recognize the member. Upon realizing that the limit of my recognition is that "the member's avatar is 'thus and such' color," it occurred to me that I'd have no idea of who's who, so to speak, if the few members who avatars I vaguely recognize were to altar their avatars. LOL

That though inspired me to create this thread to ask whether other members have as vague (less so or more so) a recollection as I of with whom they are, at any given moment, interacting. So there's the thread question:
  • If folks changed their avatars,
  • would you still recognize the member?
stormy says 'yes' and in the donald's instance, 'it wasn't all that'

i now return you to the actual thread topic
Although I'm not at the point of knowing what stance a given DP member may take on "this or that" issue, I'm finally beginning to recognize and recall certain DP members IDs/avatars as ones I fairly often encounter. That epiphany came to me today as I remarked on another member's comment.

Immediately after posting my response, I scrolled back up and realized that an aspect of the member's avatar, its main color, is how I recognize the member. Upon realizing that the limit of my recognition is that "the member's avatar is 'thus and such' color," it occurred to me that I'd have no idea of who's who, so to speak, if the few members who avatars I vaguely recognize were to altar their avatars. LOL

That though inspired me to create this thread to ask whether other members have as vague (less so or more so) a recollection as I of with whom they are, at any given moment, interacting. So there's the thread question:
  • If folks changed their avatars, would you still recognize the member?

I go by names, for the most part, so no...changing avatars doesn't matter much to me.
Although I'm not at the point of knowing what stance a given DP member may take on "this or that" issue, I'm finally beginning to recognize and recall certain DP members IDs/avatars as ones I fairly often encounter. That epiphany came to me today as I remarked on another member's comment.

Immediately after posting my response, I scrolled back up and realized that an aspect of the member's avatar, its main color, is how I recognize the member. Upon realizing that the limit of my recognition is that "the member's avatar is 'thus and such' color," it occurred to me that I'd have no idea of who's who, so to speak, if the few members who avatars I vaguely recognize were to altar their avatars. LOL

That though inspired me to create this thread to ask whether other members have as vague (less so or more so) a recollection as I of with whom they are, at any given moment, interacting. So there's the thread question:
  • If folks changed their avatars, would you still recognize the member?

Many members do change their avatars. They usually keep their name. I"m curious what your avatar is. Is it an old Viking face shield? Modern Movie shield? Artwork from a Museum? Of special significance? I understand the mirror image.
I change my avatar every so often because I just get bored with it, or because a different avatar might reflect my overall mood.
I try to rotate from a collection of favorites, though.
I think I'm going to change it again today, just for grins.

I mostly go by names.

Sometimes similar avatars or names can trip me up.

Sometimes I get people confused when they seem to fill the same forum niche -- especially the ones who take the rightwing shock jock role.
You know...it's been a while since I've changed my avatar. I'm going to do it now.

stormy says 'yes' and in the donald's instance, 'it wasn't all that'

i now return you to the actual thread topic

LOL....It took me a hot minute to "get" the joke....LOL
Many members do change their avatars. They usually keep their name. I"m curious what your avatar is. Is it an old Viking face shield? Modern Movie shield? Artwork from a Museum? Of special significance? I understand the mirror image.

You're the first person to ask openly about my avatar. It's an upside down theatrical costume element.



I often recognize avatars but it doesn’t throw me off if they change it as names are my primary method of IDing a user.

Funny thing is I often recognize an avatar without actually noticing what the picture specifically is. Kind of how you can listen to the same song over and over without ever actually noticing what the words actually say.
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Many members do change their avatars. They usually keep their name. I"m curious what your avatar is. Is it an old Viking face shield? Modern Movie shield? Artwork from a Museum? Of special significance? I understand the mirror image.
There's no special significance, per se, to my avatar, but the short version of the story of how I chose the noted image is this:

My ID is one I chose some 15 or more years ago when I played D&D-style RPG games with my son. I wanted a strange-ish yet simple ID that seemed (to me at least) to be fitting in a Tolkien-like world. I glanced at the watch on my wrist and decided that spelling it in reverse would make a fine game character ID. The logo on the watch is a crown and since I spelled the brand name backwards to create the ID, I figured an upside down crown would be a fitting match for my ID.
I often recognize avatars but it doesn’t throw me off if they change it as names are my primary method of IDing a user.

Funny thing is I often recognize an avatar without actually noticing what the picture specifically is. Kind of how you can listen to the same song over and over without ever actually noticing what the words actually say.

That is exactly the notion I was getting at in my OP and, clearly, it's why if someone changes their avatar, in most cases, I won't have any idea of who they are.
You need a tuba lamp, or a North Shore bead encrusted palm frond lamp with the scattered laser unit on top.
Given those lighting fixtures, I can imagine how you might have thought my avatar a sconce of some sort. Like my avatar, they're sorta "out there."

...And why shouldn't I laugh? You are...LOL

One of these days I'm going to resume my old hobby of making strange looking lamps.
I actually did sell those two and I wish I hadn't.
I also made a lamp out of bundled railroad flares, an old brass windup alarm clock and some LEDs that Brenda Carlin liked so much she bought it. She installed it in a guest bathroom.
Yes, it looks a lot like a home made bundle of dynamite with an alarm clock timer.
Maybe she felt it was appropriate for a guest bathroom, we are talking about the Carlins. :lamo
Although I'm not at the point of knowing what stance a given DP member may take on "this or that" issue, I'm finally beginning to recognize and recall certain DP members IDs/avatars as ones I fairly often encounter. That epiphany came to me today as I remarked on another member's comment.

Immediately after posting my response, I scrolled back up and realized that an aspect of the member's avatar, its main color, is how I recognize the member. Upon realizing that the limit of my recognition is that "the member's avatar is 'thus and such' color," it occurred to me that I'd have no idea of who's who, so to speak, if the few members who avatars I vaguely recognize were to altar their avatars. LOL

That though inspired me to create this thread to ask whether other members have as vague (less so or more so) a recollection as I of with whom they are, at any given moment, interacting. So there's the thread question:
  • If folks changed their avatars, would you still recognize the member?

I use their name as my main clue.
One of these days I'm going to resume my old hobby of making strange looking lamps.
I actually did sell those two and I wish I hadn't.
I also made a lamp out of bundled railroad flares, an old brass windup alarm clock and some LEDs that Brenda Carlin liked so much she bought it. She installed it in a guest bathroom.
Yes, it looks a lot like a home made bundle of dynamite with an alarm clock timer.
Maybe she felt it was appropriate for a guest bathroom, we are talking about the Carlins. :lamo

Seems like a nifty hobby. I bid you resume your avocation ASAP. Distractions such as that are often what catalyze in one clarity, as sense of accomplishment, and some entertainment/joy. Those are never bad things to find. Best of luck getting back to it.

Albeit only observationally, I gotta say, though, you have more interest in light fixtures than I can muster. That's fine. It just is what it is. I'm sure I have interests in things that don't "jibe" with your and many others' interests. You know what brings you joy and revel in it, and that's awesome; many folks don't know such things about themselves and/or aren't proud of that which does. Kudos. I'm not among the folks who are unclear about themselves, and you clearly aren't either.

Life lacking clarity and the sense of self such as you've found with your zest for lighting must suck. I truly hope folks thus wanting don't long remain so.
Seems like a nifty hobby. I bid you resume your avocation ASAP. Distractions such as that are often what catalyze in one clarity, as sense of accomplishment, and some entertainment/joy. Those are never bad things to find. Best of luck getting back to it.

Albeit only observationally, I gotta say, though, you have more interest in light fixtures than I can muster. That's fine. It just is what it is. I'm sure I have interests in things that don't "jibe" with your and many others' interests. You know what brings you joy and revel in it, and that's awesome; many folks don't know such things about themselves and/or aren't proud of that which does. Kudos. I'm not among the folks who are unclear about themselves, and you clearly aren't either.

Life lacking clarity and the sense of self such as you've found with your zest for lighting must suck. I truly hope folks thus wanting don't long remain so.

This says "Xelor" all over it but I think it's already sold.

Kion lamp.jpg

Dammit, stupid thing wasn't supposed to be sideways.
This says "Xelor" all over it but I think it's already sold.

View attachment 67246136

Dammit, stupid thing wasn't supposed to be sideways.

I'm not right now sure what I think of your thinking that lamp "says 'Xelor' all over it," but assuming you built it, I'm going to take it as a compliment. Thank you.

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